Library Workshop for BEd Students Honours Projects (CMI)_2013
Outline Find Library resources for research iSearch Journal Article Databases CEPS 中文電子期刊服務 中國期刊全文數據庫 ProQuest Education Databases RefWorks Basic Create an account Import references Create reference list in preferred style
Warm up: Related terms special education; children with disabilities—education; mainstreaming in education; children with social disabilities – education; learning disabled children; teaching exceptional; at-risk students in the general education classroom; behavior disorders; mainstreaming practices for students with learning disabilities; comprehensive services for students with behavioral disorders
相關的關鍵詞 教學困擾 泛自閉症障礙 支援服務 專業知能 多重障礙 實施成效 融合班教師 因應方式 工作壓力 介入反應模式 自閉症 同儕接納態度
HKIEd Library Website HKIEd Library Website Essential tips: make sure you are familiar with the HKALL, the request / recall system, library delivery service between the Tai Po MMW Library and Tseung Kwan O Study Centre Learning Commons, and understand how to read the location codes (e.g. MMW Lib Book)HKALL request / recalllibrary delivery service between the Tai Po MMW Library and Tseung Kwan O Study Centre Learning Commonslocation codes Essential tips: make sure you are familiar with the HKALL, the request / recall system, library delivery service between the Tai Po MMW Library and Tseung Kwan O Study Centre Learning Commons, and understand how to read the location codes (e.g. MMW Lib Book)HKALL request / recalllibrary delivery service between the Tai Po MMW Library and Tseung Kwan O Study Centre Learning Commonslocation codes
Where to start? 6 - access iSearch at the HKIEd Library Website - access iSearch at the HKIEd Library Website Enter the keywords, article title, author or name of the book and start searching
7 E.g. Search Inclusive education gets over two hundred thousand hits with books, articles, TV programs E.g. Search Inclusive education gets over two hundred thousand hits with books, articles, TV programs
8 For more precise results, use double quotes for phrases “inclusive education" For more precise results, use double quotes for phrases “inclusive education"
9 Sample result of an online e-book (Click the link under Online Access to read the e-book)
10 Check EdLINK to see whether full text is available
11 Example: getting full text article via EdLINK
12 Quick Options to limit the results to Scholarly Journals / Library Catalogue only; or limit results to particular years
13 Search HKALL to check whether a book that has been checked out by others are available from another local university library
14 You can "Request this title" if there is at least one copy "available" from another library
15 Add selected items to Folder for printing, , export, etc
16 We can also Export records to RefWorks, EndNote, etc for future use
18 You can search in Chinese as well
19 Expand your search to Chinese Databases, HKALL, Google Scholar, etc
22 Click A-Z Database List to search Chinese databases and other specialized databases not covered by iSearch
E-Resources Include E-Databases & E-Book Collections Search by Keywords Browse by Subject or Title 23
E-Resources by Subject – E.g. Education 24
25 中文資料庫
Why use an e-database? Because … E-Database is an organized collection of scholarly information. E-Databases contain update information of journal articles, book reviews, conference papers, and other academic materials. E-Databases support flexible and in-depth search for journal title, article title, author, issue, volume, etc. Use electronic databases to search for local and international literature. Some databases provide the complete full text articles. Other databases provide abstracts of the journal articles.
E-Resources More than 40 E-Databases on Education Some of them provide full text articles User guide available online Browse E-Databases on Education
Prominent E-Databases on Education Academic Search Premier Australian Education Index British Education Index ERIC Education Full Text ProQuest Education Journals Scopus Social Sciences Citation Index 華人社會教育文獻資源中心 Chinese ERIC 中國期刊全文數據庫 CAJ (China) 中國優秀碩士 / 博士學位論文全文數據庫 (China) 中文電子期刊服務 CEPS (Taiwan)
Chinese Databases in Focus – CEPS, CNKI
中文電子期刊服務 CEPS 中文電子期刊服務 收錄範圍: 台灣及中國出版的學術期刊 2,000 多種期刊,超過 13 萬篇電子全文 每月持續新增 6,000 篇電子全文 收錄主題:人文學科、社會科學、自然科學、 應用科學、醫學與生命科學等 收錄年代:以 1991 年之後為主
檢索文章 輸入檢索詞
又或是直接以 AND, OR NOT 輸入,例如 : 融合教育 AND 支援
中國知網 CNKI 1. 中國期刊全文數據庫 〈教育與社會科學綜合專輯〉 〈文史哲專輯〉 〈政治軍事與法律專輯〉及 〈經濟與管理專輯〉 2. 中國優秀碩士學位論文全文數據庫 3. 中國博士學位論文全文數據庫 4. 世紀期刊人文社科精品數據庫 5. 中國年鑒全文數據庫 6. 中國工具書網絡出版總庫 34 E-Databases > 中文數據庫 > 中國知網
中國期刊全文數據庫 36 1. 選取檢索項 2. 輸入檢索詞 3. 按「檢索」鍵
37 瀏覽全文影像 例如 : 融合教育
38 相關文獻的鏈結 瀏覽全文影像
Try yourself Find Chinese articles published in Taiwan on the topic: Teachers’ work load in primary schools Suggested keywords: 小學, 評量, 工作壓力 … How many records retrieved?
English Database in Focus – ProQuest Education Databases
Find ProQuest Education Databases by Browsing “P" (or browse by education subject; or search ProQuest)
E.g. search learning motivation 43 Suggested subjects e.g. Learning Motivation AND Students Motivation
We can also , Print, Save, Export, etc. 45
Searching tips: Expand your search Choose “Apply related words” under the Search Option to expand your search Use Boolean operator “OR” to include more search terms e.g. web-based OR internet OR electronic OR digital Use truncation (*) to expand your search term in alternative way e.g. adolescen* to search for adolescent, adolescence, etc.
Searching tips: Narrow your search Use “Limiter” from the database search screen to limit your search results in various way Consider the suggested “Narrow Search Results by Subject” from the search result screen Use Boolean operator “AND” to limit search results to a narrower scene e.g. school support AND inclusive education
Try yourself Search Journal Articles with keywords: teacher stress and work load How many records retrieved? Can you find the full text in all records?
RefWorks Your personal reference
51 About RefWorks Web-based Bibliographic Management Tool Web-based Bibliographic Management Tool Create your own reference databases Create your own reference databases Import references from library catalogues & databases Import references from library catalogues & databases Manage & organize your references in folders Manage & organize your references in folders Search your references Search your references Adding your own keywords & comments Adding your own keywords & comments Can be integrated with MS-Word to create in-text citations & reference list in preferred style Can be integrated with MS-Word to create in-text citations & reference list in preferred style Accessible by computers connected to Internet Accessible by computers connected to Internet
Create your RefWorks account
Click the RefWorks link at library web site Create/Access your RefWorks account
RefWorks Login Useful Help for RefWorks
Remote Access 1.Go to 2.Use the Group Code to login (HKIEd members only) 3.Login personal account for HKIEd users Enter Group Code Get the Group Code
1.RefWorks User Login for HKIEd 2.Sign up / Login 1 2
Sign up a new RefWorks account
The menu bar allows you to access all functionalities of RefWorks. Simply move your mouse pointer over the entries and further options will drop down.
Export the record to RefWorks Export record to RefWorks directly
Last Imported Folder The result imported will be placed in the last imported folder. If you repeat importing records, this folder will only contain the results of the very last import. All previously imported records are stored in the database, but not associated with a folder.
Try yourself Go to HKIEd Library Catalogue Search for Author = “Loreman, Tim” Save and export all found records Import the records to your RefWorks account
Example: ERIC (EBSCOhost) Export records
You’ll be asked to login RefWorks if not login yet
Last Imported Folder
Many databases support direct exporting references to RefWorks, e.g. ProQuest
Try yourself Go to ERIC (EBSCOhost) Databases ▫Library homepage > E-Resources > By Alphabet: E > ERIC (via EBSCOhost) Search Title = inclusive education Mark 5 records found & export to RefWorks
Creating a Bibliography Create bibliography from your references Bibliography created in preferred style e.g. APA References arranged and sorted automatically Output bibliography in HTML or Word format Create bibliography from all references or selected folder
Click Bibliography Select Output Style Select Output Format (HTML/Word) Select Folder / All Click to Create
References sorted and formatted in APA Style
HKIEd Chinese citation style (for reference only) Refer to Citation System in Student Handbook for details
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