1 BESAC Feb 27, 2001 Polymers and block copolymers for directed self-assembly of nanomaterials Self-assembling building blocks or templates “Bottom-up” approach to directed self- assembly Linking the nanoscale to the microscale and beyond Integrating ORNL and university science using CNMS Nanofabrication Research Laboratory Thin film oxide fuel cells with nanoscale functionality Nanoscale solid oxides with improved conversion efficiency (ORNL LDRD -- P. Becher, I. Kosacki, et al.) Carbon nanotube arrays for massively parallel E-beam lithography DARPA application of DOE fundamental research Bridging Length Scales: Connecting Nanoscale Science to Real-World Technologies Thin-film diblock copolymer Template (Thurn-Albrecht et al., U. of Massachusetts)
2 BESAC Feb 27, 2001 CNMS Connections to the Private Sector How to promote interactions? If you hold a “nano”-science workshop, they will come! ORNL workshop involved 10 private companies, including three venture capital investment companies with ~$100M each ORNL has a strong track record in tech transfer and CRADAs with industry CNMS will be an enabler for the evolution of nanoscience to industrial nanotechnology Strong nanoscience/tech transfer already underway at ORNL, especially small companies CRADAs with major companies, including Motorola and Seagate Technologies Include industrial partners in research focus areas Industrial member will be on CNMS Advisory Committee
3 BESAC Feb 27, 2001 Broad Implications for Energy Technologies Fuel cells (nanostructured ionic conductors) Catalysts (improved efficiency and selectivity) Clathrates (carbon sequestration and energy supply) Sensors (highly specific environmental sensors) Energy transmission materials (next generation superconductors) Materials with improved thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, etc. for energy applications Structural materials (light weight, high strength nano- composites) Energy storage (carbon-based nanostructures) Improved magnets (lighter weight motors) Energy generation (nanostructured photovoltaics) Self-assembled ordered materials (membranes for separation) Triblock coploymer morphologies
4 BESAC Feb 27, 2001 CNMS Collaborations Will Leverage Nanoscience Investments of States and Federal Agencies J. Bernholc (NCSU) J.K. Blasie (Pennsylvania) W. Butler (Alabama-MINT) R. Compton, G. Sayler (Tenn.) S. Das Sarma (Maryland) H. Dorn (Virginia Tech) L. Feldman, R. Haglund, S. Pantelides, S. Rosenthal (Vanderbilt) S. Glotzer (Michigan) E. Grulke (Kentucky) R. Hull (Virginia) J. Mays (Ala-Birm. / Tenn.) A. J. Millis (Rutgers) T. Russell (Massachusetts) D. Schlom (Penn State) Z. L. Wang (Georgia Tech) B. Yakobson (Rice) NSF Polymers and Biomaterials MRSECs at U. Mass., U. Penn., Princeton, UCSB, U. Minn. + others U. Alabama MINT Center Georgia Tech Center for Nanosci. & Nanotech. U. Louisville Center for Nanotechnology U. Michigan Center for Computational Materials Research North Carolina Center for Nanoscale Materials Rice U. Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology U. Tennessee: Center for Environmental Biotechnology and Tennessee Advanced Materials Laboratory Vanderbilt Institute for Nanoscale Science, Engineering and Biotechnology, and Laser Science Center U. Virginia Center for Nanoscopic Materials Design CINT (Sandia / Los Alamos) Molecular Foundry (LBNL) NASA Centers of Excellence (Langley, Ames) National High Magnetic Field Lab NIST: Polymers Division & Center for Neutron Research * Partial listing only
5 BESAC Feb 27, 2001 How to Protect Our Leading Scientists from Administrative Burden Hire excellent support staff! Dedicated administrative support for scientific staff Establish a Deputy Director position Protect scientific thrust leaders (and part of Director!) Equally important -- Focus top scientists on building, leading, and maintaining world-leading science programs and collaborations