Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology...from concept to commercialization Building Partnerships Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology Presented by Michelle R. McFarland, Steve Paris and Arnulf P. Hagen OCAST
Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology...from concept to commercialization OCAST Mission Statement OCAST’s mission is: To foster innovation in existing and developing businesses by supporting basic and applied research by facilitating technology transfer between research laboratories and firms and farms by providing seed capital for new innovative firms and their products and by fostering enhanced competitiveness in the national and international markets by small and medium-sized manufacturing firms in Oklahoma by stimulating productivity and modernization of such firms (O.S. 74 §5060.3)
Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology...from concept to commercialization OCAST Programs and the Technology Pipeline from concept to commercialization
OCAST recognized as a national model.
Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology...from concept to commercialization OCAST Presence in Oklahoma
Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology...from concept to commercialization Helping to Build Research Capability to create jobs and wealth to attract top research talent to prevent/mitigate “brain drain” to compete more effectively for federal and private funding to better compete in the global marketplace to attract venture capitalists for sustainable economic development
Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology...from concept to commercialization Applied Research and Internship Programs …thru FY2006 Duncan – Stim-Lab (Core Lab) $689,379 Lawton – Advanced Systems Technology, Inc. $404,469 Weatherford – Precision Design, Inc. $54,000 Medicine Park – The Waid Group, Inc. $19,580 Lawton – Cameron University $431,053 Altus – Western Oklahoma State College $199,904 Weatherford – SWOSU $83,120 El Reno – Redlands CC $94,296
Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology...from concept to commercialization Cameron University Intern R&D Projects - $431,053 Cosmetic Specialty Labs, Inc. Halliburton Energy Services Eagle Systems and Services, Inc. Tec Masters, Inc. Ft. Sill – Army Research Laboratory
Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology...from concept to commercialization R&D Intern Program Stopping the “Brain Drain” An improved Oklahoma technical human resource base that trains future scientists and technology leaders -- an essential ingredient for growing and attracting technology-based business and producing high skill/high wage jobs Chad Smith and Rochette Wurth – Cameron University
Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology...from concept to commercialization R&D Intern Program Undergraduate students perform R&D at Oklahoma High-Tech companies Company mentors guide projects Proposals for business student R&D interns are welcome (no market research) Companies, colleges, and universities lead programs Proposal Intent deadline February 8, 2006 Proposals due February 15, 2006, funding May 1 Next proposal cycle September 2006, funding January 1 Contact Dr. Arnulf (Arni) Hagen
Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology...from concept to commercialization Michelle McFarland and Arnulf Hagen with Alabama Governor Bob Riley at the Southern Growth Policies Board annual meeting held June 2005 at Pt. Clear, Alabama. The OCAST R&D Intern Partnerships program was honored with a regional Innovator Award recognizing innovative rural programs by the Southern Growth Policies Board for This award recognizes the achievements of the interns, the college faculty, and the industry mentors who are the people that have built this program. The program was also named an Innovator in 2001 and 2002
Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology...from concept to commercialization Southwestern Oklahoma State University R&D Intern Projects - $83,120 Imation Corporation CDF Associates Bar-S (Lawton) Bar-S (Elk-City)
Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology...from concept to commercialization Western Oklahoma State College - $199,904 R&D internships at the OSU Cotton Research Center R&D interns directly benefit Robbins Farms, Williams Farms, and Worrel Farms Research support for drip irrigation to improve cotton growth Clay Jack, student intern, and Zach Estes, faculty intern
Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology...from concept to commercialization Redlands Community College – $94,296 R&D internships at the USDA Grazinglands Research Center R&D internships at the Darlington Dairy Research support to assist Oklahoma’s wine industry Austin Douglas, R&D Intern
Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology...from concept to commercialization Manufacturing Extension Agents Caddo, Comanche, Cotton, Greer, Harmon, Jackson, Jefferson, Stephens and Tillman Counties and the cities of Gotebo, Mt. View, and Snyder Bill Cunningham Garvin, McClain and Pontotoc Counties Dan Asklund
Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology...from concept to commercialization Oklahoma Alliance For Manufacturing Excellence Elk-City – Dyna-Turn assisted with tooling, safety, and marketing Frederick – Metzeler assisted with obtaining a community development block grant and assistance with energy savings Lindsay – Hydra-Walk assisted with their revolutionary pipe handling system Lawton – Republic Paperboard assisted with commercializing products made from traditional waste
Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology...from concept to commercialization More About OCAST Visit the OCAST Web site at Listen to Oklahoma Innovations on the OCAST radio network: Altus - 6 am on KCCU FM 89.9 Ardmore - 6 am on KLCU FM 90.3 Chickasha - 6 am on KCCU FM Clinton - 6 am on KYCU FM 89.1 Duncan - 6 am on KCCU FM 89.3 Lawton/Fort Sill - 6 am on KCCU FM Oklahoma City - 5 pm on KTOK AM 1000 Tulsa - 5 am on KRMG AM 740 Wichita Falls TX - 6 am on KMCU FM 88.7