Investigation: Child Safety
Investigation basics Based on research Primary sources – interviews; surveys; blogs Secondary sources – books, journals, reliable websites 600 words maximum Include appendix with preliminary and primary research – validates your research Referencing and bibliography are essential – use Word referencing function
Identify an issue from those listed below. 1. “Injury is the leading cause of death in children aged 1-12 in Australia. How is technology being used to combat this and what more could be done? 2. Given that injury is the leading cause of death in children aged 1-12 in Australia, are we doing enough to prevent child injury? 3. Are all children in Australia equally protected from injury? What role could technology play in this? 4. Who is responsible for preventing unintentional child injury? How can technology help with this? 5. How is technology being used to help prevent unintentional child injury? Could it be used to greater effect?
InvestigationWhat do I do to demonstrate against this criteria? I1Investigation of contemporary issues related to the safety, health, and well- being of young children. Plan your research – use the questions to guide your research. Keep a record of your research, write notes about what you find and how it helps you to answer your questions. Stay focused on your question, look for the answer. Put this evidence in an appendix to he handed in with your investigation I2Identification and use of different primary and/or secondary sources, with appropriate acknowledgment. Primary research: survey; interview; data collection Secondary research: use books, internet; newspapers; magazines; TV reports; research reports etc. Use reputable;.edu Use correct in text referencing to acknowledge another person’s words or ideas. Bibliography I3Application of literacy and numeracy skills, and use of appropriate terminology. Use correct sentence structure and spelling. Self edit your work by re-reading for meaning a minimum of 3 times Use correct terminology as appropriate Problem-solving P3Justification of decisions about problem-solving and implementation strategies. Answer your question based on your research – decide what you think, then back it up from your research. Reflection R2Reflection on the impact of technology on the health and well-being of children. In your conclusion you need to include an answer to this… How do new and emerging technologies affect the safety of children? In a good way or a bad way? Why R3Reflection on contemporary issues related to child development. In your conclusion you need to say what you think about the issue of preventing injuries in children in what every area you decided to research, The specific features of the assessment design criteria that will be assessed in this task are:-
Where do I start? Choose an area of child injury to research. Make a research table to keep track of all of your research – record the website, the content and the type of information. Make a research table When you have collected a wide range of materials, classify the material you have collected. See Task 2 Child Safety for resources to help you.