Vision For NOAA’s Future Putting the Pieces Together VADM Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr., USN (Ret.) Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere | NOAA Administrator January 12, 2005
2 NOAA’s Vision A vastly enhanced scientific understanding of the role of the oceans, coasts, and atmosphere in the global ecosystem available to society and national leadership as a basis for critical social and economic policy decisions
3 NOAA’s Mission & Goals Mission Goals: Protect, restore, and manage the use of coastal and ocean resources through an ecosystem approach to management Understand climate variability and change to enhance society’s ability to plan and respond Serve society’s needs for weather and water information Support the Nation’s commerce with information for safe, efficient, and environmentally sound transportation Provide critical support for NOAA’s mission To understand and predict changes in the Earth’s environment and manage coastal and marine resources to meet the Nation’s economic, social and environmental needs
4 NOAA’s Accomplishments Mission and Process Mission Successes National and international leadership in Earth observations Hurricane support wins Senate commendation, supplemental appropriation Rebuilding the Nation’s fisheries Development of the Integrated Ocean Observing System Fisheries regulatory process improvements NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards improves and expands Coral reef initiative NOAA fleet modernization and growth Organizational Successes Program review conducted NEC and NEP established Program structure comprehensively covering all NOAA resources established with 14 matrix programs Goal Leads appointed Full Council structure established PA&E established Annual update of the Strategic Plan
5 NOAA’s Accomplishments Mission and Process Mission Successes / 777 U.S. COSPAS-SARSAT saves since 2001 Sea turtle conservation Operational air quality forecasts in Northeast United States Early Warning System for Florida Harmful Algal Blooms / Homeland security support Reducing national uncertainty about climate change / Teacher at Sea Program expands into air / Next Generation Radar (NEXRAD) Level II Radar Data Available in Real Time Organizational Successes Line Office Strategic Plans in alignment with NOAA Strategic Plan Councils produce multi-year strategic plans Full PPBES cycle for FY06-11 Annual Operating Plans for all matrix programs Monthly and quarterly execution reporting Comprehensive review of administrative functions – business process re- engineering initiated Grants on-line implementation
6 $ Billions FY 2006 is original OMB Passback NOAA Accomplishments Budget Trends
7 NOAA’s Accomplishments Where We Rank For 2005* AgencyIncreases Veterans Affairs$1.2B Army Corps of Engineers$585M National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration $567M Centers for Disease Control and Prevention $336M AgencyCuts Education/local education$500M Federal Aviation Administration$335M Energy Department’s Yucca Mountain Project $303M Environmental Protection Agency$275M National Science Foundation$105M Energy Department’s Biological & Environmental Research Program $69.5M Agencies with the biggest increases over the President’s 2005 budget request......and those with the biggest cuts: *Federal Times, November 29, 2004
8 High Level Attention National Hurricane Center Ocean Commission Executive Order
9 NOAA’s Environment Ocean Commission Report Earth Observations Climate Change Science Plan Research Review Team Finance and Administration Study Increased IT security scrutiny New Congress New DOC Secretary nominee Carlos Gutierrez Administration priorities Homeland Security Modest to level budget increases Heavily ear-marked budget Emphasis on space exploration
10 How Do We Get Here? Leadership
11 5 Ingredients to Good Leadership Attitude CompetenceCommunication Influence Management
12 A One NOAA Vision Where Will We Be In 5 Years? Communication Integration Strengthening Corporate NOAA Organizational Excellence Mission Excellence
13 Where Will We Be In 5 Years? One NOAA – January 2010 COMMUNICATION : One NOAA Voice, “360° Listening” Transparency of Mission – Internal & External to NOAA NOAA Management actively listens to employees, incorporates feedback into practices Employees understand & “live” the mission – ensures long-term care & feeding of NOAA External needs of society are driving internal administrative requirements – external partners have stake in the outcome Buy-in from community/stakeholders puts Average Joe/Joan in NOAA’s Corner
14 Communications Pathway to a Solution Create a corporate NOAA Office of Communications Focus on: (a) internal NOAA communication and messaging (b) coordinating consistency of message across media, public, legislative, NOAA employees Partner, at least initially, with best of breed organizations to jumpstart initiative. Get expert assessment of NOAA’s best practices in communications Provide central infrastructure for all NOAA public information Task CIO, Office of Communications, Education Office and Public Affairs to create IT infrastructure and process that leverages knowledge-based management approaches (including “push-pull”) to communicate effectively both internally and externally Reinforce the NOAA Brand/Image NOAA vs. NWS, for example
15 Organizational Excellence… Effective Operational Organization Next Generation Management Information System Communication Corporate Function Single Website NOAA Intranet Blue Pages NOAA Branding Internal External
16 Organizational Excellence… Requirements-based PPBES Integrated Research Enterprise Embrace new technologies (UAVs, UUVs) Integral Economic/Benefit Analysis Functions Real Program Trade-off Analysis NOAA Interagency Panel Leadership on all Cross-Agency Missions Integrated Performance Measurement System
17 Mission Excellence… Real Time Operational Surface Transportation Conditions Reporting System Reduce the Aqua-/Mari-culture Trade Deficit by 50% Operational Bio-detection Network in place Plankton to Whales Operational Phased Array NOAA/FAA Wx/ATC System Operational Next Generation Trawling Gear Replacement
18 Mission Excellence… Completed Operational Ocean Observing System Three Regional Ecosystem Management Pilots in place First Ecosystem Based Fishery Management Plan Operational Climate Monitoring System Carbon, Climate Reference Network Reduce Charting Backlog by 50% One Hour Lead Time for Tornado Forecasts
19 Mission Excellence… Real Hurricane Intensity Forecasting Improvement Nationwide Operational Air Quality Network Operational National Drought Monitoring System Operational UAV, UUV Support Fleet Assimilation of NASA & NSF Research into Operational Satellites GOES-R First Operational Integrated Environmental Monitoring Satellite System
20 Mission Excellence… NOAA Ownership and Operation of the U.S. Earth Observing Satellites Including LANDSAT Operational National Water Quality Network Non-Point Source Reduction Recognized Leadership in Earth Systems Modeling Fishery Capacity Equal to Sustainable Wild Harvest Levels
21 Just An Expression, But... “Don’t spend all your time sorting your socks.”
22 What You Should Take Away The Future…….is Bright!!! NOAA is: An Effective, Successful Organization With World-wide Recognition Composed of Talented, Experienced and Dedicated People Critical to Meeting the Nation’s and the World’s Economic and Environmental Challenges Organizationally Positioned to Provide Leadership Where Science Gains Value NOAA is All of Us Working Together With a Unified Vision and Consistent Message Thank you for your service!