POUS Point Of Use Storage
Agenda POUS
AGENDA »Introduction and definition Agenda | »Why / Benefits »Examples »When to Use, Not to Use »How to Implement »Summary / Q&A POUS
Introduction POUS
Introduction | POUS part of CI POUS
Introduction | Definition POUS Defined……. »POUS is the principle of placing “stuff” needed in the course of performing an operation within easy access of the operator »Such as…. »Raw Materials »Tools »Information »Instructions POUS
Introduction | Definition POUS, Sneak Peak……. POUS
Why / Benefits? POUS
Introduction | Definition Why? ……. »POUS compliments many other Lean Principles….. »5S »Visual Workplace »A place for everything, everything in it’s place »Do you have everything you need in your Value Field to do you job? »Is everything easily identifiable? »Does your work area contain all the “information you need to do your job? POUS
Introduction | Definition Why? ……. »Standard Work »Kanban »Cellular / Pull Mfg »Simplifies, reduces, Non Valued activities…. »Ordering, scheduling, picking, inventory transfers, computerized system updates »A visual supply chain, visual “replenishment” system »Delivered in “appropriate” quantities, where needed »Cells need “stuff” close at hand, limited floor space »Raw materials “pulled” based on demand, better care and feeding of the cells POUS
Introduction | Benefits Benefits……. »Eliminates wastes of…. »Lost time looking for tools and equipment »Lost time from not having needed Raw Materials »Complex inventory tracking (kitting/MRP) »Motion / Reaching – going to get what you need POUS
Introduction | Benefits POUS Benefits……. »Simplifies physical inventory tracking »Reduces need to Cycle Count »Psychological effect, “I have what I need, I can keep busy” »Operators better able to stay at task in own work area
Examples POUS
Introduction | Examples, outside of work »Dental Office, exam room… »All “operations” done in same chair »Tools and supplies at hand for cleaning »Equipment at hand for diagnostics »Tools and supplies at hand for treatments »Results… »Customer does not have to move »Customer saves time »Single visit can handle most ops SATISFIED CUSTOMER POUS
Introduction | Examples….. POUS
Introduction | Examples….. POUS
Introduction | Examples, Office POUS
Introduction | Examples, manufacturing POUS
Introduction | Examples, manufacturing POUS
Introduction | Examples, one more POUS Huh?
When Best Used / Not Used POUS
Introduction | When to Use POUS Best When ……. »Supplier can make frequent, small deliveries »Cost of commodities is not prohibitive »Storage space available in value field POUS
Introduction | When to Use POUS Don’t use if……. »Difficult to deliver often »Difficult to deliver in small quantities »Don’t have space to store in value field POUS »Cost or value of product requires more control
How to Implement? POUS
Introduction | Definition How? ……. »Find good candidates for POUS »Define Quantity / Amount »From “Best When List” »Small, Frequent Deliveries »Deliver multiple times/day »Think “out the box” »Look at EVERYTHING needed to perform the operation »More small equipment VS Few Large »Who needs what equipment / tools? POUS
Introduction | Definition How? ……. »How close can you get it to Point Of Use? Poor? POUS Better? Best?
Introduction | Definition How? ……. Poor? POUS Better? Best?
Introduction | Definition How? ……. »Define Storage methods »How, where in value field? »Determine How to know when needed? »Kanban? »Can multiple workstations share commodities? »If yes, how to arrange workstations so commodities are within easy reach? »Define Who / How to Deliver »“Water Spider” principle POUS
Introduction | Definition Things to think about……. »Don’t assume POUS is for everything »There may be initial investment costs »Consider most frequently used “stuff” »Following 5S and Visual Workplace efforts? »Involve suppliers, could include VMI »Again, think about EVERYTHING needed to accomplish the operations POUS
Summary | »POUS is a principle of providing a supply of needed “stuff” to a workstation in an effort to reduce wastes »Unlike a Central Warehouse »Unlike a Supermarket »More like Home Delivery?? »Again, think about EVERYTHING needed to accomplish the operation POUS
Questions?? POUS