The Application of Major Themes to Society
Self Interest versus Love Divine Quality of Mercy Hatred as a Cyclical Phenomena
Choose one of the 3 major themes in The Merchant of Venice Together research historical instances where such theme has been evident Students will also be required to present information to the class
HATRED AS A CYCLICAL PHENOMENA HOW? Our group decided to do this theme because we think that hatred will always be part of society We also think that there are many events that present this theme Each of us will research the subject under, famous hate crimes, racism, and holocausts We will also present our research to our other classmates
THE HOLOCAUSTKU KLUX KLAN Six million people were killed Germans believed they were superior than any other race Many times even children were raised to hate Jews simply because their parents also did. lasted from 1941 till (Jews had been persecuted in Germany since 1933 The first Klan was founded in 1865 by Tennessee veterans of the Confederate Army. They were white supremacists Majority of victims where African Americans They originated in the south
Who benefits from hatred? We know for sure that people who are hated are always the ones who loose the most. Not only emotional damage but at times physical or even death. Although the haters might think that they are the ones benefiting we think that in the long run, they sometimes invest too much into their hate crimes and the outcome is usually more negative than positive. What are Shylocks reasoning behind his hatred? What evidence is there to support this? Shylock’s vow to Solanio and Salarino in Act III, scene i, that he will outdo the evil that has been done to him clearly
shows that that’s the reason why he is such a villain. Because he was a Jew he has been treated really bad and now he will do so unto others. His speech in that scene clearly shows that evidence How would society be without hatred? We think that society would much different and there would be more equality. Although we know that crimes would still occur, we think that society perhaps would be more caring and because of that people would be much nicer and be nice about how they feel about each other.
The Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles Anti KKK group