Platinum Dealer Program Taking you to the next level of success!
This information is confidential and is not to be provided to any third party without Vicon Industries Inc.’s prior written consent. Platinum Program - Objectives Identify and reward dealers that value Vicon as a true partner in their success Sustain these relationships by delivering VIP treatment, across all Vicon departments, to these Platinum Dealers.
This information is confidential and is not to be provided to any third party without Vicon Industries Inc.’s prior written consent. Platinum Program – Why Vicon? Leader in CCTV industry since 1967 Quality product with limited competition Value-added “best-business” practices deliver a strong competitive edge Tightly controlled distribution channels High standards for customer service and technical support Sales and marketing services to promote your company and Vicon product line
This information is confidential and is not to be provided to any third party without Vicon Industries Inc.’s prior written consent. Platinum Program – Program Benefits Product Support –Advanced replacement program for all Vicon products within the first year –Priority Technical Support Services, including onsite, at Vicon’s discretion –Free training for Vicon products once a year –5 business day priority service turnaround on repairs for in-warranty products or replacement product free of charge
This information is confidential and is not to be provided to any third party without Vicon Industries Inc.’s prior written consent. Platinum Program – Program Benefits VIP Treatment –Limited competition –Best dealer pricing –Additional discount on Vicon products for projects the dealer specifies as Vicon –No restocking fees for returned product within 90 days –Flexible credit policy based on historical relationship and sound financial standing
This information is confidential and is not to be provided to any third party without Vicon Industries Inc.’s prior written consent. Platinum Program – Program Benefits Marketing Support –Platinum POS program Free Vicon promotional items, literature, electronic documentation and point-of-sale materials –Qualified leads provided to you from Vicon –Advanced product notification – new product releases and access to pre-release products –Platinum demo program –Vicon Platinum plaque provided
This information is confidential and is not to be provided to any third party without Vicon Industries Inc.’s prior written consent. Now is the time to lead with Vicon!