Recovery Work in East Sussex Safer East Sussex Team
Overview What is mutual aid? What role does mutual aid play in building Recovery in East Sussex? Examples of mutual aid in East Sussex Achievements Project in focus – Eastbourne Recovery Cafe
What is Mutual Aid? “mutual aid can be described as people with similar experiences helping each other to manage and overcome issues” National Treatment Agency for substance misuse, What is Mutual Aid? Pamphlet, 2010
Common characteristics of a mutual aid groups members sharing some problem or status that results in suffering or distress members both offer and receive support as part of a group Helps give a structure to recovery Groups are organised and facilitated by members Experiential knowledge is the basis of expertise No fees are charged except for individual member voluntary contributions
East Sussex Context The current East Sussex drug and alcohol strategy highlights the importance of recovery East Sussex is following a strategy where mutual aid is integrated with local alcohol and drug treatment services Keyworkers are encouraged to support clients to access mutual aid Strategy looks at the range of groups and activities provided Also looks at gaps in provision and potential barriers to access
Examples of Mutual Aid in East Sussex 12 Step fellowship groups eg. AA, CA, NA Local recovery Groups eg. East Sussex Recovery Alliance (ESRA) and AIR (Active in Recovery)
Achievements ESRA Has become an independent organisation Provide an independent voice for service users on a strategic level Provide a range of peer led activities and peer support groups AIR Range of peer led activities and working towards being an independent group (currently part of Action for Change) 12 Step Fellowship Groups Provide independent support groups in different locations in the county each day of the week.
Recovery Café, Eastbourne Public Health England has awarded capital funding to help develop a recovery orientated social enterprise in East Sussex This is a joint project between CRI, Safer East Sussex Team, Intuitive Recovery and other stakeholders in the Recovery Community The café will run as a social enterprise and viable business and will be open Thursday – Sunday at first. The café will serve a range of drinks and hot and cold food and will also feature a dry bar. The café will be situated in North Street, Eastbourne.
Recovery Café, Eastbourne There will be an emphasis on recovery orientated activities as well as providing a space for members of the local community to meet. On the days the premises is not functioning as a café, local recovery groups will rent space for a range of activities including 12 step Felllowship support, meetings with key workers and social activities aimed at sustaining recovery. There will also be opportunities for other community groups to rent space for their activities. The café will also provide an alcohol free evening venue on a Friday and Saturday with a range of entertainment including live music and games nights.
Recovery Café, Eastbourne The café will be overseen be a steering group made of up stakeholders from the recovery community. This includes representatives from statutory and voluntary sectors as well as representatives from the recovery community. Recruitment is currently taking place for a paid café manager The will be volunteering opportunities for members of the recovery community in all aspects of running the business Training opportunities will be also be developed including food hygiene certificates, first aid certificates and links with local training providers to offer accredited qualifications.