Thursday, October 15, 2015Dr.M.DORASWAMY1 USER SATISFACTION IN ENGINEERING COLLEGE LIBRARIES: A CASE STUDY OF GUDLAVALLERU ENGINEERING COLLEGE, GUDLAVALLERU, A.P Sri N. Rama Rao Librarian Guddlavalleru Engineering College Guddlvalleru Krishna District Andhra Pradesh Dr. M. Doraswamy Head, Central Library V R Siddhartha Engineering College Vijayawada – Andhra Pradesh
Thursday, October 15, 2015Dr.M.DORASWAMY2 INTRODUCTION The user is the key person in any information system. All the luxuries of information – revolution and problems of information explosion are centered on the user and his convenience. Understanding the user needs is half the battle won in providing information services. The success of any information system depends considerably on how best the system design is based on a close and accurate understanding of the users. To put it paradoxically, the user is not only the most important aspect, but is also a dynamic component of information system. As such, understanding the user is an important and a continuous activity. User satisfaction studies are also part of user studies as these are based on users. The performance of any library can be judged on the basis of the extent of satisfaction of users. Hence, there is a need to conduct the use and the users survey studies to evaluation of the existing print and non-print resources, services, and facilities. These studies are also essential to know the difference in satisfaction among the different categories of users. Necessary measures can be taken up in case the users are dissatisfied with the library collection, services and facilities by finding out the reasons for their dissatisfaction.
Thursday, October 15, 2015Dr.M.DORASWAMY3 Guddlavalleru Engineering College GEC is one of the best private engineering college in Andhra Pradesh. It is affiliated to JNTU and approved by AICTE, New Delhi. The central library have the following resources; Total number of volumes: Total number of titles: 7690 Book bank for SC/ST: 3429 Project reports: 713 Back volumes: 1350 The college library is a member of DELNET and AICTE- INDEST consortium for accessing the different types of electronic resources and services.
Thursday, October 15, 2015Dr.M.DORASWAMY4 Objectives of the study The main objectives of the study is to find out the level of satisfaction of students with regard to the print and electronic resources, services, facilities provided by the library.
Thursday, October 15, 2015Dr.M.DORASWAMY5 METHODOLOGY The study is user study The data was collected through questionnaire method 500 questionnaires were distributed to the under graduate students. The investigator selected 250 questionnaires for analysis The data was analyzed according to the objectives
Thursday, October 15, 2015Dr.M.DORASWAMY6 Frequency of visiting the library Frequency of visitNo.of usersPercentage Every day Once in a week More than once in a week Total percent of the users are visiting the library every day.
Thursday, October 15, 2015Dr.M.DORASWAMY7 Amount of time spent Time spentNo.of usersPercentage Less than one hour52.00 One hour Two hours Three hours More than three hours TOTAL Most (44%) of the users have been using the library for more than three hours daily.
Thursday, October 15, 2015Dr.M.DORASWAMY8 Level of use of library collection NU – Not Used; RU – Rarely Used; OU – Occasionally Used; FU – Frequently Used; HU – Highly Used; N – Number; W- Weightage Resources Level of use Total Weightage Mean Weightage Rank NURUOUFUHU NWNWNWNWNW Text book Reference books Periodicals Project Reports Question Papers News papers Most of the users are mainly using text books and reference books compared to other print information resources..
Thursday, October 15, 2015Dr.M.DORASWAMY9 Print Resources Level of satisfaction Total Weightage Mean Weightage Rank NSNMSPSFaSFuS NWNWNWNWNW Text book Reference books Periodicals Project Reports Question Papers News papers Level of satisfaction of print information resources NS- Not Satisfied;NMS-Not Much Satisfied; PS-Partially Satisfied FaS-Fairly Satisfied;FuS-Fully Satisfied; N- Number; W- Weightage Most of the users are satisfied with the availability of text books compared to other print information resources. Users are least satisfied with the periodicals. Hence, the core periodicals for each department are to be decided on the basis of users opinion and then only they should be subscribe to the maximum extent.
Thursday, October 15, 2015Dr.M.DORASWAMY10 Level of satisfaction of electronic information resources NS- Not Satisfied;NMS-Not Much Satisfied; PS-Partially Satisfied FaS-Fairly Satisfied;FuS-Fully Satisfied; N- Number; W- Weightage e- Resources/ Facility Level of satisfaction Total Weightage Mean Weightage Rank NSNMSPSFaSFuS NWNWNWNWNW Internet Online Journals Online Databases CD-ROM Databases OPAC College Website Most of the users are satisfied with the availability of Internet facility compared to other electronic resources/facilities. User are not satisfied with the college website information. Hence, the authorities should take responsibility to update the website information on regular basis.
Thursday, October 15, 2015Dr.M.DORASWAMY11 Level of satisfaction of library services NS- Not Satisfied;NMS-Not Much Satisfied; PS-Partially Satisfied FaS-Fairly Satisfied;FuS-Fully Satisfied; N- Number; W- Weightage Library Services Level of satisfaction Total Weightage Mean Weightage Rank NSNMSPSFaSFuS NWNWNWNWNW Book Lending Service Reference Service Repro-graphic Service ILL Service Biblio- graphical service Most of the users are satisfied with the book lending service compared to other library services provided by the library. Users are least satisfied with the reprographic services. Hence, the library authorities should take the responsibility to improve the reprographic facility in the library.
Thursday, October 15, 2015Dr.M.DORASWAMY12 Level of satisfaction of library facilities NS- Not Satisfied;NMS-Not Much Satisfied; PS-Partially Satisfied FaS-Fairly Satisfied;FuS-Fully Satisfied; N- Number; W- Weightage Library Facilities Level of satisfaction Total Weightage Mean Weightage Rank NSNMSPSFaSFuS NWNWNWNWNW Library Timings Arrange-ment of reading materials Lighting & Ventilation Reading Space & Furniture Drinking Water Toilets Most of the users are satisfied with the facility of reading space and comfortable furniture provided by the library compared to other facilities. A considerable percentage of the users are dissatisfied with regard to some library facilities. Hence, The authorities should take necessary steps in this regard.
Thursday, October 15, 2015Dr.M.DORASWAMY13