Social Dynamics Presentation Coloured Structure RED - Starting point of our open space GREEN –Development of our open space YELLOW – Outcomes of our open.


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Presentation transcript:

Social Dynamics Presentation Coloured Structure RED - Starting point of our open space GREEN –Development of our open space YELLOW – Outcomes of our open space WHITE - Notes on the purpose and scope of the network BLUE – A bit more information on Open Space Technology

Open Space Setting the common ground Why we are here? – Know each other, our story and our projects – Create a Network What is this meeting about? – Networking Set the basis and organisation to make the network happen Define what we want to give and receive from this network Organise ourselves to exchange information and experience Develop partnerships where there is oportunities and potential

Open Space Questions and Topics Votation Funding 11 How to Create Social Engagment 6 Product Knowhow 5 How to put product in the market/Marketing 13 Balance Between profit/Social Objectives 10 Internal Training programs/ Progression / Skills 0 Growing strategy. Stagnating?Growing. Which directions? 5

Open Space Voted topics Topics and aspects by tables – Table 1. Funding 11 – Table 2. How to Create Social Engagment 6 – Table 3. How to put product in the market / Marketing 13 – Table 4. Balance Between profit/Social Objectives

Open Space Targets of the discussion Pinpoint the issues and questions around the topic of the table Exchange s Share outcomes with everybody

Open Space Outcomes Funding Balancing the social element with the business element – Additional income for Training – European sources, National sources Skills balance with the training that’s available – Is the skill required available for free in the job center or provided by institutions

Open Space Outcomes How to Create Social Engagement Education of /Transmit social awareness – children and youth – Polititians, business men Promotion and information – Advantages of the social sector – Realising jobs/meet passions/volunteering Show/Prove quality of products – Attract clients – Convince that social sector can produce distinctive quality products Promotion of responsible behaviour and social responsibility – Caring for disadvantage people and consideration for the products they make

Open Space Outcomes How to put product in the market / Marketing How to put product in the market / Marketing Ways of bringing the products to the marketplace – Direct sale to client – Providing in bulk to wholesaler/retailer

Open Space Outcomes Balance Between profit/Social Objectives Separate both… – In different business units – Charging more for a product to support the company How to reach break-even point? Are there models of social enterprise that have achieved the balance – Can we use them as a base

Jeronimo’s Notes On The Process We made an adaptation of Open Space Technology to make it easier and quicker for you. You can find further information in the final section of this presentation. My suggestions towards Coppenhaguen: – First of all, a reflection: We all discussed about the different topics that are important to us. But I think we missed the first step: what do we want from these conferences and in what should we concentrate our efforts in the next open spaces. – I then suggest the following questions: Is there potential for a network to develop? Is it really going to happen? Are you motivated to make it happen? How do you want it to be? How do you think it could work in practice? What kind of network do you think will develop from this series of conferences? How should we focus our work towards a network that is based in solving collectively our individual problems? Think about the desired scenario our network could achieve on one side, and how we could all contribute to ahieve it. What your project needs, and can give to other projects, and which partners or projects could give you or receive your input. – Before next conference, we should review the topics we worked on, and create steering groups for each topic. Who was in each table? Do you want to work on this topic? Change to another topic? It would be interesting to have people from different projects in each steering group – Each steering group should develop the outcomes of their topic into tasks and nominate responsibles to work on each one. – In Stockholm, each steering group will work towards solutions and strategies, as well as exchange information with other steering groups. This way, partnerships and networks will naturally happen and be strengthened.

Open Space Technology

Open Space Technology What is it? Open Space is a fast, cheap, and simple way to better, more productive meetings. Open Space puts any number of people together to share their passions and create something new. Open Space is a self-organising process that allows you to discuss questions and matters with people that share the same concern.

Open Space Technology When to use open space? Open Space Technology is appropriate where a diverse group of people must deal with complex material. Nobody knows the answer to an issue or problem. Ongoing participation is required for success.

Open Space Technology HOW DOES IT WORK First- You can propose one question or topic to the audience. We will organise all the topics and questions and assign a table for each. One person will then host the table where her topic/question has been assigned Everybody else will be free to move between tables to give to the discussion

Open Space Technology 2 LAWS The law of two feet (two footprints graphic): If you find yourself in a situation where you are neither learning or contributing, move somewhere where you can. The law of the butterfly: It is encouraged that some persons move from table to table to “cross-polinate” discussions between tables. 4 PRINCIPLES – Whoever comes is the right people – Whatever happens is the only thing that could happen – When it starts is the right time, when it’s over it's over. – These principles aren't prescriptive, they are the results of thousands of little experiements.