Fine Art in a Digital Format Designed by Olga Workman MiraCosta College fall 2002 Contact Information: September 6 --October 18
Class description n This innovative art class will show you how to bridge the gap between traditional forms of drawing or painting and modern digital art. It doesn’t matter whether you are an amateur or professional artist as long as you bring your imagination and a sprit of adventure. The class will challenge your creativity and show you how to preserve, enhance, exhibit or advertise your own unique artwork.
Goals By the end of the class students will: n Find out how to prepare artwork for digital display and Create digital versions of traditional art forms n Use scanning techniques to preserve art n Explore digital techniques to enhance art
Supply list n RW CD ROMS (provided) n R CD ROMS n ZIP Disks (optional) n Original art or photographs n Sketch book for notes and sketches
Projects Home Projects: Art of your choice Class Projects: Art of your choice Class 1 Date: Sep. 6 Course Introduction:Universal Language of Art Nonobjective painting in a Digital Format n An Introduction to the PhotoShop interface n Digital space exploration n An introduction to digital colors n Exercises
Class Projects Class 2 Date: Sep. 13 Underpainting: “Experimenting without fear” n Media conversion: scanning tips n Digital sketching n Miracles with digital palettes Class 3 Date: Sep. 20 Still Life n Juxtaposition of images n Juxtaposition of emotions, textures and other qualities n Transparency and opacity exploration n Imitating acrylic painting
Class Projects No Class on September 27 Class 4 Date: October 4 Landscape painting n Digital perspective n Painting life n Imitating water color painting Class 5 Date: October 11 Digital Portrait: “Doorway to myself” n Exploration of filters and special effects n Pastel, crayon and techniques
Class Projects Class 6 Date: October 18 Presentations on the Web: n Selecting and combining Art n Preserving Colors n Working with formats n Questions and answers
The Language of Art n Art is a universal tongue n Altering the visual vocabulary n Using the creative powers of Art n Creative energy deep sources: Self-knowledge (left brain) Feelings (right brain) Inner voice Personal vision Arena of life
Surprises of Digital Space n Difference in spatial relationships in the actual spatial world, the two-dimensional picture plane and complex digital environment n Limitations of digital space n Developing a new standard of vision, a new sensibility that can release the nervous system to a broader scale of orientation n Measuring digital space and and relating it to a two-dimensional picture plane n Ordering digital space: Reducing and increasing a picture surface. Changing direction of visual flow (linear Vs horizontal movement, portrait Vs landscape orientation). Approximation of spatial forms such as positions, shapes, directions, and intervals
Mouse Vs Brushes: n The Western, Eastern and Computer methods: Working with Brushes (various holds, pressures and movements) n A combination of technical virtuosity and a deep understanding of the nature of the subject matter n Brush drawing as a reflection of an Artist’s character and decision n Life and appropriateness, fluency and control n Speed, tightness of grip, pressure, wrist and arm position Fine, medium and heavy-width strokes n Brush character
Exercises n Corporate grid n Painting wash n Drawing in two-dimensional and computer space n Chinese scroll, Horizontal scroll n Digital surprises n Active and passive shapes