Baseline survey was conducted in 92 households covering 6 villages, three each from both the Dhandhar and Jherli village panchayats. Dhandhar Village Panchayat. (Dhandhar, Ghumansar, Kulharia ki Dhani) Jherli Village Panchayat (Jherli, Garinda, and Raila).
Economic status: 54% of the households belongs to poor economic status and 46% falls under middle class.
Regarding the source of drinking water, survey revealed that 13% of the households have house taps, 70.7% use public taps, 15.2% take drinking water from well and 1.1% use hand pump.
Communicable Diseases: The study shows that 36% households had suffered from Malaria during last one year
81.8% of them who had suffered from Malaria were given anti malarial medicines.
64.1% of the households know how malaria spreads. 64.1% of the households know how malaria spreads.
43.5% of the households are aware that malaria can relapse if not treated properly.
5.4% of the households suffered from Tuberculosis during last one year. 5.4% of the households suffered from Tuberculosis during last one year.
80% of the respondents who suffered from tuberculosis said that DOTS treatment were available to them
18.7% of the households were aware about how long DOTS medication should be done.
1.1% of the households had diagnosed with HIV infection/suspected case
85.7% of the households said that no HIV/AIDS counseling was provided by the nearest hospital.
58.7% of the respondent knows how HIV/AIDS spreads where as 41.3% of the respondent do not know.
92.4% of the respondent said that the nearest hospital does not provide medicine for ART (Anti Retro Viral Treatment).
68.5% of the households did not know how to take care of HIV+ person at home.
Infant Mortality: 14.1% of the children in the family died during delivery or before 5 years of age.
Of these 66.7% died within few days, 16.7% died within one year and 16.7% deaths occurred during 1 to 5 years.
In 20% cases infant died because of complication at birth, 13.3% cases malnutrition was the cause of death and 66.7% died due to diseases
Maternal mortality: 2% of the mother in the family died during delivery.
Immunization: As for the health history of the children 47.7% of the mothers have immunization cards for their children while 52.3% do not have it.
57.1% of the children have taken BCG
66.7%of the children have taken DPT 1, DPT 2 and DPT 3
69.1% of the children have taken the Polio drops.
62%of the children have taken the hepatitis B1, B2, B3 injection.
29% of the children havet been vaccinated against measles
43% of the children had been vaccinated against Typhoid.
Diarrhea and ARI 30.1% of the children had suffered from Diarrhea in past two months.
67.6% of the households were aware about oral re- hydration solution.
50% of the households use ORS for children having diarrhea.
48% of the households have taken their children with diarrhea to the health facility. Rest 52% have not taken.
50.7% of the households give food to the one suffering from diarrhea.
22% of children suffered from Acute Respiratory Infection (fever, cough, rapid breathing) in past two months and all of them were taken to the health facility.
Malnutrition: 10% of children below the age of five were suffering from malnutrition.
Family planning: The study reveals that 26% of the respondent use contraceptive for family planning whereas 74% do not use it.
Among the total population 43%of the wives had undergone sterilization surgery. 7%of the husbands had undergone sterilization surgery.
31% of the women consumed Iron Folic Acid tablets during pregnancy.
Only 34% of the women received ante natal check up during pregnancy and rest 66% did not receive any ante natal check up during pregnancy.
39% of women had taken Tetanus Injection during pregnancy.
62% of the women have 1 to 3 children,33% of the women have 3 to 6 children, 4% of the women do not have child and 1% of the women has 6 to 9 children.
88% of the women delivered at home,10% of the women delivered in hospital and 2% of the women delivered in PHC
55% of the delivery attended by untrained dais, 35% of the delivery attended by trained dai and only 10%of the delivery attended by trained doctors.
Breast feeding: 38%of the mother started breastfeeding the infant in one to two hours,33% of the mothers started breastfeeding after a long time, 22% of the mothers started breastfeeding in less than one hour 7% of the mothers started breastfeeding next day.
72%of the mothers gives pre lactic to their children
78% of the mothers started giving solid/mushy food to the infant in addition to breast milk in between six to nine months.13% of them gave longer than this.8% of the mothers gave between three to six months.
99%of the mothers had breastfed their children for longer and 1% of the mothers had breastfed her child for two months.