Got Blog? Lois Ann Scheidt Blog: (
What is a blog? A blog is a frequently updated webpage where entries are usually made in reverse chronological order.
Blogs are different from traditional homepages In that, a blog –usually has dated entries –older entries remain available –blogs are MUCH easier to use
Could I have a blog? You could if: –You have something to say, share, or show to others. –You want that something available on the web, either to everyone or to a few people.
But what can I do with a blog? Sit back and be amazed!
You could have an online journal/diary Student life ft_in_a_starStudent life Parenting Parenting
You could share your opinions on matters that interest you Entertainment Politics Higher Ed Ed
You could share your photographs People Critters
WOW! How do I get a blog? Wait a second we have one more thing to discuss first.
Online Security What do you want to talk about? Or How personal is too personal? Guarding your personal information
NOW how do I get a blog? There are three ways to host a blog: –Sites you maintain or –Low cost sites OR –Free sites
Free blogging sites Blogger Diaryland LiveJournal
Now you can Get blogging!