1 expect the best Jeff Deason Chief Information Security Officer Virginia Information Technologies Agency Joint Commission on Technology and Science Advisory Committee on Privacy June 23, 2005 State Agency Database Security in the Commonwealth
2 expect the best Today’s Topics Security Services Mission VITA’s Security Transition to Governance Mature Enterprise Security Program Where are we today? What are we doing? State Database Audits Senate Bill 1252 Questions
3 expect the best Mission Provide comprehensive information security services that allow state agencies to accomplish their respective missions in a safe and secure technology environment.
4 expect the best Transition from Operations to Governance FY04 Operations FY05 Operations/ Governance FY06 Governance VITA Enterprise VITA / Enterprise
5 expect the best Mature Enterprise Security Program Incident Management Secure Infrastructure VITA Critical Infrastructure and Business Continuity Incident Management Secure Infrastructure VITA Critical Infrastructure and Business Continuity Security Policies, Standards and Procedures Risk Management Information Security Training and Awareness
6 expect the best Where are we today? As noted by the APA, current Commonwealth information security and protection is inadequate. Inconsistent security tools and programs. The enterprise information security program which we are now implementing will address these inadequacies.
7 expect the best What are we doing? Constructing a new internal service fund: –$1.53 million for incident management. –$1.74 million for database risk assessments. Pursuing state homeland security grants: –$950,000 for incident management. Developing database audit standards. Will leverage this large, necessary investment through public-private partnerships.
8 expect the best State Database Audits Current Code language provides needed flexibility for database audits based on: –Sensitivity and Criticality of information. –Exposure to risk. There are approximately 1685 applications in VITA customer agencies. –These applications access an unknown number of databases. –Determining the number of databases is a major challenge.
9 expect the best Senate Bill 1252 As introduced: –Would have required semi-annual database audits. It is difficult to justify the cost of auditing every database twice each year. As amended: –Would have required annual database audits and increased reporting. Annual audits are more easily cost-justified than semi- annual audits. Reporting requirements are a positive step as they increase the visibility of the audits. Including incident reports in annual audit reports provides a fuller view of actual risks.
10 expect the best Questions