Social Enterprise and Town Centre Regeneration A Social Enterprise Perspective Craig Sanderson Scottish Social Enterprise Coalition and Link Group Ltd.


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Presentation transcript:

Social Enterprise and Town Centre Regeneration A Social Enterprise Perspective Craig Sanderson Scottish Social Enterprise Coalition and Link Group Ltd. 26 th October 2010

Wider Role – What is it? The Scottish Government has encouraged Registered Social Landlords to think broadly about how they can help regenerate their local communities. This ‘Wider Role’ relates to: “… activity that goes beyond the provision, improvement and management of housing with the aim of improving the economic, social and environmental circumstances of the communities within which the RSL operates.”

Wider Role – A Brief History  Wider Role funding programme launched in 2000 – £35m in 700+ projects levering in £100m more  2/3 of RSLs involved  Frozen at £12m till 2011

Range of Wider Activities ThemeNumber of projectsPercentage of projects Community care173 Childcare112 Education/learning274 Employment/training7812 Financial inclusion274 Environmental works406 Sustainable issues (energy etc)315 Community health183 Community arts/culture508 ICT/Digital inclusion325 Community safety345 Community transport20 Youth services518 Community facilities/workspaces12219 Homelessness/tenancy support183 Other9715 Total655100%

Social Enterprises – What Are They?  “Businesses with primarily social objectives whose surpluses are reinvested for that purpose in the business or in the community rather than being driven by the need to maximise profit for shareholders or owners” (DTI 2002) Compare and contrast (with other models)

Role Enterprising Partner not a Contractor Part of the supply chain Community capacity building/development Community sustainability e.g. community benefits clause Both “intermediary” and direct service provider Adding value – Social Return Environmentally friendly Healthier communities

Galeri Caernarfon

The Briggait, Glasgow Wasps Studios

res Rothesay Fyne Homes Rothesay

Cordale HA

New Gorbals HA Glasgow

Sanctuary Scotland HA Ardler, Dundee

Cunninghame HA

Petershill Community Initiative North Glasgow HA  £6.1million sports, leisure and business facility  £610,000 wider role funding  Additional funding (Glasgow City Council, private finance, Social Inclusion funding, European funding)  For every £1 wider role funding, £9 levered in

Social Enterprise Clydebank

Link in Petersburn

 260 new homes  Mixed tenure  Lifetime homes  Housing for varying needs  Secured by design  Energy efficient

Intermediate Labour Market Community Benefit Clauses

Petersburn Development Trust

Digital Links Project

Link’s Dental Surgery

Delancy Street, San Francisco

Habitat for Humanity, Oakland

Future Role/Changes/Who Involved? Acquire business eg family Growth – merger/joint working Enterprising, not “subsidy junkie” Public understanding/recognition Risk taking – SE and governments Re-introduce the wee/corner shop Embrace profit and private sector Growth – renewables, waste and anbeorobic digestion Facilities management eg Glasgow Games legacy Public social partnerships COMMUNITIES, Local and National Govt, Business

Changes/Barriers Finance/Funding, esp. initial Wider Role/ LA regeneration funds scrapped? TUPE e.g. pensions Lack of expertise e.g. marketing, running a business Business support Eficiencies Procurement / commissioning / tendering Asset (e.g. land) ownership/reform

Changes/Barriers (cont.) Time – To consult, involve, empower communities Need leadership (not representation)? Discuss…. Seen as unaccountable by local government Tesco Metros Concordat / Single Outcome Agreements CPPs Not recognising ourselves as SE Networks

Further Guidance/Inspiration Social Enterprise, SROI, etc.  ‘Making the Case : Social Added Value Guide’ (Communities Scotland 2006)  ‘Tendering for Public Sector Contracts’, 2 nd ed. (Forth Sector, 2007)  ‘Better Value: The Social Economy delivering public sector contracts’ and ‘Purchasing public services from the social economy’ (Communities Scotland 2007)  ‘Making measurement meaningful:embedding quality and impact tools in the social economy and Funding for Social Enterprises’ (Scottish Social Enterprise Coalition.  Forth Sector (for the SROI Framework project)

Further Guidance/Inspiration (cont.)  SROI Network  ‘Really Telling Accounts’ and ‘Social Accounting and Audit…the process in a nutshell…’ (Social Audit Network)  SROI Project  Social Enterprise Academy  Local People Leading  Senscot  ‘Making Places Work:Future Directions for the Role of Housing Associations in Community Regeneration in Scotland’ (SFHA 2008)  ‘Social Capital Profile’ Assist Social Capital  Corporate Social Responsibility