Remote Jobs and Communities Program
New Remote Jobs and Communities Program to start on 1 July 2013 Informed by community consultations $1.5 billion over five years Single provider in each of 59 remote regions Jobs First approach Focus on community development and support for job seekers Closer connections to local employers and service providers Introduction
People who can work should work. Each RJCP provider will: link up with employers and match people to local jobs support community activities so people participate and contribute train people to get skills or overcome barriers Manage the participation requirements of job seeker and CDEP wages recipients People with the capacity to do so should participate in their communities. Jobs first
Community Action Plans – join communities and providers Community involvement in development of plan Identify local issues, needs and opportunities Set out a longer term goals for community Build on existing plans Community Development Fund – $237.5m over five years Funding for proposals consistent with plans Building foundations, social enterprise Competitive grant round – not reserved for providers Community Development
Strong pathway to employment for young people Help young people 24 and under with transition from school to working life 12-month program including skills development and work experience with employers Certificate II training Mentoring by local leaders Remote Youth Leadership and Development Corps
More support on the ground More accessible service Activities in line with people’s work capacity Assistance for work-related equipment and modifications Providers can access Participation Account People with disability
RJCP will build strong relationships with employers. Simpler servicing arrangement – a single point of access Linkages with employers and industry to build jobs locally Services tailored to local employer needs Workforce Development Strategies Benefits for employers
RJCP Transition objectives Existing services continue until 30 June 2013 Movement of Participants to appropriate RJCP provider on 1 July 2013 Transition arrangements support continuity of existing services until 30 June 2013 contribute to the building of relationships between job seekers, communities, providers and employers support future RJCP service arrangements, while honouring existing contractual obligations. CDEP wages recipients in non-remote locations can continue to undertake CDEP-like activities with their JSA or DES provider
Transition – Disability Employment Services Expectation of continued support and service delivery until end June 2013 Operational adjustments to referrals, fees and service delivery in lead-up to 1 July 2013 Facilitated meetings between outgoing providers and incoming RJCP Requests for early exit considered on a case-by-case basis.
Transition - DES Participants Approximately 1150 Remote DES participants affected by transition Movement of Participants to appropriate RJCP provider on 1 July 2013 No Provider choice – limited exceptions Prioritised commencement by RJCP DES Participants being supported in employment who are registered in a non-remote ESA may choose to stay in DES DES job seekers identified as high priority for early commencement by RJCP providers
Preparing RJCP Providers Transition and Implementation Reference Group Training Provider Forums Transition site visits Capacity Strengthening
Program performance Working together for RJCP continuous improvement Managing the Funding Agreement with the RJCP providers - focussed on relationships and provider capacity building. Program Management Framework – Three KPIs and sub measures – Single national framework with targets jointly negotiated reflecting local circumstances Program Assurance activities to protect program integrity and reputation Program Evaluation 12
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