Karen Bickford, TMDL Coordinator
Projects in General Best Management Practices In General Lee Co BMAP Statistics Watershed Scale Projects - Structural Low Cost Opportunities – Non-Structural Next steps Projects in the Imperial River Watershed New Projects, New Partnerships
Structural – filter marshes, hydraulic restorations Non-Structural – public education, ordinance, street sweeping Land acquisition (no restoration) – conservation lands to be owned and maintained in perpetuity
Total BMAP Acres = 460,988 ac Lee Co Required Reduction = 152,493 lbs/yr TN Total Credit = 53,701 lbs/yr TN Total Initial Project Costs = $181,310, Estimated Dollar Value of Credit = $32,220,600
Hendry Creek –Lakes Park Filter Marsh Drainage Basin: 1,742 ac Treatment area: 73 acres BMAP Credit: 4,533 lbs/yr Cost: $3,500,000
Public outreach now, explore new funding later… ◦ Fertilizer ordinance compliance & enforcement. ◦ Continue publicizing FYN and other DIY programs that appeal to homeowners. ◦ Pilot projects to improve WQ in residential stormwater ponds. ◦ Develop public education programs with the City of Bonita Springs, CHNEP and other partners. ◦ Engage property managers (golf courses and HOAs) to implement more pollution prevention practices. ◦ Continue identifying pollution sources and manage through education, incentives, disincentives, etc BMAP Credit (Caloosahatchee & EWC): 22,431 Cost: $250,000 (ongoing)
New/ongoing activities Evaluate & retrofit older neighborhood SW systems Neighborhood awareness & partnering Identify critical areas and issues Prioritize new watershed scale projects for next 5-10 years What’s on the horizon Low Impact Development Standards Pet waste ordinance Evaluate & control feral animals Septic system management Sewer expansion
PROJECT NAMETYPE OF BMPACRES TREATEDESTIMATED COSTSTATUS PROJECT TN REDUCTION (lbs/yr) CREW ConservationPurchase15 $ 201,500.00Completed0 Pine Lake PreservePurchase129 $ 2,366,273.00Completed1 Street Sweeping StreetSweeping113$ 7,750.00/yrOngoing7 Imperial Marsh Conservation Purchase/Hydrologic Restoration477 $ 13,352,270.00Completed1440 Education/FertilizerOrdinances26113 $ 200,000.00Ongoing6
NPDES Permit Coordination – Lee County is the primary permittee. CBS has an interlocal agreement w/ Lee Co as a co-permittee. WETPLAN – Watershed Education Training, Ponds Lakes & Neighborhoods. ◦ Partners: City of Bonita Springs, Lee County, CHNEP, CRA Inc., FNPS, FGCU. Citizen’s Stormwater Academy – Non-point source pollution education for all neighborhoods. ◦ Partners: Lee County, CHNEP, NPDES Co-permittees, all are welcome to join in the fun!
Pine Lakes Preserve, Imperial River Watershed