Secession and War
Causes of the Civil War Uncle Tom’s Cabin Differences between the N and S Compromise of 1850 Fugitive Slave Act Kansas-Nebraska Act Bleeding Kansas
Causes of the Civil War Dred Scott Decision Lincoln-Douglas Debates Charles Sumner Formation of the Republican Party The Election of 1860
Stephen Douglas—Northern Democrats John C. Breckinridge—Southern Democrats Abraham Lincoln—Republicans John Bell—Constitutional Union Party (moderates from N and S—no position on slavery)
Election of 1860 Lincoln—180 out of 303 electoral votes –Majority –40% Popular vote Douglas—29% Breckinridge—18% Bell—13% Vote purely along sectional lines
The South Secedes Lincoln wins South mistrusts the party and Lincoln 12/20/1860, South Carolina secedes By Feb. 1861—Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, and Georgia join Confederate States of America formed
North vs. South Abraham Lincoln President Jefferson Davis Ulysses S. Grant, William T. Sherman General(s) Robert E. Lee 23 states, 22 million Population 11 states, 9 million Washington D.C. Capital Richmond, VA.
Advantages North South Established Govt. Lincoln Large Population Military Power Industrial Power Greater Wealth ¾ more railroads 2/3 more farm acreage Controlled Shipping Outstanding Generals Strong Military Tradition Strong Motivation “Home Field” Advantage Skilled with guns and horses Cotton can be exchanged for weapons and manufactured goods
Disadvantages North South Weak Motivation Non aggressive officers Far from home—poor communication/long supply line 3,500 mile enemy coastline Vast land—difficult to hold territory European aid to Confederacy Jefferson Davis Inflation—printed money loses its value Inferior numbers –Men –Money –Machinery State sovereignty required to yield to national sovereignty to conduct the war