Othello by William Shakespeare/Gospels of Mark, Luke, Matthew, and John Quote from the literature which shows a Biblical Allusion: ”Of one whose hand, like the base Judean, threw a pearl away” (V. ii. 77-83).
Othello Summary Othello’s wicked second in command in the Venice army named Iago plots against Othello because Othello promotes Cassio instead of him. Iago sends Roderigo to tell Senator Brabantio that Othello has seduced Brabantio’s daughter Desdemona. This is a betrayal. After convincing the Senate that he has won Desdemona’s love fair and square, Othello is sent to Cyprus for a military command, accompanied by his new wife Desdemona. Iago plants a handkerchief that Othello gave to Desdemona on Cassio, the man who received the promotion Iago wanted, and convinces Othello that Cassio and Desdemona are having an affair. Iago has betrayed Othello. Iago convinces Roderigo to make an attempt on Cassio’s life, and when it only maims him, frames a prostitute named Bianca and then he quietly murders Roderigo. Mad with jealousy, Othello smothers Desdemona. Othello betrays his wife here. Iago’s wife Emilia stumbles upon the murder and exposes Iago’s plots, for which Iago kills her and is arrested. Othello, realizing his grave error, kills himself. The excerpt occurs just before Othello kills himself.
Summary of Gospels of Mark, Luke, John, and Matthew Summary of Gospels of Mark, Luke, John, and Matthew. New Testament of King James Bible. Judas Iscariat was one of Jesus’ twelve disciples. He was unsure if he believed all the teachings of Jesus. Judas was approached by the Romans who wanted him to point out Jesus in the crowd visiting for Passover (over 100,000 people). They wanted to arrest Jesus for causing trouble. Judas was offered thirty silver coins for payment. Judas took the Romans to the Garden of Gethsemane. He was supposed to point out Jesus by kissing him. Judas kissed Jesus and the Romans arrested Jesus. Jesus was turned over to the governor named Pontius Pilate. After Jesus was crucified, Judas hanged himself in shame.
Theme connecting Othello and Judas One should not be misled by power, greed, revenge, or money to betray friends nor family. Othello betrayed his wife and his community. Judas betrayed Jesus. The betrayal of Jesus brings him closer to his death and to God’s plan of saving the world (was what Judas did good then? Could Judas have not betrayed Jesus if it was part of God’s plan all along?). Othello’s betrayal also resulted in his own death.
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