Quality Improvement and the NHS Alison Cole AQuA Monday 18 th May 2015
About AQuA Established in 2010 as a NHS health and care quality improvement organisation. Based in North West England Members: 73 commissioner and provider organisations Hosted by Salford Royal Foundation Trust and accountable to -AQuA’s Board -AQuA members through membership agreements Grant and fee for service customers supplement member income AQuA’s Advancing Quality (AQ) programme is separately funded by CCGs and some non-recurrent funding from the former SHA
Our quality improvement priorities
Invest in the Growth & Capability of Staff Improvement requires a system of support: the NHS needs a considered, resourced and driven agenda of capability-building in order to deliver continuous improvement Berwick 2013
AQuA Skills Escalator Career long help to learn, master and apply modern methods for quality control, quality improvement and quality planning Berwick 2013
Safe Quality Improvement Methodologies Patient Centered Quality TimelyEfficient Equity Effective 6 Dimensions of Quality Healthcare Source: Institute of Medicine's ‘Aims for Improvement’
Comprehensive transparency of performance data – including the results of treatment and what patients and carers say – to help health professionals see how they are performing compared to others and improve; to help patients make informed choices; and to help CCGs and NHS England commission the best quality care. The care and quality gap: unless we reshape care delivery, harness technology, and drive down variations in quality and safety of care, then patients’ changing needs will go unmet, people will be harmed who should have been cured, and unacceptable variations in outcomes will persist. We have a double opportunity: to narrow the gap between the best and the worst, whilst raising the bar higher for everyone. To reduce variations in where patients receive care, we will measure and publish meaningful and comparable measurements for all major pathways of care for every provider – including community, mental and primary care – by the end of the next Parliament. We will continue to redesign the payment system so that there are rewards for improvements in quality.
Moving from ‘repair’ to prevention From Deloitte Presentation
Tiers of Integrated Care
What skills and knowledge do you need to do this?
12 What are you changing? What drives the changes you are dealing with in your organisations? How do you know you have to change? What information do you have to support your required changes? What information might you need to support your changes? Where can you get this?
Source: W Bridges: Managing Transitions 13
14 Source: W Bridges: Managing Transitions
“While all changes do not lead to improvement, all improvement requires change.” Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)
Cascade opportunities and links to your workforces