Health Board Health Protection Dr Jackie Hyland NHS Fife
What are we trying to do? Form Follows Function
UK Models England Fewer CCDC/head of population BUT CCDC job is different PCT i.e Imm Co-ord, Flu co-ordinator, Emergency Planning etc Not involved in Hospital Infection control Data is much better in Scotland. Some good things - some HPUs have EHOs on staff working as HP practitioners alongside nurses. At least one HPU post Godstone now use HPU staff to interview serious GI illness e.g. E coli i.e similar to what we do in Grampian. Wales? N Ireland?
re Ref. Dr. C Ramsay
How do we protect health? Refhttp:// (accessed 07/05/09) 1. Surveillance Monitor the health of the population and the hazards and exposures affecting it. Outcome 1 – The HP Team is able to collect and analyze data for surveillance purposes Statutory notifications, laboratory results of statutory notifiable diseases, immunization data, environmental public health data Outcome 2 – The Health Protection Team regularly reviews data with relevant colleagues (ie at meetings, through reports) Chest Physicians (TB), GUM Physicians, Environmental Health officers, other service providers as appropriate. Circulars/newsletters to local GPs etc
New and Renewed Threats New (H1N1, iGAS, PVL MRSA), renewed (measles, TB) Increase temperatures – vector borne diseases e.g. malaria Flooding and drought Post September 11th 2001 deliberate releases/bioterrorism Insufficient control measures (imported food, health screening)
2. Investigation Investigate why and how people fall ill because of exposure to hazards and what can be done to prevent this. Outcome 3 - The Health Protection Team has capacity and expertise to provide support to priority areas of work E.g. Pandemic influenza; healthcare associated infections and antimicrobial resistance; vaccine preventable diseases and the impact on them of current and planned immunization programmes; environmental exposures which have an adverse impact on health; gastro-intestinal and zoonotic infections, hepatitis C and other blood borne viruses etc.
3. Risk Assessment ) Estimate the probability of the health of a community being damaged from exposure to a hazard. “Bigger units means becoming call centres, withdrawn, losing local relationships with local authorities and other partners. No longer able to proactively raise awareness to support implementation of polices. No longer able to visit cases or sites. LA going own way losing co-operative approach.” CPHM
4. Risk Management Put in measures which reduce the risk of exposure to hazards and the impact they have on health. Outcome 4- The Health Protection Team is able to ensure that policies are regularly updated and reviewed Schools/Nurseries/childminders, Residential homes, TB, Pandemic Influenza plan, Meningitis, Infestations (Headlice/Scabies), Blood borne viruses, Emergency Incidents, Other policies relevant to Board
5. Risk communication Inform the public about the risks to their health and what the individually or collectively can do to reduce these Communication which is proportionate!
Outcome 5- The Health Protection Team is able to deal with out of hours incidents, outbreaks and emergency incidents. Production and regular update of on- call pack, Regular training for staff participating on on-call rota, Organisation or participation in table top simulation for exercises for Communicable Disease outbreaks, Other incidents (water borne, CBRN, air borne and radiation) 6. Emergency response and management Respond to incidents and outbreaks so as to reduce the number of cases of illness and other consequences to a minimum
Outcome 6 - The Health Protection Team is able to maintain health protection skills and competencies Emergency Incident Management, Media handling, Legal aspects of Health Protection, IT/Epidemiological techniques Outcome 7 - Health Protection Team is able to attend professional meetings to monitor and influence service developments Local Immunisation meetings, Hospital Infection Control meetings, Emergency Planning meetings, National CDEH meetings, National Health Protection Conferences Outcome 8 - The Health Protection Team is able to participate in educational/audit activities Participation in local/national audit/ surveys, Fulfilling own professional CPD requirements, Training of on-call staff, Training local colleagues/professional groups in aspect Outcome 9 - The Health Protection Team has the capacity and resilience to respond to individual reports, incidents and outbreaks in line with national and local guidance Capacity and resilience issues picked up in Joint Health Protection Plans Outcome 10 - The Health Protection Team is well led Vision, values and aims shared by team, Health Protection team works well together, Health Protection team uses resources efficiently, Team members maintains good partnerships with local and national NHS colleagues and with local authorities
Main work-streams Reactive -Stakeholder driven - operational response focus -non-negotiable e.g. chemical incident response Proactive - -driven by Stakeholder perceptions of key issues -differing Stakeholder priorities and demands – competing some Maintaining a Balance - dependent on whose “ priorities ” weight greatest and the availability of resources Environmental Public Health and Communicable disease Control adapted from Dr C Ramsay presentation
Thank-you Acknowledgements David Breen Helen Howie Jayne Leith Ken Oates Tim Patterson Colin Ramsay Diana Webster