What does it look like?What’s its function? Do plant, animal or both type of cell have one? Draw a picture of one. What does it look like?What’s its function? Do plant, animal or both type of cell have one? Draw a picture of one. Cell Structure and Function Notes Using your book and web sites from the class web page, complete the following note organizer. Every cell has a specific job to do. Different cell organelles allow cells to perform their specific task. Cells are not all alike, but they do have certain organelles in common. Below you will be gaining information about the structure and function of these organelles. Cell Wall What are the holes in this membrane called? _______________ Cell Membrane What is the cell membrane made up of? _______________
Mitochondria Chloroplasts Nucleus What does it look like?What’s its function? Do plant, animal or both type of cell have one? Draw a picture of one. What is the process called that the mitochondria performs? _______________ What are oxygen and glucose use to form in this process? ________________ What does it look like?What’s its function? Do plant, animal or both type of cell have one? Draw a picture of one. What does it look like?What’s its function? Do plant, animal or both type of cell have one? Draw a picture of one. What is the process called that the chloroplast performs? _______________ Write out the chemical equation for this process below. ++
Describe the following parts of the nucleus below: A. DNA / Chromatin What does it look like?What’s its function? Do plant, animal or both type of cell have one? Draw a picture of one. B. Nuclear Membrane / Envelope What is the difference between chromatin and chromosomes? What does it look like?What’s its function? Do plant, animal or both type of cell have one? Draw a picture of one. Does the nuclear membrane have pores in it like the cell membrane? Why or why not? C. Nucleolus What does it look like?What’s its function? Do plant, animal or both type of cell have one? Draw a picture of one.
Endoplasmic Reticulum Ribosome Golgi Apparatus (Golgi Bodies) What does it look like?What’s its function? Do plant, animal or both type of cell have one? Draw a picture of one. What is the difference between rough ER and smooth ER? What does it look like?What’s its function? Do plant, animal or both type of cell have one? Draw a picture of one. Where can you find ribosomes within a cell? What does it look like?What’s its function? Do plant, animal or both type of cell have one? Draw a picture of one.
Vacuole Lysosome Microtubules and Microfilaments What does it look like?What’s its function? Do plant, animal or both type of cell have one? Draw a picture of one. In plants, what is the size of the vacuole compared to the overall size of the cell? What does it look like?What’s its function? Do plant, animal or both type of cell have one? Draw a picture of one. What is another name used to describe the support system create by the microtubules and microfilaments within the cell? _______________ What does it look like?What’s its function? Do plant, animal or both type of cell have one? Draw a picture of one.
Cytoplasm What does it look like?What’s its function? Do plant, animal or both type of cell have one? Draw a picture of one. Below, draw a sketch of a plant cell and an animal cell with all the parts you have just investigate placed in the correct cell type. (Label all of the organelles) Plant CellAnimal Cell