1st Regional Workshop: Improving National and Regional Disease Surveillance, Monitoring and Reporting Systems Belgrade, Serbia, 15-19 July 2013 FAO Technical.


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Presentation transcript:

1st Regional Workshop: Improving National and Regional Disease Surveillance, Monitoring and Reporting Systems Belgrade, Serbia, July 2013 FAO Technical Cooperation Programme TCP/RER/3402 Assistance to Western Balkan Countries for Improving Compliance to International Standards on Aquatic Animal Health Aquaculture and aquatic disease surveillance in Serbia Presenter : Tatjana Labus E- mail:

Aquaculture in Serbia HistoryHistory 1860 – first of “Fish farm” (Irig, Vojvodina) 1894 – oldest and biggest fish farm Ečkawas established 1894 – oldest and biggest fish farm Ečka was established 95% of fish farms were State owned till – privatization of fish farms, more than 80% already privatized

Aquaculture in Serbia Problems: neglected fish farms, low productivity, too many employees, old working habits, disused or obsolete equipment and lack of equipment.Problems: neglected fish farms, low productivity, too many employees, old working habits, disused or obsolete equipment and lack of equipment. Interest in aquaculture has increased in Serbia (traditions, healthy eating)Interest in aquaculture has increased in Serbia (traditions, healthy eating) Import of fish and fish productsImport of fish and fish products

Aquaculture in Serbia Strengths Natural resourcesNatural resources Developing potentialDeveloping potential Tradition (production)Tradition (production) Increased interestIncreased interest Scientific backgroundScientific background

Aquaculture in Serbia Weaknesses Low productivityLow productivity Level of educationLevel of education Market conditionsMarket conditions LegislationLegislation

Aquaculture in Serbia Opportunities Production of high quality foodProduction of high quality food Health impactHealth impact Impact on employmentImpact on employment Impact on economyImpact on economy Regional cooperationRegional cooperation

Aquaculture in Serbia Threats Lack of investmentsLack of investments Capacity buildingCapacity building Political changesPolitical changes PrioritiesPriorities Tradition (consumption)Tradition (consumption)

Water resources of Serbia Dunav (Danube) SavaTisa Morava (Velika, Zapadna, Južna) DrinaKolubaraTimok Channel system DTD


Aquaculture in Serbia Производња конзумне рибе и млађи у рибњацима / Production of fish and fish spawn for human consumption in ponds Број запослених на рибњацима/ number of workers in the ponds Број/ number

Aquaculture in Serbia Шарански рибњаци/ Carp ponds Jединица мере Површина у експлоатацијиha Производња млађи - укупноt Производња конзумне рибе - укупноt изловљеноt од тога: шаран - укупноt изловљеноt сом - укупноt изловљеноt толстолобик - укупноt изловљеноt амур бели укупноt изловљеноt

Aquaculture in Serbia Пастрмски рибњаци/ trout ponds Jединица мере Површина у експлоатацијиm Производња млађи - укупноt Производња конзумне рибе - укупноt изловљеноt од тога: калифорнијска пастрмка - укупноt изловљено t

Aquaculture in Serbia Улов рибе у рекама, језерима и каналима/ Catch fish in the rivers, lakes and canals јед. Мере Број рибочувара/ number of wish guardброј Број професионалних рибара/ fisherman – укупно/ totalброј од тога: пуно радно време/ full time workброј Број издатих дозвола за спортски и рекреативни риболов/ nube of issued livence for sport and recreative fishing број

Aquaculture in Serbia Улов рибе/ fish catch јед.мере Укупноt3862‚ професионални риболовt спортски и рекреат.риболовt од тога; Шаран - укупноt професионални риболовt спортски и рекреат.риболовt Сом - укупноt професионални риболовt спортски и рекреат.риболовt Смуђ - укупноt професионални риболовt спортски и рекреат.риболовt Толстолобик - укупноt професионални риболовt спортски и рекреат.риболовt Деверика - укупноt професионални риболовt спортски и рекреат.риболовt Сребрни караш (бабушка) - укупноt професионални риболовt спортски и рекреат.риболовt

Aquaculture in Serbia Competent authority The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water management VETERINARY DIRECTORATE VETERINARY DIRECTORATE

Aquaculture in Serbia Competences Animal health Veterinary Public Health and Food Safety Animal welfare Protection and improvement of environment and nature

Aquaculture in Serbia Legislation Law on Veterinary Maters (OG RS No. 91/05, 30/2010, 92/12)Law on Veterinary Maters (OG RS No. 91/05, 30/2010, 92/12) Low on Food Safety (OG RS No 41/09)Low on Food Safety (OG RS No 41/09) Law on Animal Husbandry (OG RS 41/09)Law on Animal Husbandry (OG RS 41/09)

Aquatic animal diseases National pathogen list Fish diseases 1) Epizootska hematopoetska nekroza - Epizootic haematopoietic necrosis 2) Zarazna hematopoetska nekroza - Infectious haematopoietic necrosis (IHN) 3) Bolest uzrokovana virusom masou - Oncorhynchus masou virus disease 4) Prolećna viremija šarana - Sprin viraemia of carp (SVC) 5) Virusna hemoragijska septikemija pastrmki - Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS) Red- OIE list Red and bold- EU list

Aquatic animal diseases National pathogen list Other significant diseases of fish 1) Virusna encefalopatija i retinopatija - Viral encephalopathy and retinopathy 2) Virusna bolest lososa - Viral salmon disease 3) Zarazna anemija lososa - Invectious salmon anaemia (ISA) 4) Zarazna nekroza gušterače - Infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) 5) Girodaktiloza - Gyrodactylosis (Infection with Gyrodactylus salaris) 6) Edvardsieloza - Edwardsiella ictaluri 7) Iridoviroza kečige - Red sea bream iridoviral disease Red- OIE list Red and/or bold- EU list

Aquatic animal diseases Not on national list but are on OIE list - Koi herpesvirus disease, - Epizootic ulcerative syndrome Not on national list but are on EU list -Bacterial kidney disease (BKD) (Renibacterium salmonidarum) -Furunculosis (Aeromonas salmonicida) -Enteric redmouth disease (ERM) (Yersinia ruckeri

Aquatic animal diseases Disease status, frequency, spread Annual Disease report Izveštaj o zaraženim životinjama po godinama (Izveštaj za mesec 2012 / 08) Infectious pancreatic necrosis (Zarazna nekroza gušterače) Aktivna MAČVANSKI OKRUG LJUBOVIJA GORNJA TREŠNJICA

Aquatic animal diseses surveillance COMPETENT AUTHORITY- Veterinary Directorate, Ministry of agriculture, Forestry and water management Legislation background- Law of veterinary matters, Animal health protection measures program (issued on annual bases) Roll book on the list of extremely dangerous infectious animals diseases and the list of infectious diseases that must be reported, as well as the manifestations of their way in and out Data/reporting flow- according to annual Health protection measures program Surveillance of pathogens under the National Pathogen List / according with according to annual Health protection measures program

Aquatic animal diseses surveillance Врши се евиденција и регистрација свих објеката за узгој и држање риба, односно животиња аквакултуре, укључујући и она за спортски риболов на којима се мора обезбедити стални ветеринарски надзор са редовним клиничким прегледом животиња, узорковањем и лабораторијским испитивањима. Have evidence of the registration of breeding and keeping fish and aquaculture animals, including those for sport fishing on who should be given a permanent veterinary supervision with regular clinical examination of animals, sampling and laboratory testing.

Aquatic animal diseses surveillance Отворене воде могу да се порибљавају само рибом пореклом из узгајалишта на коме су обављене мере контроле болести риба/ Open water can be stocked with fish originating from a farm where they performed controls fish disease Клинички преглед и узорковање/ Clinical examination and sampling Клинички преглед врши се два пута годишње при чему интервали између прегледа морају износити најмање четири месеца./ Clinical examination is carried out twice a year with the intervals between the inspections shall be at least four months

Aquatic animal diseses surveillance Клиничка контрола здравственог стања и инспекцијски преглед узгајалишта риба врше се у оним периодима године када је tемпература воде одговарајућа за развој одређених болести, / control and health inspection of fish farms is done in those periods of the year when the water temperature is appropriate for the development of certain diseases Све производне јединице/ All production units (рибњаци, базени, кавези итд.) прегледају се како би се утврдило присуство угинулих или риба неуобичајеног понашања. (ponds, tanks, cages etc..) are examined to determine the presence of dead fish or unusual behavior.

Aquatic animal diseses surveillance испод 14 °Ц за/ below 14 ° C for -заразну некрозу гуштераче/ Infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN), -вирусну хеморагичну септикемију/ Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS) - заразну хематопоезну некрозу/ Infectious haematopoietic necrosis (IHN) и - ренибактериозу/ Bacterial kidney disease (BKD) (Renibacterium salmonidarum), Испод 20°Ц за / Below 20 ° C for - пролећну виремију шарана/ Sprin viraemia of carp (SVC) изнад 24°Ц за / above 24 ° C for -кои херпес вирозу/ Koi herpesvirus disease.

Aquatic animal diseses surveillance Available resources/capacities (disease reporting, diagnostics, outbreak investigation, emergency response)

Aquatic animal disease diagnostics 1 National reference laboratory – Scientific Institute of Veterinary Medicine of Serbia Prescribed methods of diagnosis for pathogens/diseases under the National Pathogen List All methods for isolation and identification are accredited, and they work in accordance with OIE Manual all disease from EU list covered by Directive 2006/88

EXPORT TO EU COUNTRY SECTION Serbia Fishery products Validity date from 26/03/2012 Date of publication 13/03/2012 List in force Approval Name City Regions Activities Remark Date Number of request Riboprodukt D.o.o. Požega Zlatiborski okrug PP 28/07/ Squadra D.o.o. Beograd Grad Beograd PP Aq 19/01/2011 Dobanovci Dtd Ribarstvo Doo Bački Jarak Južno-bački okrug PP Aq 03/02/2012 Activities Legend : PP Processing Plant Remarks Legend : Aq Aquaculture product (farmed product except bivalve molluscs)

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