USA In what ways did American society change between 1929 and 2000? This exam paper expects you to know a broad outline of the topics. Again, you need to know how American policy changed DECADE BY DECADE
America in 1930s
What MAJOR events happened in 1929? Which led to the… The Great Depression
What was the Great Depression? Time of Great Hardship High unemployment Many people living in extreme poverty
What was a Hooverville? Shanty Town Named after President Hoover Many people blamed him for the Wall Street Crash
What was the Bonus Army? 1932, unemployed war veterans marched on Washington to demand early repayment of their bonuses Set up huge Hooverville outside Washington Hoover sent troops to drive them out and burn down the Hooverville
How did Hoover try to deal with the Depression? “prosperity is just around the corner” Just let things work themselves out Benefits are ‘un-American’
Who is this President? Roosevelt (FDR)
What was the New Deal? A series of measures introduced by FDR to get the US out of the Depression
What 3 R’s did Roosevelt promise during the 1932 election? Relief, Recovery, Reform
What did FDR do in the First 100 days of his presidency? Fireside Chats: Radio Broadcasts. Explained his actions simply and honestly to the American people and asked for their help. Very popular! Alphabet Agencies: Set up organisations to get America back to work Ended Prohibition – Very popular! Emergency Banking Act: Closed all banks for ‘4 day holiday’ Only honest, well run banks allowed to reopen – given government loans to help them Restored people’s confidence in the banks REMEMBER! Fires Agents, Prohibit Banks
Do you know your Alphabet Agencies? Which was designed to create public works of real and lasting value such as schools and hospitals? PWA – Public Works Administration What did the CCC stand for? Civilian Conservation Corps What work did they do? Gave jobs to single young men under age of 25 e.g. clearing land, planting trees What Act gave pensions to the over 65s and support for the handicapped and unemployed? Social Security Act
What was the AAA? Paid farmers to produce less food This meant prices went up and their incomes doubled Helped farmers BUT not the sharecroppers who worked on their land (many Black) Many evicted as less work
Do you know your Alphabet Agencies? What was the Civilian Work’s Administration? Short term scheme to give as many people as possible jobs e.g. sweeping up leaves in road, paying actors to do free shows Which agencies increased workers wages and helped to give them a fair deal? NRA – National Recovery Administration
What was the Tennessee Valley Authority? Set up to develop the Tennessee Valley 33 new dams built New forests planted Power stations built to give cheap electricity Thousands of new jobs created This was one of the most impressive and successful schemes of the New Deal!
Why was FDR popular? Sorted banking crisis In touch with ‘ordinary people’ Alphabet Agencies – brought relief to many Fireside Chats – reassured people Gave people hope
Who opposed the New Deal? Businessmen – Thought the new laws cost too much. Wanted rugged individualism. Didn’t like paying higher taxes Republicans – see above Supreme Court said FDR only had the right to pass laws for ALL states, not for individual states Huey Long – Share the Wealth. Thought it didn’t go far enough!
Was the New Deal a Success? On balance it is clear that many people benefited. But some did not!
YES It reduced unemployment by 40%
YES It gave people confidence Roosevelt was seen as a man of the people Fireside Chats – felt he knew their problems and cared Really important that Americans felt better about themselves!
YES Alphabet Agencies Many successful - built schools, roads and hospitals TVA – Tennessee Valley Authority Social Security Act
YES… FDR saved the banks from collapse and gave millions of Americans HOPE BUT…
Yeah but no but Yeah but no but Yeah but no but Yeah but no but Yeah but no but Yeah but no but Yeah but no but Yeah but no but… Always look for a two sided argument
NO 1937 – FDR reduced government spending because he believed depression was ending Unemployment suddenly rose
NO Many schemes were only temporary. CCC offered work for 6-9 months
NO Women and Black Americans paid less than white men. Still discrimination.
NO Most expensive government programme in US History. Boondoggling? – paid people to sweep up leaves in the park Boondoggling = unnecessary activity
So was the New Deal a success? Many people say the New Deal didn’t end the Depression – WW2 did this after 1939 BUT It saved the USA from economic collapse and gave Americans much needed confidence and hope.