Table 1. Cluster 1 Patients Attaining Treatment Levels % Patients Attaining Treatment Levels 24 Weeks64 Weeks E/S + N † E/S † N†N† E/S + N † E/S † Cluster 1: LDL-C <100mg/dL and nonHDL-C <130mg/dL and apoB <90mg/dL Full cohort * * TG <200mg/dL TG ≥200mg/dL High risk w/o AVD * High risk w/AVD * DM * MetS/nonDM *7.1*7350* NonDM/nonMetS *8.4* Footnotes † Number of patients assessed for E/S+S, E/S and N at 24 weeks and E/S+N and E/S at 64 weeks respectively in: Full cohort (383, 205,163, 321, 182); High risk w/o AVD (56, 34, 25, 46, 29); High risk w/ AVD (45, 32, 18, 33, 27); DM (58, 30, 23, 49, 24); MetS/nonDM (146, 91, 56, 122, 82); NonDM/nonMetS (177, 83, 83, 148, 76); ‡suggested for high-risk patients; *95% CI for OR ratio for treatment comparison (E/S+N vs E/S or E/S+N vs N) excludes 1. Some variability in the results may be due to the small sample sizes in the subgroups. % attaining single treatment levels for LDL-C <70mg/dL, non-HDL-C <100 mg/dL and apoB <80mg/dL in the full cohort at 24 weeks were E/S+N (72.9, 78.8, 64.0%): E/S (49.5, 55.7, 32.2%); N (1.8, 5.4, 2.5%) and at 64 weeks were E/S+N (65.3, 75.3, 64.8%); E/S (38.2, 51.7, 35.7%). % attainment for LDL-C <100mg/dL, non-HDL-C <130 mg/dL and apoB <90mg/dL in the full cohort at 24 weeks were E/S+N (90.5, 90.0, 77.3%); E/S (92.5, 90.1, 54.6%); N (18.7, 28.9, 7.4%) and at 64 weeks were E/S+N (86.2, 86.2, 77.6%); E/S (86.0, 85.0, 57.7%)
Table 2. Cluster 2 Patients Attaining Treatment Levels % Patients Attaining Treatment Levels 24 Weeks64 Weeks E/S + N † E/S † N†N† E/S + N † E/S † Cluster 2: LDL-C <70mg/dL and nonHDL-C <100mg/dL and apoB <80mg/dL Full cohort *1.8* * TG <200mg/dL TG ≥200mg/dL High risk w/o AVD *2* High risk w/AVD * DM63.840*2.1* MetS/nonDM *3.6* * NonDM/nonMetS *1.2* * Footnotes † Number of patients assessed for E/S+S, E/S and N at 24 w33ks and E/S+N and E/S at 64 w33ks respectively in: Full cohort (383, 205,163, 321, 182); High risk w/o AVD (56, 34, 25, 46, 29); High risk w/ AVD (45, 32, 18, 33, 27); DM (58, 30, 23, 49, 24); MetS/nonDM (146, 91, 56, 122, 82); NonDM/nonMetS (177, 83, 83, 148, 76); ‡suggested for high-risk patients; *95% CI for OR ratio for treatment comparison (E/S+N vs E/S or E/S+N vs N) excludes 1. Some variability in the results may be due to the small sample sizes in the subgroups. % attaining single treatment levels for LDL-C <70mg/dL, non-HDL-C <100 mg/dL and apoB <80mg/dL in the full cohort at 24 weeks were E/S+N (72.9, 78.8, 64.0%): E/S (49.5, 55.7, 32.2%); N (1.8, 5.4, 2.5%) and at 64 weeks were E/S+N (65.3, 75.3, 64.8%); E/S (38.2, 51.7, 35.7%). % attainment for LDL-C <100mg/dL, non-HDL-C <130 mg/dL and apoB <90mg/dL in the full cohort at 24 weeks were E/S+N (90.5, 90.0, 77.3%); E/S (92.5, 90.1, 54.6%); N (18.7, 28.9, 7.4%) and at 64 weeks were E/S+N (86.2, 86.2, 77.6%); E/S (86.0, 85.0, 57.7%)