CREATIVE THINKING Modern Memory Systems and Accelerated Learning Materials worked out by Polish and Cypriot teachers who took part in the course. There is no bad memory, only memory properly or improperly trained. Harry Lorayne Harry Lorayne
In contemporary rapidly changed and competitive world the main source of advantage is more efficient learning, using the full potential of your mind, spirit and body, enthusiasm, better communication, effective thinking and initiating and maintaining valuable, emotional relations with the others.
About the workshop The workshop aims to supply the listeners with the basic skills in practical use of modern memory systems and to encourage further study of the subject, eventually finding hidden Perfect Memory and experiencing joy and satisfaction of new learning, both for oneself and for the pupils.
What a learner may expect by participating in the workshop? 1.Broadening his knowledge about how the brain works while learning. 2.Joy of discovering new possibilities of his brain. 3.Have fun and relax resulted from an interactive form of the workshop. 4.Long-term plan for individual training after the workshop enables him gaining experience and further practical skills on the field.
General layout of the workshop programme I. What are the influences upon greater efficiency of learning II. Understanding yourself as a learner III. Understanding yourself as a teacher IV. Form of schooling A. Multi-stage training (for teachers) B. Multi-stage training (for trainers)
Myths about our memory Memory is a thing. There is a secret to a good memory. There is an easy way to memorize. Some people are stuck with bad memories. Some people are blessed with photographic memories. Some people are too old/young to improve their memories. Memory like a muscle benefits from exercise. A trained memory never forgets. Remembering too much can clutter your mind. I have bad memory.
How to attain greater efficiency of learning in today’s school
In general, quicker, more effective learning is a main source of advantage in today’s world. To be better learner means to learn DIFFERENTLY, what implies becoming DIFFERENT man. To learn better is to follow the way of personal development. The simplest way to improve our memory is to discard myths and get rid of bad habits, creating proper ones. Memory test: check your future accomplishments
Questions to answer: When and under what conditions we learn better? How better learning can influence our global future? What are the most vital conditions of efficient learning? What’s the future of human work?
What will a learner gain? Understanding the need of being better learner in today’s world. Knowing the area we can improve to attain higher learning proficiency.
Mind Map is multidimensional picture of graphic representation of our thoughts on given subject. This new way of making notes speeds up memorising, improves understanding, facilitates and limits the amount and time of repetition and allows for creative widening of the notes.
Questions to answer: What are the minuses of traditional noting? What are the basics of Mind Mapping (MM)? What is and how works the key-word? What is the secret of its efficiency? In what way Mind Mapping stimulates and enforces synergy of both hemispheres?
What will the learner gain? Knowing the basics of Mind Mapping he can make first steps on the road to quick and creative noting, sparing at least 90% of time and effort in comparison with traditional noting. And it accelerates learning at the same time.
Main mechanisms, rules and stages of memorising
Efficient learning employs and relates to natural mechanisms used by thinking brain in the process of learning. Basic mechanisms we can easily discover ourselves putting them immediately into practise.
Questions to answer: What are the most interesting aspects of modern memory techniques? How can we prove that we think “with pictures”? What’s wrong in using rote memory? Why we find recalling so difficult in the same instances? How the rule of abundance influences positively effective learning of the adults?
What will the learner gain? Consciously using the basic mechanisms of memorising we will experience learning as a game with our brain and imagination, discovering uniting the same time forgotten joy and bliss of the process.
Brain’s work during learning procedures We think with images We always link new information with our previous knowledge We actually never forget anything
Stages of learning Concentration Encoding Consolidation (repeating) Recalling/retrieving
Two important rules to remember Rule of abundance The more we know (remember), the more we can learn. Rule of creativity We will never forget what we have created.
How to create and use vivid picture Visual imaginary in practice
Time to become friends with your right hemisphere and discover unlimited possibilities of your imagination, responsible for creating “vivid pictures.”. As a result of creative imagination we call it mental glue that links rigidly new info with your previous knowledge.
Questions to answer: How to gain best scores in the IQ tests today? What is the relation between memory and emotions? What are the main three elements of vivid picture? What is the “personal” brain storm like? What is the procedure?
What will the learner gain? Knowing and practicing the power of associations we will have the key to learn with imagination that creates joy and highest efficiency possible. We can programme unblocking and strengthening your imagination arising and developing the potential of your unique mind.
Exercise 1 Make an association in the form of vivid picture for the following pairs of words: teeth - guitar pencil - rock tie - lamp microphone - book ship - clip bus - Moon paper - ball pen chimney - smoke tree - ball widow - chair Example: teeth and guitar - I wash teeth with the guitar
Modern, tremendously efficient learning today demands: 1.use of our visual imaginary to transform new information into pictures in most convincible way for us. 2.creating strong, vivid associations between new information and everything you know or remember and being fully concentrated on the task. 3.maintaining your motivation to learn on the highest level possible in the proper state of mind and body.
OLS – Optimal Learning State
Main Memory Systems
The secrets of Link and Peg Memory Systems show how the modern mental tools of memorising work in practice and that the basics of the systems are simple and easy to grab. Very little is needed to help our memory.
Questions to answer: Can fleas teach us anything? How many memory systems we should know in our learning practice? What are the reasons of memory failures while using memory pegs? How much information can we absorb using the Link Memory System?
What will the learner gain? We will know precise and specific mental tools to speed up effective learning and facilitate the every-day tasks in your professional and personal life. – Memory peg is deliberately chosen and perfectly memorized word, simple and easy represented on our mind s screen, with which using vivid and strong associations we can link (and thus remember) practically unlimited amount of information. – Link Memory System is most useful in memorizing new info in original order and sequence Memory Peg systems we use to memorize new info in numerical order.