Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Organisations’ contributions to Early Help – SSCB Practitioner Forum Nov 2014 Louise Murray – Salford CVS Deputy Chief Executive
Support children, young people, families and communities to help themselves whenever possible. Make sure all services can quickly spot children, young people or families who might need extra help from them. Make sure all services act quickly as soon as they know help is needed. Salford’s Early Help Strategy
1,364 community and voluntary organisations, co-operatives and social enterprises (VCSE’s) in Salford Sector income in 2011/12 of £145 million 5, 300 people employed in sector 37,000 volunteers in VCSE’s Volunteers give 137,000 hours each week State of the Sector Report 2013
Estimated £145 million total income in of which SCC £10.2m and £7 m NHS Salford Estimated 5,300 employees providing a GVA of £117.7 million per annum Contribution of volunteers valued at £122.7 million each year Paid staff and volunteers contribute equivalent £240.4 million ‘Gross Value Added’ to the economy Economic Impact
Majority of Salford organisations are micro and small (84%) & receive just 8% of total income 92% of income received by medium and large orgs 57 % of all income received by 42 organisations Large organisations employ 59% of paid workforce & medium organisations employ 35% 38% organisations receive no public sector funding A Diverse Sector
Strengths: Sector Dial: sector communications and leadership External Agency Dial: commissioning practices and communication/consultation Development Areas: Sector Dial: sector resources External Agency Dial: sharing resources and maximising impact Children's Services and VCSE’s
How can we share resources between VCSE and public sector organisations and maximise impact on early help? What are the barriers and how can these be overcome? What are the opportunities and benefits for Salford families? Partnership Challenge
Reach to specific communities Trust of families, children, young people Different activities and strategies for engagement e.g. peer challenge and support Complement statutory interventions Support children, young people, families and communities to help themselves May offer advocacy and support families through processes Opportunities and benefits…
Lack of awareness of what VCSE’s there are in Salford Need to develop trust and relationships Expectations of organisations given diversity of sector – proportionality of expectations to size and expertise/experience Confidentiality Safeguarding practices Barriers…
Salford Safeguarding Children Board (SSCB) Safeguarding Standards for the Voluntary & Community Sector Salford CVS developed in partnership with other members of the SSCB and Children’s Commissioners Support available from Salford CVS for VCSE’s to implement Salford Safeguarding Standards
The 20 standards cover the following: Accountability and Information Sharing Organisations’ policies and procedures Reporting concerns, suspicions and allegations Safe recruitment and selection Management and support of paid staff and volunteers Providing safer activities and trips Salford Safeguarding Standards
Voluntary organisations commissioned by Salford City Council to provide services for children, young people and families are asked to demonstrate how they meet the safeguarding standards Groups not commissioned can still implement the standards through self-assessment and identify areas for improvement with the support of Salford CVS Salford Safeguarding Standards
All organisations whatever size can benefit from implementing the standards Published on SSCB website at: dingstandards.htm Standards, Guidance, Evidence Record, Action Plan and contacts for support available at cvs/children-and-young-people Salford Safeguarding Standards
Salford CVS delivers Basic Safeguarding Awareness training five times a year, including on Saturdays. This is verified by the SSCB Training Sub Group Dates and booking at: Child Protection and Safeguarding Awareness training
To help outline the mutual expectations of public services working with VCSE organisations in child and family context What do you want to see it include? Joint Working Protocol
Using one or more case studies of VCSE’s offering early help and thinking about the families you work with: What are the benefits of partnership working with VCSE’s to services and families? How might we promote these benefits more effectively to frontline practitioners? What are the barriers to working effectively together? How might they be overcome? Workshop Exercise
Louise Murray – Salford CVS Deputy Chief Executive Tel: Office hours: Monday – Friday 9.30am – 4.30pm Facebook: Volunteer Centre Salford - Official