KARAMOJA TOTAL POPULATION DISTRICTDate source UBOS AGR Since / / /2009 Abim District Planning Office 67,38569,68585,787 UBOS1,7%53,24454,00054,900 Kaabong District Planning Office 240,370248,573266,707 UBOS5,1%285,537301,200316,600 Kotido UBOS4,9%162,359167,900179,300 Moroto UBOS4 %242,330250,600265,300 Nakapiripirit UBOS4,2%185,870192,612217,500 KARAMOJA Region National 3,5% 898,314929,3701,014,594
Karamoja Health Data Center For Abim and Kaabong Districts not used UBOS population. AHSPR: Annual Health Sector Performance Report - MoH Uganda
Karamoja Health Data Center For Abim and Kaabong Districts not used UBOS population.
Karamoja Health data Center For Abim and Kaabong Districts not used UBOS population * * From 82,7 % in 2007/08 to 95,2% in 2008/09 because measles campaign.
Karamoja Health Data Center For Abim and Kaabong Districts not used UBOS population.
Karamoja Health Data Center For Abim and Kaabong Districts not used UBOS population
Included Child Day results. Karamoja Health Data Center
Included Child Day results. Karamoja Health Data Center
For Abim and Kaabong Districts not used UBOS population.
Karamoja Health Data Center * ANC IV visits in Abim are too high in 2006/07 due mistakes in enumeration of the cases. For Abim and Kaabong Districts not used UBOS population.
Karamoja Health Data Center For Abim and Kaabong Districts not used UBOS population.
IPT: Intermittent Preventive Treatment for Malaria Karamoja Health Data Center For Abim and Kaabong Districts not used UBOS population.
Karamoja Health Data Center For Abim and Kaabong Districts not used UBOS population.
Karamoja Health Data Center For Abim and Kaabong Districts not used UBOS population.
Karamoja Health Data Center For Abim and Kaabong Districts not used UBOS population.
Karamoja Health Data Center For Abim and Kaabong Districts not used UBOS population.
Karamoja Health Data Center For Abim and Kaabong Districts not used UBOS population.
Karamoja Health Data Center For Abim and Kaabong Districts not used UBOS population.
” Continuum of care for maternal, newborn, and child health: from slogan to service delivery Lancet, 2007; 370: Performance results at district level: continuum of care for maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH)
Health System Strengthening: improving performance TYP Guidelines, pg. 6
Identify and address missed opportunities and coverage gaps for MNH
Cesarian sections in Karamoja Moroto: 230 Kotido: 30 Abim: 46 Kaabong: 53 Nakapiripirit 0 Karamoja: 359 Minimum target 5% ( 2,300 Cesarian sections) CS done in 2008/09 : 359 % done 15,6% CS not done: 1,941 % not done 84,4% What’s happen with these mothers?
Strategies to deliver effective HCP within the existing programs