Nature of International Marketing Challenges and Opportunities Dr Ku-Ho Lin 26th/Sep./2007 NCHU MBA.


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Presentation transcript:

Nature of International Marketing Challenges and Opportunities Dr Ku-Ho Lin 26th/Sep./2007 NCHU MBA

Challenges and Opportunities Process of international marketing Process of international marketing International dimension of marketing International dimension of marketing Domestic marketing V.S. International marketing Domestic marketing V.S. International marketing The applicability of marketing The applicability of marketing Multinational corporations (MNCs) Multinational corporations (MNCs) The Process of Internationalization The Process of Internationalization Benefits of International marketing Benefits of International marketing

Definition of International Marketing Multinational process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services and to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives Multinational process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services and to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives

Dimension of Markeitng Consumer Marketing v.s. Business-to-Business Marketing Consumer Marketing v.s. Business-to-Business Marketing Domestic Marketing v.s. Foreign Marketing Domestic Marketing v.s. Foreign Marketing Comparative Marketing Comparative Marketing International Marketing v.s. Global/multinational Marketing International Marketing v.s. Global/multinational Marketing Domestic Marketing v.s. International Marketing Domestic Marketing v.s. International Marketing – Similar in nature but not in scope (scale)? – Different in degree but not in kind?

MNCs (Multinational Corporations) Cons Cons – Exploitation – Erosion of a nation’s sovereignty Pros Pros – Power and Prestige – Social Responsibility – Marketing Performance

Characteristics of MNCs Definition by size Definition by size – Market value – Sales – Profits – Assets – Number of employees

Characteristics of MNCs (cont.) Definition by structure Definition by structure – Number of countries in which the firms does business – Citizenship of corporate owners and top managers

Characteristics of MNCs (cont.) Definition by performance Definition by performance – Commitment of corporate resources to foreign operations – Amount of rewards from the commitment

Characteristics of MNCs (cont.) Definition by behavior Definition by behavior – Ethno-centricity – Poly-centricity – Geo-centricity

Behavior/Attitude Ethnocentricity Ethnocentricity Orientation toward home country Orientation toward home country Centralization of decision making Centralization of decision making Efficient but not effective Efficient but not effective

Behavior/Attitude (cont.) Poly-centricity Poly-centricity – Strong orientation to host market – Decentralization of decision making – Effective but not efficient

Behavior/Attitude (cont.) Geocentricity Geocentricity – World orientation – Centralization + decentralization + coordination – Efficient and Effective

Benefits of International Marketing Survival and Growth Survival and Growth Sales and Profits Sales and Profits Diversification Diversification Inflation and Price moderation Inflation and Price moderation Employment Employment Standards of Living Standards of Living Understanding of Marketing Process Understanding of Marketing Process

Case Study 自然美

問題與討論 自然美在上海與在台灣的行銷通路策略有 何不同? 自然美在上海與在台灣的行銷通路策略有 何不同? 自然美在香港上市後,經營策略又有麼改 變? 自然美在香港上市後,經營策略又有麼改 變? 「民族品牌」策略的應用對自然美是好是 壞?其他產業是否可以模仿自然美的策略? 「民族品牌」策略的應用對自然美是好是 壞?其他產業是否可以模仿自然美的策略?