Starter : Can you remember what an animal and a plant cell looks like? Can you draw and label them?
Keeping Healthy Microbes
Would you touch this?
Would you touch this?
Would you touch this?
Would you eat this?
Why not? Disgust keeps us away from things which look as if they could make us ill… …waste like faeces, vomit, pus infected wounds, decaying food and the animals found with it. All these contain microbes.
Not all Microbes are bad - Some microbes like Yeast help us bake bread
Microbes Fungus Virus Bacterium
Fungus How is this different from a plant cell? Give examples of where fungi will grow Key Word : Decomposer fungi are made of long thin threads… when lots grow together – it looks fluffy
Bacterium How are bacteria different to animal cells? Are bacteria classified as living organisms? salmonella (causes food poisoning)
Virus How do virus grow? Is a virus a living organism? chicken pox (affects skin and nerves) common cold influenza, flu Some can hide in your cells for years. Cold sore viruses hide in nerve cells. They can pop out to cause an infection whenever you are feeling a bit run down.
These viruses detected a white blood cell and stuck to it These viruses detected a white blood cell and stuck to it. Their genes will enter it and force the cell to make new virus particles. A virus can’t reproduce by itself. Eventually the cell dies. Virus particles burst out through its membrane and then spread to new cells.