By: Jennifer Stone
Your five senses play an important role in your daily life. Every moment in your life, you use at least one of your five senses. You touch, hear, see, taste, and smell in order to adapt to a new environment. The five senses are important for everyone. For those who are blind or deaf, they still use the other three senses. The five senses work together all the time in order to allow your body to function properly and lets your life be easier. Your brain is the general CPU for your body. The nerves in your nose, skin, tongue, eye, and ear will take in all of the different things around your environment. It brings all the different sights, smells, feelings, sounds, and tastes together and sends messages to tell your brain what they are like. There, your brain processes the information and lets you know what you are smelling, seeing, feeling, hearing, or tasting.
Students will be able to identify the five senses Students will be able to identify what body part each sense is used for Students will be able to correctly match pictures with the senses to which they belong
There will be a mystery box and the learner will identify and observe the objects in mystery boxes by using touch only. The learner will identify and observe what various pieces of food are by using taste only. The learner will identify his or her surroundings, after being blindfolded and walked around the classroom. The learner will identify and observe the various smells of each object by using smell only. The learner will identify and observe various sounds made by the teacher using hearing only. The learner will communicate with a partner his or her observations about each of the five senses activities. The students will color and label a picture showing they have learned the five senses.
§ Health Education, Kindergarten. (b) Knowledge and skills. (K.4) The student knows the basic structures and functions of the human body and how they relate to personal health. The students is expected to: (A)Name the five senses (B)Name major body parts and their functions; and (C)Name and demonstrate good posture principles such as standing straight with shoulders back.