Article Database Tutorial (and quick guide to library resources)
Local UCSC Resources o McHenry Library o Science and Engineering Library o Cruzcat o Reference Librarians o “Ask a librarian” – call or a live librarian o Science & Engineering Reference: o
UC System o MELVYL o Greater variety in filtering capabilities o Can search any UC library o (Also includes some State Library resources) o Inter-library Loan requests o Typically, libraries won’t loan journals o But they will often make copies of articles that aren’t online o Special collections materials can’t be checked out
Article Databases – from home o From click on “Services” tab. o Under “Self Service” click “Log In Here For Off-Campus Access”. o (You must have a Library ID# - can get this from either the McHenry or Science Library)
Useful Databases o Web of Science o INSPEC o IEEE XPlore o Institute of Physics (IOP) Electronic Journals o MathSciNet o Infotrac
ISI Web of Science / Web of Knowledge o Web of Knowledge database provides access to: o Arts and Humanities o Social Science o Science. Search by subject, author, journal title. o Cited Reference Search finds articles that cite an author or article that you specify. o Covers: present
UI Tutorial Project for 185 You have been given a research grant to investigate a topic in one of the following disciplines: ◦ Computer Engineering ◦ Electrical Engineering ◦ Bioinformatics ◦ Computer Science. ◦ [Insert your major here]
o Some of this grant money is to be spent on student research assistants. o Specifically, first year college students.
o One of the tasks you need them to accomplish is to look up articles (specifically citation information) on the article databases available. o There are several databases, but you will be writing a tutorial on the Web of Science (part of the ISI Web of Knowledge)
o Your task is to create a written tutorial explaining how to use one of these databases. o These student researchers should be able to rely on your tutorial for advice, even when you’re not there to explain the process.
Tutorial Requirements: An introduction to the database, explaining what it’s useful for. A general overview of major tasks, especially those available from the database home page. How-to tutorials for both simple and advanced searches. More detailed description of some of the more specialized tools. (Saving search history, displaying full document text, researching citation information, and so on.) ◦ You won’t be able to cover every tool possible, so cover two or three you find particularly useful.
Good ideas o Examples of specific searches are helpful. o So are screenshots. o If you find a tutorial on your article database, you can use it as a general guide, but don’t copy it directly.
o Any questions?