Two categories of diseases: infectious – caused by microorganisms. Can be transmitted from one to another. AIDS/HIV, Tuberculosis, flu, SARS, malaria, lifestyle – caused by a persons way of life. Heart conditions, obesity, cancer, diabetes
Pandemic – A disease that affects a significant portion of the population at any given time. (Bubonic plague, Aids in Africa, Spanish flu) One advantage the developed world has over the developing is developed countries are able to afford anti-retroviral drugs to control diseases. Anti-retroviral drugs – costly drugs that treat infectious viral diseases. (Aids sufferers can live much longer here than in developing countries)
The diseases concerning the developing and the developed worlds are very different. Developed countries worry mainly about lifestyle diseases. Developing countries worry mainly about infectious diseases because of unclean conditions and improper care.
50% of all deaths in developing countries are because of infectious diseases whereas it is only 10% in developed countries. The main infectious diseases affecting the developing countries have almost been eliminated in developed countries adequate care is provided immunization programs, water systems are kept free of disease.
In developing countries medical facilities are poorly equipped or not accessible. Developing countries also have several cases of energy draining disease. (Diarrhea has led to the death of millions each year because of dehydration.)