IDENTITY Teachers name : Milan Chandra Das. Assistant Teacher Lamagonga Pur Gvt. Primary School.
Class-2 Sub-English Unite-3 Lesson-3.b-c[a-d] Time – 35 minutes
Learning out come By the end of lesson student will able 1.to say the name of the part of the body. 2.to match the names of the part of the body with correct picture. 3.to act by listening teachers commands.
StageActivitiesTimeTechniqueMater ials Exchange of Greeting Creatsafty environment By greeting.2 minutes WCW Warm upBy reciting Rhyme. One finger one Thum moving minute s WCWDC/Se lf Inpute I showing picture Ask the students think alone and say about the picture. Then I share /Discuss in pairs. 2.Declaration of lesson. 3.I read this words with proper pronunciation spelling and meaning..4.Ss read the words proper pronunciation with me. 15minut es IW WCW PW SGW D C SS Practice1.I will tell the students to match the names of the part of the body with correct picture. 2I will tell them listen my command and act. 3.Each students of the groph will match the name of the part of the body with correct picture. 4.They will also act by listening teachers command. 5.They will also say alone the name of the part of the body by looking pictures. 10munit es GW IW DC DC / SS DC/Ss Task/teac hing learning 1.I will check their metch patcricaly 2.Touch your mouth 3.Touch your hair 4.Touch your finger 5.Toch your leg. THE END GOOD BY 5minute s IWSS
Human Body
Hand Head Leg Belly Knee Finger Toe Hair Ear Mouth teeth Nose Shoulder Eye