lnujj / lljj informal meeting, Generation of W+jets with cut on W pt Alexander Solodkov IHEP, Protvino
Software versions Following recommendation of Philippe Calfayan I tried to run modified version of Alpgen with cut on boson pt Last Athena release – contains latest versions of all Alpgen packages, it means that production can be easily done on the grid External/AlpGen uses Alpgen v2.1.4.p5 Generators/AlpGen_i Generators/AlpGenControl lnujj / lljj informal meeting, 13-Jun-2013
Test with Z tau tau Np1 For first test with cut on Z pt the following datasets were produced (5000 events each) ZtautauNp1 - no pt cut ZtautauNp1 - 0 < pt < ZtautauNp < pt < ZtautauNp < pt < ZtautauNp < pt < ZtautauNp < pt < ZtautauNp < pt lnujj / lljj informal meeting,
Test with Z tau tau Np1 For pt > 500 GeV job failed with error: TestHepMC ERROR EFFICIENCY IS TOO LOW! % found, but at least: 98% required AthenaEventLoopMgr ERROR Error in Algorithm Finalize severity=ERROR severity=ERROR Had to rerun job with extra parameter postExec=topAlg.TestHepMC.EffFailThreshold=0.975 Next few slides – attempt to reproduce plot shown in this presentation: terialId=slides&confId= terialId=slides&confId= lnujj / lljj informal meeting,
Test with Z tau tau Np1 (no sum) lnujj / lljj informal meeting,
Test with Z tau tau zoomed lnujj / lljj informal meeting,
Test with Z tau tau stacked hist lnujj / lljj informal meeting,
Test with Z tau tau stacked hist lnujj / lljj informal meeting,
Test with W+jets W+njets without pt cut and with pt>150 cut were produced for 3 possible decay modes and number of jets cut were produced for 3 possible decay modes and number of jets 0 <= n <=5 – 36 datasets in total 6 jobs failed WenuNp5incl WtaunuNp5incl WenuNp0_pt150 WenuNp5incl_pt150 WmunuNp0_pt150 WtaunuNp0_pt150 lnujj / lljj informal meeting,
Test with W+jets In failed jobs errors are always similar At line 108 of file../src/initalpgen.F (unit = 71, file = 'inparmAlpGen.dat') Fortran runtime error: End of file At line 2064 of file../alplib/alpgen.f (unit = 11, file = 'alpout.par') Fortran runtime error: End of file At line 3614 of file../alplib/alpgen.f (unit = 11, file = 'alpout.par') Fortran runtime error: End of file Log files are available at Asked Philippe if he knows what’s wrong lnujj / lljj informal meeting,
W e nu + 1,2,3,4 jets s lnujj / lljj informal meeting,
W mu nu + 1,2,3,4 jets s lnujj / lljj informal meeting,
W tau nu + 1,2,3,4 jets s lnujj / lljj informal meeting,
Conclusions Event generation with cut on boson pt seems to be working WlnuNp1 – WlnuNp4 are fine Still need to understand the reason of failures in some jobs for Np0 and Np5inclusive I guess next step – to produce more “official” datasets How to proceed ? Private production or request to production team ? Which release should be used ? Output from might be incompatible with 17.2.X.Y How many events are needed ? lnujj / lljj informal meeting,