Image Source: Property Manager Website - Presentation by Clarine Lacroux, February 13,2012
Section 8 housing – also known as the “Housing Choice Voucher” (CV)- is the largest housing assistance program to date. Local housing authorities find housing on the private market that have conceded to the voucher program. Eligible recipients are given a housing subsidy to cover the difference between 30% of the recipient's income and a payment standard set by the local housing authority (usually fair market rate) In theory the voucher program seeks to provide greater housing choices, opportunities for geographic mobility and economic and racial integration.
Maps Created by Clarine Lacroux Data Source: Census 2000, HACLA
Analyze the spatial distribution of Section 8 housing mediated by other service providers, such as Non Profit Organizations. Does subsidized rental housing depress neighborhood property values? Identify suburbanization patterns amongst Section 8 voucher recipients. Image Source: How Stuff Works Website - Image Source: US Affordable Housing Institute. Website-
Spatial Distribution of Section 8 housing: Skills: Inset Map of Southern California and Geocoding of available section 8 housing in the City of Los Angeles. Median Income and population below poverty line: Skills: custom shapefile Proximity to public housing and density: Skills: custom shapefile Racial Integration: Skills: % families below poverty line derived by querying (pov_buff)/(fam_buff)*100 and exporting data to a new layer. Point graduated symbol for % families below. Buffer creation of 1 mile radii around section 8 housing. Aggregating attribute fields derived: positive integration : Whites > or = African American +American Indian + Asian + America Hawaian + other, negative integration: whites<African American + American Indian + Asian + America Hawaian+ other