Enchanting China By: Hans Son (5C)
Important and Exciting Facts on China China is located in East Asia (as you all probably know...). You can see where China is located on this map. Did you know that China was one of the first countries who devised the independent language system of their own?
Important and Exciting Facts on China (part 2) Did you know there is a word called Confucianism? (Confucianism is an old Chinese system originated from the thoughts and spirits of Confucius.) A Statue of Confucius
About China’s Land and Water China is the third-biggest nation in the world!!! China is the third-biggest nation in the world!!! Most of China is made up of mountains, highlands, and plateaus. Most of China is made up of mountains, highlands, and plateaus. China is called “a land of extremes” since it has the longest history of civilization. China is called “a land of extremes” since it has the longest history of civilization. Mt. Everest is located on the borders of China and Nepal. It looks cool!
About China’s Land and Water (part 2) The Yangzi River has the special trait that it is the only river in East Asia that is deep enough for ships to pass by on. The Yangzi River has the special trait that it is the only river in East Asia that is deep enough for ships to pass by on. The Huang He River is very crowded with people since it goes through a fertile region called the North China Plain. There is a lot of loess there that can help crops and other plants grow well. The Huang He River is very crowded with people since it goes through a fertile region called the North China Plain. There is a lot of loess there that can help crops and other plants grow well. The Yangzi River The Huang He River
Climate and Vegetation Most of Eastern China has a humid subtropical climate (that means there are different seasons such as hot summers and cool winters.) Most of Eastern China has a humid subtropical climate (that means there are different seasons such as hot summers and cool winters.) Meanwhile, the northern part of China, it is very dry. Temperatures can go from freezing cold to burning hot. Meanwhile, the northern part of China, it is very dry. Temperatures can go from freezing cold to burning hot. Desert Region in Northern China Freezing and Burning Temperatures!
Natural Resources China has a huge amount of natural resources. China has a huge amount of natural resources. For a very long time, Chinese people have dug copper tin, and iron. For a very long time, Chinese people have dug copper tin, and iron. On top of that, China has massive oil reserves and the world’s biggest supply of coal. On top of that, China has massive oil reserves and the world’s biggest supply of coal. However, China has to import some natural resources because it does not have everything that meets its needs. However, China has to import some natural resources because it does not have everything that meets its needs. Just 10% of China can be farmed... Just 10% of China can be farmed... Coal Ore
Natural Resources (part 2) In China, farmers create slopes named terraces into precipitous hills to have just a little more space to grow their crops. In China, farmers create slopes named terraces into precipitous hills to have just a little more space to grow their crops. Farmers also use the technique double-cropping, which is growing two different crops in one single spot during a year. Farmers also use the technique double-cropping, which is growing two different crops in one single spot during a year. Terraces
Historic Traditions For a long time, a wise person named Confucius taught everyone a lot of smart and useful things. If it hadn’t been for Confucius, the Chinese government wouldn’t have run smoothly for that much time. For a long time, a wise person named Confucius taught everyone a lot of smart and useful things. If it hadn’t been for Confucius, the Chinese government wouldn’t have run smoothly for that much time. China had only a little to do with the outside world. The Great Wall of China became China’s emblem of keeping the world at a distance. That is why Chinese government leaders made China the Middle Kingdom. To the Chinese, China was the middle of the world. China had only a little to do with the outside world. The Great Wall of China became China’s emblem of keeping the world at a distance. That is why Chinese government leaders made China the Middle Kingdom. To the Chinese, China was the middle of the world. Confucius The Great Wall of China
Historic Traditions (part 2) The Chinese invented a lot of useful things that are used in our life now: paper, gunpowder, silk weaving, the magnetic compass, the printing press, clockwork, the spinning wheel, and the water wheel. The Chinese invented a lot of useful things that are used in our life now: paper, gunpowder, silk weaving, the magnetic compass, the printing press, clockwork, the spinning wheel, and the water wheel. The Chinese were also excellent at digging canals, building dams and bridges, and setting up irrigation systems. The Chinese were also excellent at digging canals, building dams and bridges, and setting up irrigation systems. There were a lot of dynasties in China. The picture on the next page shows the dynasties that China used to have along with other important events. There were a lot of dynasties in China. The picture on the next page shows the dynasties that China used to have along with other important events. This was invented in China!!! So was this!!!
It’s not Hans, it’s Han!!!
Historic Traditions (part 3) Even though Koreans are originally from north-central Asia, Korea is closely related to China because the Chinese migrated to Korea. Due to the migrations, Koreans got the knowledge and customs that the Chinese had. Even though Koreans are originally from north-central Asia, Korea is closely related to China because the Chinese migrated to Korea. Due to the migrations, Koreans got the knowledge and customs that the Chinese had. Around the 1200s, Marco Polo, an Italian merchant, visited China and then told his people all about fantastic China. These tales made the Europeans greedy for power and land. Around the 1200s, Marco Polo, an Italian merchant, visited China and then told his people all about fantastic China. These tales made the Europeans greedy for power and land. Some time later, a lot of lands (such as the British, French, Dutch, Russians, and Japanese) got rule over China. In 1899, the US declared that China should trade with the world equivalently. Some time later, a lot of lands (such as the British, French, Dutch, Russians, and Japanese) got rule over China. In 1899, the US declared that China should trade with the world equivalently.
Historic Traditions (Part 4) In the year of 1911, revolution started in China, and the reign of emperors ended. In the year of 1911, revolution started in China, and the reign of emperors ended. In the wake of World War II, civil war started in China between the Communists and the Nationalists. In the wake of World War II, civil war started in China between the Communists and the Nationalists. Nationalists symbol
People and Cultures When the communists started ruling China in 1949, they made huge changes in the everyday lives of the Chinese. When the communists started ruling China in 1949, they made huge changes in the everyday lives of the Chinese. First of all, the government quit the outdated system of land ownership. That lead to creating communes. A lot of Chinese farmers hated losing their land, so they held back the communes. That led to terrible food shortages in China. The government eventually allowed a little bit of private ownership, and that is when food production started growing again. First of all, the government quit the outdated system of land ownership. That lead to creating communes. A lot of Chinese farmers hated losing their land, so they held back the communes. That led to terrible food shortages in China. The government eventually allowed a little bit of private ownership, and that is when food production started growing again.
People and Cultures (part 2) The Communists also attempted to slow China’s population by stopping people from having large families. Chinese people aren’t allowed to marry until they are in the late 20s. Also, Chinese families can’t have more than one child. Even now, families who have only one child get exclusive privileges. The Communists also attempted to slow China’s population by stopping people from having large families. Chinese people aren’t allowed to marry until they are in the late 20s. Also, Chinese families can’t have more than one child. Even now, families who have only one child get exclusive privileges. The position of women has also changed. Before, women worked at home. Nowadays, women usually work outside the house doing various things. Women can now own private property, choose her own husband, and arrange and get a divorce. Even if women's position have changed in China, men still have most of the power. The position of women has also changed. Before, women worked at home. Nowadays, women usually work outside the house doing various things. Women can now own private property, choose her own husband, and arrange and get a divorce. Even if women's position have changed in China, men still have most of the power.
People and Cultures (part 3) Even as they are modernizing, you can see that the Chinese respect their past. Some examples are tiny shops that sell traditional antiques of China next to tall skyscrapers and even three wheeled cabs which are very similar to tricycles. Even as they are modernizing, you can see that the Chinese respect their past. Some examples are tiny shops that sell traditional antiques of China next to tall skyscrapers and even three wheeled cabs which are very similar to tricycles. Three Wheeled Cabs
Transforming Itself The communists had few friends when they created the People’s Republic of China in The communists had few friends when they created the People’s Republic of China in When the communists took over China, there were major problems such as peace, money, farming, and manufacturing. When the communists took over China, there were major problems such as peace, money, farming, and manufacturing. Due to Mao Zedong, however, China made radical changes such as seizing land from landowners and taking all the factories and businesses. However, Zedong was not satisfied because economic growth was too slow. Due to Mao Zedong, however, China made radical changes such as seizing land from landowners and taking all the factories and businesses. However, Zedong was not satisfied because economic growth was too slow.
Transforming Itself (Part 2) In China, Mao started a radical policy. His first policy was called the “Great Leap Forward” but it turned out to be a Giant Step Backward. This particular policy got millions of people killed... In 1966, Mao established another radical policy named the “Cultural Revolution.” Groups of students formed the Red Cross, and they rebelled against parents, teachers, and other important people. When the Red Guards turned against the government, they were carried into jail. In 1969, Cultural Revolution ended, and China was all messed up and ruined with a ton of people that passed away.
Transforming Itself (Part 3) The Nationalists in China escaped to Taiwan after they were conquered by the communists in They created a new government called the Republic of China. The Nationalists used free enterprise and the Chinese Nationalists in Taiwan made much more money and became more wealthy than before. That money was used for constructing Taiwan’s ports and railroads. Taiwan also got help from western nations such as the US. At the same time, Taiwan and China were in a little fight – they both said and thought they were the “real” China.
Transforming Itself (Part 4) In the meantime, China was dying. China’s leader at the time, Mao Zedong, decided it was time to take evasive action. In 1972, he made his first move by getting the American president, Richard Nixon to visit China. That is how China first started trading with America. In 1976, Mao Zedong passed away. Two years later, China joined the United Nations (U.N.), and around 1980, a new leader came in place of Mao Zedong: Deng Xiaoping. During the next 20 years, China gradually allowed some free enterprise too.
Transforming Itself (Part 5) Today China has a lot of power. They sell products to many nations and they are now friends with many countries. However, the government is still being criticized for the way it treats its people. Today China has a lot of power. They sell products to many nations and they are now friends with many countries. However, the government is still being criticized for the way it treats its people. In 1997, Deng died and China’s 3 rd, new leader, Jiang Zemin, followed the strict rules that Deng had made. In 1997, Deng died and China’s 3 rd, new leader, Jiang Zemin, followed the strict rules that Deng had made. The world continues to trade with China despite China’s poor human rights record (eg. The 2008 Summer Olympics will be held in Beijing). The world continues to trade with China despite China’s poor human rights record (eg. The 2008 Summer Olympics will be held in Beijing).
Here are some pictures on the section “Transforming Itself” Mao Zedong during “Cultural Revolution” The Communist Flag Deng Xiaoping Jiang Zemin
Extras: Poem: An Ode to China by Hans Son China comes to my mind when I think of a land so broad. The Middle Kingdom is full of people so kind with a long history by which I’m awed. Yangzi and Huang He river have made China’s today. Chinese offspring will be proud of their culture years and years later, and celebrate it to the fullest saying Hurray! Through revolutions and drastic changes in social frames, this huge nation has tasted a bittersweet feeling. However, their grandiose art and heritage that no one blames will certainly keep China appealing.
Thanks to... Thanks to... All of my amazing friends in 5C. All of my amazing friends in 5C. Special thanks to Mr. T, my amazing 5 th grade teacher!!! Special thanks to Mr. T, my amazing 5 th grade teacher!!! To my wonderful parents that always support me 100%!!! To my wonderful parents that always support me 100%!!!
Special Thanks to... Special Thanks to... The Wikipedia page on Confucianism: The Wikipedia page on Confucius: The Wikipedia page on China: My Social Studies Textbook!!!
References: Page #2. (picture of East Asia’s map): Page #2. (picture of East Asia’s map): Page #3. (picture of Confucius): Page #3. (picture of Confucius): Page #4. (picture of Mt. Everest): Page #4. (picture of Mt. Everest): Page #5. (picture of Yangzi River): Page #5. (picture of Yangzi River): Page #5. (picture of Huang He River): he/ Page #6. (picture of desert region in Northern China):
References (cont.): Page #6. (picture of hot thermometer): Page # 6. (picture of cold thermometer): Page # 7. (picture of coal): Page # 7. (picture of ore): Page #8. (picture of terraces): Page #9. (picture of Confucius):
References (cont.) Page #8. (picture of terraces): Page #9. (picture of Confucius): Page #9. (picture of the Great Wall of China): Page #10. (picture of paper): p/en-commons/thumb/a/a5/300px- Paper_sheet.jpg&imgrefurl= &sz=9&hl=ko&start=1&um=1&tbnid=ST4fnr4hFRf8lM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=116&prev=/i mages%3Fq%3Dpaper%26um%3D1%26complete%3D1%26hl%3Dko%26newwindo w%3D1%26rlz%3D1T4GGLJ_enKR224KR225 Page #10. (picture of magnetic compass):
References (cont.) Page #11. (picture of timeline of China): ctures/china_history.gif&imgrefurl= history.htm&h=300&w=450&sz=17&hl=ko&start=5&um=1&tbnid=0KB857aYC3oQpM :&tbnh=85&tbnw=127&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dchina%2Bdynasty%2Btimeline%26nd sp%3D20%26um%3D1%26complete%3D1%26hl%3Dko%26newwindow%3D1%26rl z%3D1T4GGLJ_enKR224KR225%26sa%3DN Page #13. (picture of Nationalists symbol): %AD%EB%AF%BC%EB%8B%B9.html Page #16. (picture of three wheeled cab): Page #22. (picture of Mao Zedong):
References (cont.) Page #22. (picture of communist flag): chivos/image056.gif&imgrefurl= w=301&sz=2&hl=ko&start=5&tbnid=crcUwvYkJlO3AM:&tbnh=77&tbnw=116&prev=/i mages%3Fq%3Dcommunist%2Bflag%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Dko%2 6newwindow%3D1%26sa%3DN Page #22. (picture of Deng Xiaoping): Page #22. (picture of Jiang Zemin): Page #22. (picture of Chinese Flag):
And with that, the curtains of this PowerPoint presentation close...