Civil Engineering Department Soil Mechanics Introduction Lecture 1 Week /2015 UMM AL-QURA UNIVERSITY
Content Part I Course Description Lecturer Information Course Outline Text Book and Recommended Readings Lab Schedule Activities Assessment Part II Definitions
Course Description Soil Mechanics Credit Hours 2 Theoretical 1 Practical Department Requirement
Course Description Soil Mechanics Prerequisite for: Foundation Engineering Prerequisite: Mechanics of Materials
Course Outline TopicDate Introduction 1 st Week Grain Size Analysis Weight-Volume Relationships, Plasticity, and Structure of Soil 2 nd Week Atterberg's Limits Engineering Classification of Soil 3 rd Week Revision - Problems Solving
Course Outline TopicDate Soil Compaction 4 th Week Permeability Seepage 5 th Week Revision - Problems Solving Midterm 6 th Week
Course Outline TopicDate In Situ Stresses 7 th Week Stresses in a Soil Mass Revision - Problems Solving 8 th Week Compressibility of Soil 9 th Week Shear Strength of Soil
Course Outline TopicDate Shear Strength of Soil 10 th Week Revision - Problems Solving Final Exam 11 th Week
Braja M. Das Principles of Geotechnical Engineering FIFTH EDITION 2002 Bill Stenquist Text Book
R. F. Craig Soil Mechanic SIXTH EDITION 1997 Spon Press Recommended Readings
أ. د. السيد عبد الفتاح القصبى ميكانيكا التربة الطبعة الأولى 1999 دار الكتب العلمية - مصر Recommended Readings
Lab Schedule DateExperiment 1 st WeekSieve Analysis, Hydrometer Analysis 2 nd Week Determination of Moisture Content, Specific Gravity 3 rd Week Liquid Limit Test, Plastic Limit Test, Shrinkage Limit Test 4 th Week Modified Proctor Compaction Test Determination of Field Unit Weight of Compaction by Sand Cone Method 5 th WeekFalling Head Permeability Test in Sand 6 th Week Midterm
DateExperiment 7 th WeekUnconfined Compression Test 8 th WeekConsolidation Test 9 th WeekDirect Shear Test on Sand 10 th WeekRevision - Problems Solving 11 th Week Final Exam Lab Schedule
Activities Lectures Theory and Principles Examples Group Work Quizzes Software, Case Studies, and Applications Lab Eight Experiments Assignments
Assessment Mid-term Exam25% Final Exam50% Assignments10% Quizzes 5% Lab evaluation10% 100%
The uncemented aggregate of mineral grains and decayed organic matter (solid particles) with liquid and gas in the empty spaces between the solid particles. Soil for Engineering Purposes Soil consists of the thin layers of the earth’s crust formed by surface weathering that are able to support plant life. Agronomy definition: Definitions
Solids Definitions Liquid Gas
The branch of science that deals with the study of the physical properties of soil and the behavior of soil masses subjected to various types of forces. Soil mechanics Definitions
The application of the principles of soil mechanics to practical problems. The subdiscipline of civil engineering that involves natural materials found close to the surface of the earth. It includes the application of the principles of soil mechanics and rock mechanics to the design of foundations, retaining structures, and earth structures. Soils engineering Geotechnical engineering Definitions
Bearing Capacity
Clay SiltSandGravel Cobbles Boulders FineMed. Coarse FineMed. Coarse FineMed. Coarse (mm) Soil-Particle Size Clay SiltSandGravel Cobbles Boulders FineMed. Coarse FineMed. Coarse FineMed. Coarse (mm)
Summery Engineering Definition for Soil Soil Mechanics: Physical >> Mechanical Soil Gradation: Clay, Silt, Sand, Gravel
Next Lecture Sieve Analysis Hydrometer Analysis Grain Size Analysis