Matthew 9: :4 An Army of Ordinary People (Part II)
Philip One of Jesus' first disciples Former disciple of John the Baptist Brought Nathaniel to Jesus (John 1:43-51) Was tested by Jesus about how to feed the 5,000 He responded by checking on how much money was needed! (John 6:7) He had no real sense of the miraculous Theological explanations are one thing An expectation of spiritual reality is another Also asked Jesus to show him the Father (John 14:7 & 8)
Bartholomew His name is all the lists of disciples but nothing else mentioned He might be Nathaniel who Philip brought to Jesus He asked "can any good thing come out of Nazareth?" Then proclaimed that Jesus is the King of Israel (John 1:45- 49) Nathaniel is only mentioned again after the resurrection as one of the disciples Jesus appears to (John 21:2) It might or might not be him, but it's a strong possibility
Thomas Only speaks a few times in John First appearance at the of of Lazarus' death Thomas suggested the disciples go and die with him (Jn. 11:16) Tells Jesus that he doesn't know where he's going (Jn. 14) Prompts the "I Am The Way..." Famous for doubting Jesus' resurrection (John 20:24-29) Jesus appeared to him a week later Thomas' response "My Lord and my God"
Matthew (Levi) Son of Alphaeus (Mark 2) Jewish tax collector for the Romans Nothing recorded of what he said or did Although there was a banquets at his house where......many tax collectors and sinners came (Matt. 9:13) Jesus came for sinners
James (The Younger) Son of Alphaeus (Probably not the same father as Matthew) His mother was Mary We know nothing else about him
Thaddaeus (Lebbeus :Authorized Version) Lebbeus - Authorised Versin Judas, Son of James (Luke & Acts) Judas, not Iscariot (John 14:22) Only ones sentence in the Gospels asking why Jesus did not intend to reveal himself to the world but did to the disciples (Jn. 14:22) Nothing else recorded about him
Simon (The Zealot) Also called Simon the Canaanite Political activist Wanting the Jewish nation to be ruler over all Opposed to the bureaucracy of Rome Apart from In Jesus, would not be found together with a Jewish/Roman tax collector Israelites paying taxes to Rome was considered treason by the Zealots as God was their true King
Judas Iscariot Always concerned with the money Mary anointing Jesus' feet (John 12:2-6) He was a thief He betrayed Jesus The Devil entering Judas was not a cause of Judas' actions but the consequences of them (Jn. 13)
The Women (Luke 8:1-3) An upper-class lady with a previously demon possessed one (Mary Magdalene)
Ordinary People Called by Jesus to do extraordinary things (Matt. 10:1) Nothing about them academically, ancillary, socially, or spiritually, that would make a world of difference Is with Jesus as their source of life that the world is changed (1 Thess. 5:24) "The one who calls you is faithful and He will do it"