Adding Fuel to the Fire Causes of the Civil War Part I Your name Your hour
Causes of the Civil War Part 2 Name Hour Sectionalism *Kansas- Nebraska Act *Missouri Compromise Popular Sovereignty
Causes of the Civil War Part II Your Name Your Hour
Causes of the Civil War Part 1 Name Hour Compromise of 1850 Uncle Tom’s Cabin Secession
1. SECTIONALISM An exaggerated loyalty to a particular region or country.
2. Missouri Compromise Written by Henry Clay Kept balance equal in the Senate 1820 Missouri would be a slave state Maine would be a free state Any land north of the 36`30˚N line of latitude would be free, that was purchased in the Louisiana Purchase.
9. Kansas-Nebraska Act Proposed by Stephen Douglass May Kansas would become a territory. 2. Nebraska would become a territory. 3. They would have popular sovereignty. Overthrew part of the Missouri Compromise.
8. Popular Sovereignty Allows the people to decide on slavery (or the current issue)
5. Compromise of 1850 Henry Clay – 5 part plan California would be free state 2. New Mexico Territory no restrictions on slavery (popular sovereignty) 3. New Mexico/Texas border dispute settled in favor of New Mexico 4. No slave trade, but slavery would be allowed in District of Columbia. 5. Stronger fugitive slave laws
7. Uncle Tom’s Cabin Father was a minister Harriet Beecher Stowe Wrote the book Husband was a religion professor abolitionist book sold over 300,000 copies Told of horrors, brutalities of slavery
17. Secession To withdrawal from the union.
6. Fugitive Slave Act 1850 Required all citizens to help catch runaways or be fined up to $1,000 or imprisoned. Angered people in the North
10. Bleeding Kansas Pro/Anti slavery supporters fought over slavery issues Lawrence was the antislavery capital (two newspapers), burned town by pro- supporters. Border ruffians (Missourians would come vote unfairly) Potawattomie Massacre – John Brown (Abolitionists- God made him do it!)
11. Civil War A conflict between citizens of the same country.
12. Formation of the Republican Party 1854 Wisconsin Abraham Lincoln Antislavery Whigs, Democrats, Free- soilers wanted to overthrow slave power.
13. Dred Scott Decision 1.Enslaved African American bought by Missouri (slave) Army Doctor Dr. moves to Illinois (free) Wisconsin (free) – HAS FREE PAPERS 3.Dr. dies – family moves back to Missouri (slave) Dred sues for freedom he has had for 16 years. 5.Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger Taney said slaves are property and they have NO rights.
3. Wilmot Proviso Said slavery should be prohibited in any lands acquired from Mexico –New Mexico –Arizona –Texas –Colorado This did NOT pass!
14. Lincoln/Douglas Debates Senate elections Met 7 times Douglas predicts the Civil War Douglas supports Popular Sovereignty Douglas – Democrat Lincoln – Republican Lincoln says “slavery is morally wrong” stop the spread of slavery.
15.John Brown’s Raid on Harpers Ferry, Virginia October 16, 1859 Led 18 black/whites to federal arsenal Wanted to spark upraising with enslaved people Plan failed (no back up plan) Captured by Robert E. Lee Tried, found guilty, hanged
16. Election of Stephen A. Douglas – Democrat 2 John Breckinridge – South Democrat 3. Abraham Lincoln – Republican 4. John Bell – Constitution Party Battle over Slavery Lincoln WON
18. December 20, 1860 South Carolina was the first to secede from the Union.
19. February 1, 1861 Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia joined South Carolina and left the Union.
20. Confederate States of America Jefferson Davis chosen as President Name given to Southern States who had seceded from the Union.
21. States’ Rights Southern states thought they should have more power than the Constitutions.
4. Free-Soil Party New political party 1848 Martin Van Buren Candidate Endorsed (supported) Wilmot Proviso Free soil, free speech, free labor, free men Against slavery
March 4, 1861 Buchanan left office Lincoln sworn in – said Southern states had NO right to secede. Vowed to hold federal property in South and enforce laws of United States.
23. April 12, 1861 Confederates fired on Fort Sumter, while they waited on supplies from the North Confederates start the Civil War Lincoln orders 75,000 troops to the South.