Senior Fall Visit On Your Mark Get Set …GO!
Transcript Check 26 credits needed for graduation 24 state credits 24 state credits Only 2 local credits – extra athletics, cheerleading, TA, Alg III Only 2 local credits – extra athletics, cheerleading, TA, Alg III Check Core classes Check marks for completed classes Check marks for completed classes Zeroes for failed classes Zeroes for failed classes Dots for current classes Dots for current classesNotations P – Pre Ap A - Ap classes C - Correspondence T - Credit by exam E - Acceleration R - Summer school N - Night school
Transcript Check (cont) Health.5 credit Pe1.5 credit Fine Art1.0 credit Technology1.0 credit Foreign Language 2.0 needed for Rec 3.0 needed for DAP
Transcript Check (cont) If you find any errors please return your form to your counselor to recheck. This would include any grades left off from middle school, any change in level (pre Ap or AP), summer school grades, attendance issues, or incorrect grades. Please take care of this as quickly as possible so corrected transcripts can be sent out to colleges.
Transcript Request Forms ALL Transcript requests and counselor recommendation letters MUST have a request form filled out. EACH application must have its OWN form filled out. If you are under 18 years of age a parent MUST sign the form. Forms are located in the counseling office and online.
Transcript Requests PLEASE ALLOW 2 WEEKS FOR ALL TRANSCRIPT REQUESTS. Emergency requests are unfair to others who have followed the guidelines set forth by the counseling office and ask us to put your request before the request of others. The procedures are in place to ensure that we have the proper time to get the correct information to the college or university and write a quality letter of recommendation.
Senior Self Assessment Sheets Senior Information Sheets are used to write letters of recommendation and to fill out scholarship forms. Letters can not be written without these forms. Please take time to fill these forms out thoroughly so that we can write the best letter of recommendation. Once you finish the forms turn them into the turn them into the counseling office. counseling office.
Testing If you have not taken the ACT and SAT do so! Register online at or
Why go to school… Do you want… An apartment An apartment Utilities Utilities Car Car Gas Gas Insurance Insurance Cell Phone Cell Phone Groceries Groceries Entertainment Entertainment Clothes… Clothes…
How do you choose the right college, university, trade school or junior college? Small vs Large Rural vs city Cold vs warm Curriculum, majors and minors Residence halls Test scores and grades – not too easy or too hard Location Price
Junior Colleges and Trade Schools earn an Associates Degree, Certification or Diploma Junior College, Community College and Trade Schools are a great way to get started and are usually cheaper than a four year university. Apprenticeships, OJT Testing and career counseling are available and are normally free of charge. Take advantage of charge. Take advantage of these services! of these services!
Military If you are interested in speaking to military personnel please let your counselor know. Several of the military branches come by the counseling office and are happy to answer questions. This is a great way to get financial help for college and you can receive training in almost any area that is offered in the private sector. Make sure you discuss this with your parent if you are thinking about this option.
Career Cruising One year licensed usage Great source of information Careers Careers Interests Interests Occupations Occupations Log on – Log on –
Know Your Options More education means more options. Motivation increases with clear career goals A Bachelor’s Degree (4 years) gives the most options You can pursue many different kinds of careers You can pursue many different kinds of careers You have more flexibility to change careers You have more flexibility to change careers If you want you can continue your education If you want you can continue your education
“I hear it is harder than ever to get in to a college…” 1. Write down the names of 3 schools you’d like to attend.
“I hear that there is a college for everyone…” 2. Now mark out the following: UT – Austin UT – Austin Texas Tech Texas Tech A & M A & M OU OU Notre Dame Notre Dame LSU LSU OSU OSU NYU NYU Michigan Michigan TCU TCU SMU SMU
Activity cont 3. What do you have left? 4. If everyone chooses the same schools it is more difficult to get in. 5. Research alternatives and you may have better luck! 6. There are MANY great schools and you will get out of your educational experience what you put into it.
Application Components Five most important parts of your college application Transcripts Transcripts ACT and SAT tests ACT and SAT tests Essays Essays How you spend your time outside of school How you spend your time outside of school Interview (do this if possible) Interview (do this if possible) WILL THIS STUDENT MAKE OUR COMMUNITY A BETTER PLACE?
Scholarships Watch the Scholarship newsletter for information Check with your college or university – some require separate application with separate deadline university – some require separate application with separate deadline Fill out FASFA forms in January Check with your parent’s company company Check the internet, but DO NOT PAY for information which is free! for information which is free!
Scholarships You MUST do your part Those that turn in applications and show an interest will get additional help Make copies of everything you turn in Makes next scholarship easier Makes next scholarship easier Applications can get lost Applications can get lost
Timelines Make sure to follow all timelines set out by the college or university set out by the college or university of your choice. of your choice. Watch for major application, scholarship and housing applications deadlines. Many dates are similar at major universities and the counseling office gets very busy. Try to beat the rush, ease your stress, and get your applications in early!
Correspondence Courses Grades from correspondence courses should be turned in by December or the course may be placed in your schedule for the spring. Any grade from correspondence, Target, or other alternative sources must be turned in before the last six week grading period begins. Students will not be considered for the top twenty spot if a course is not complete and the grade turned in by April 14 th, 2009.
Important Information If you have not started working on college applications do so now! Shoot for a Thanksgiving completion date. No pie until you apply!!! Make copies of everything you send to colleges. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Watch deadlines. These are not just a suggestion… A huge load will be off of your back once you get your applications completed. Enjoy the rest of your senior year!