CPE 626 The SystemC Language Aleksandar Milenkovic Web:
A. Milenkovic 2 Outline Motivation for SystemC What is SystemC? Modules Processes
A. Milenkovic 3 Standard Methodology for ICs System-level designers write a C or C++ model Written in a stylized, hardware-like form Sometimes refined to be more hardware-like C/C++ model simulated to verify functionality Parts of the model to be implemented in hardware are given to Verilog/VHDL coders Verilog or VHDL specification written Models simulated together to test equivalence Verilog/VHDL model synthesized
A. Milenkovic 4 Designing Big Digital Systems Current conditions Every system company was doing this differently Every system company used its own simulation library System designers don’t know Verilog or VHDL Verilog or VHDL coders don’t understand system design Problems with standard methodology: Manual conversion from C to HDL oError prone and time consuming Disconnect between system model and HDL model oC model becomes out of date as changes are made only to the HDL model System testing oTests used for C model cannot be run against HDL model => they have to be converted to the HDL environment
A. Milenkovic 5 Idea of SystemC C and C++ are being used as ad-hoc modeling languages Why not formalize their use? Why not interpret them as hardware specification languages just as Verilog and VHDL were? SystemC developed at Synopsys to do just this
A. Milenkovic 6 SystemC Design Methodology Refinement methodology Design is slowly refined in small sections to add necessary hardware and timing constructs Written in a single language higher productivity due to modeling at a higher level testbenches can be reused saving time Future releases will have constructs to model RTOS
A. Milenkovic 7 What Is SystemC? A subset of C++ that models/specifies synchronous digital hardware A collection of simulation libraries that can be used to run a SystemC program A compiler that translates the “synthesis subset” of SystemC into a netlist
A. Milenkovic 8 What Is SystemC? Language definition is publicly available Libraries are freely distributed Compiler is an expensive commercial product See for more information
A. Milenkovic 9 Quick Overview A SystemC program consists of module definitions plus a top-level function that starts the simulation Modules contain processes (C++ methods) and instances of other modules Ports on modules define their interface Rich set of port data types (hardware modeling, etc.) Signals in modules convey information between instances Clocks are special signals that run periodically and can trigger clocked processes Rich set of numeric types (fixed and arbitrary precision numbers)
A. Milenkovic 10 Modules Hierarchical entity Similar to Verilog’s module Actually a C++ class definition Simulation involves Creating objects of this class They connect themselves together Processes in these objects (methods) are called by the scheduler to perform the simulation
A. Milenkovic 11 Modules SC_MODULE(mymod) {// struct mymod : sc_module { /* port definitions */ /* signal definitions */ /* clock definitions */ /* storage and state variables */ /* process definitions */ SC_CTOR(mymod) { /* Instances of processes and modules */ } };
A. Milenkovic 12 Ports Define the interface to each module Channels through which data is communicated Port consists of a direction inputsc_in outputsc_out bidirectionalsc_inout and any C++ or SystemC type SC_MODULE(mymod) { sc_in load, read; sc_inout data; sc_out full; /* rest of the module */ };
A. Milenkovic 13 Signals Convey information between modules within a module Directionless: module ports define direction of data transfer Type may be any C++ or built-in type SC_MODULE(mymod) { /* port definitions */ sc_signal > s1, s2; sc_signal reset; /* … */ SC_CTOR(mymod) { /* Instances of modules that connect to the signals */ } };
A. Milenkovic 14 Instances of Modules Each instance is a pointer to an object in the module Connect instance’s ports to signals SC_MODULE(mod1) { … }; SC_MODULE(mod2) { … }; SC_MODULE(foo) { mod1* m1; mod2* m2; sc_signal a, b, c; SC_CTOR(foo) { m1 = new mod1(“i1”); (*m1)(a, b, c); m2 = new mod2(“i2”); (*m2)(c, b); } };
A. Milenkovic 15 Positional Connection // filter.h #include "systemc.h“ // systemC classes #include "mult.h“ // decl. of mult #include "coeff.h“ // decl. of coeff #include "sample.h“ // decl. of sample SC_MODULE(filter) { sample *s1;// pointer declarations coeff *c1; mult *m1; // signal declarations sc_signal > q, s, c; SC_CTOR(filter) { // constructor s1 = new sample ("s1"); // create obj. (*s1)(q,s); // signal mapping c1 = new coeff ("c1"); (*c1)(c); m1 = new mult ("m1"); (*m1)(s,c,q); }
A. Milenkovic 16 Named Connection #include "systemc.h“ // systemC classes #include "mult.h“ // decl. of mult #include "coeff.h“ // decl. of coeff #include "sample.h“ // decl. of sample SC_MODULE(filter) { sample *s1; coeff *c1; mult *m1; sc_signal > q, s, c; SC_CTOR(filter) { s1 = new sample ("s1"); s1->din(q); // din of s1 to signal q s1->dout(s); // dout to signal s c1 = new coeff ("c1"); c1->out(c); // out of c1 to signal c m1 = new mult ("m1"); m1->a(s); // a of m1 to signal s m1->b(c); // b of m1 to signal c m1->q(q); // q of m1 to signal c }
A. Milenkovic 17 Internal Data Storage Local variables to store data within a module May be of any legal C++, SystemC, or user-defined type Not visible outside the module unless it is made explicitly // count.h #include "systemc.h" SC_MODULE(count) { sc_in load; sc_in din; // input port sc_in clock; // input port sc_out dout; // output port int count_val; // internal data storage void count_up(); SC_CTOR(count) { SC_METHOD(count_up); //Method process sensitive_pos << clock; } }; // count.cc #include "count.h" void count::count_up() { if (load) { count_val = din; } else { // could be count_val++ count_val = count_val + 1; } dout = count_val; }
A. Milenkovic 18 Processes Only thing in SystemC that actually does anything Functions identified to the SystemC kernel and called whenever signals these processes are sensitive to change value Statements are executed sequentially until the end of the process occurs, or the process is suspended using wait function Very much like normal C++ methods + Registered with the SystemC kernel Like Verilog’s initial blocks
A. Milenkovic 19 Processes (cont’d) Processes are not hierarchical no process can call another process directly can call other methods and functions that are not processes Have sensitivity lists signals that cause the process to be invoked, whenever the value of a signal in this list changes Processes cause other processes to execute by assigning new values to signals in the sensitivity lists of the processes To trigger a process, a signal in the sensitivity list of the process must have an event occur
A. Milenkovic 20 Three Types of Processes METHOD Models combinational logic THREAD Models testbenches CTHREAD Models synchronous FSMs Determines how the process is called and executed
A. Milenkovic 21 METHOD Processes Triggered in response to changes on inputs Cannot store control state between invocations Designed to model blocks of combinational logic
A. Milenkovic 22 METHOD Processes Process is simply a method of this class Instance of this process created and made sensitive to an input SC_MODULE(onemethod) { sc_in in; sc_out out; void inverter(); SC_CTOR(onemethod) { SC_METHOD(inverter); sensitive(in); } };
A. Milenkovic 23 METHOD Processes Invoked once every time input “in” changes Should not save state between invocations Runs to completion: should not contain infinite loops Not preempted Read a value from the port Write a value to an output port void onemethod::inverter() { bool internal; internal = in; out = ~internal; }
A. Milenkovic 24 THREAD Processes Triggered in response to changes on inputs Can suspend itself and be reactivated Method calls wait() function that suspends process execution Scheduler runs it again when an event occurs on one of the signals the process is sensitive to Designed to model just about anything
A. Milenkovic 25 THREAD Processes Process is simply a method of this class Instance of this process created alternate sensitivity list notation SC_MODULE(onemethod) { sc_in in; sc_out out; void toggler(); SC_CTOR(onemethod) { SC_THREAD(toggler); sensitive << in; } };
A. Milenkovic 26 THREAD Processes Reawakened whenever an input changes State saved between invocations Infinite loops should contain a wait() Relinquish control until the next change of a signal on the sensitivity list for this process void onemethod::toggler() { bool last = false; for (;;) { last = in; out = last; wait(); last = ~in; out = last; wait(); }
A. Milenkovic 27 CTHREAD Processes Triggered in response to a single clock edge Can suspend itself and be reactivated Method calls wait to relinquish control Scheduler runs it again later Designed to model clocked digital hardware
A. Milenkovic 28 CTHREAD Processes Instance of this process created and relevant clock edge assigned SC_MODULE(onemethod) { sc_in_clk clock; sc_in trigger, in; sc_out out; void toggler(); SC_CTOR(onemethod) { SC_CTHREAD(toggler, clock.pos()); } };
A. Milenkovic 29 CTHREAD Processes Reawakened at the edge of the clock State saved between invocations Infinite loops should contain a wait() Relinquish control until the next clock cycle Relinquish control until the next clock cycle in which the trigger input is 1 void onemethod::toggler() { bool last = false; for (;;) { wait_until(trigger.delayed() == true); last = in; out = last; wait(); last = ~in; out = last; wait(); }
A. Milenkovic 30 A CTHREAD for Complex Multiply struct complex_mult : sc_module { sc_in a, b, c, d; sc_out x, y; sc_in_clk clock; void do_mult() { for (;;) { x = a * c - b * d; wait(); y = a * d + b * c; wait(); } SC_CTOR(complex_mult) { SC_CTHREAD(do_mult, clock.pos()); } };
A. Milenkovic 31 Put It All Together Process TypeSC_METHODSC_THREADSC_CTHREAD Exec. Trigger Signal Events Clock Edge Exec. Suspend NOYES Infinite Loop NOYES Suspend / Resume by N.A.wait() wait_until() Construct & Sensitize Method SC_METHOD(call_back); sensitive(signals); sensitive_pos(signals); sensitive_neg(signals); SC_THREAD(call_back); sensitive(signals); sensitive_pos(signals); sensitive_neg(signals); SC_CTHREAD( call_back, clock.pos()); SC_CTHREAD( call_back, clock.neg());
A. Milenkovic 32 Watching SC_THREAD and SC_CTHREAD processes typically have infinite loops that will continuously execute Use watching construct to jump out of the loop Watching construct will monitor a specified condition When condition occurs control is transferred from the current execution point to the beginning of the process
A. Milenkovic 33 Watching: An Example // datagen.h #include "systemc.h" SC_MODULE(data_gen) { sc_in_clk clk; sc_inout data; sc_in reset; void gen_data(); SC_CTOR(data_gen){ SC_CTHREAD(gen_data, clk.pos()); watching(reset.delayed() == true); } }; // datagen.cc #include "datagen.h" void gen_data() { if (reset == true) { data = 0; } while (true) { data = data + 1; wait(); data = data + 2; wait(); data = data + 4; wait(); } Watching expressions are tested at the wait() or wait_until() calls. All variables defined locally will lose their value on the control exiting.
A. Milenkovic 34 Local Watching Allows us to specify exactly which section of the process is watching which signal, and where event handlers are located W_BEGIN // put the watching declarations here watching(...); W_DO // This is where the process functionality goes... W_ESCAPE // This is where the handlers // for the watched events go if (..) {... } W_END
A. Milenkovic 35 SystemC Types SystemC programs may use any C++ type along with any of the built-in ones for modeling systems SystemC Built-in Types sc_bit, sc_logic oTwo- and four-valued single bit sc_int, sc_unint o1 to 64-bit signed and unsigned integers sc_bigint, sc_biguint oarbitrary (fixed) width signed and unsigned integers sc_bv, sc_lv oarbitrary width two- and four-valued vectors sc_fixed, sc_ufixed osigned and unsigned fixed point numbers
A. Milenkovic 36 Fixed and Floating Point Types Integers Precise Manipulation is fast and cheap Poor for modeling continuous real-world behavior Floating-point numbers Less precise Better approximation to real numbers Good for modeling continuous behavior Manipulation is slow and expensive Fixed-point numbers Worst of both worlds Used in many signal processing applications
A. Milenkovic 37 Integers, Floating-point, Fixed-point Integer Fixed-point Floating-point 2 Decimal (“binary”) point
A. Milenkovic 38 Using Fixed-Point Numbers High-level models usually use floating-point for convenience Fixed-point usually used in hardware implementation because they’re much cheaper Problem: the behavior of the two are different How do you make sure your algorithm still works after it’s been converted from floating-point to fixed-point? SystemC’s fixed-point number classes facilitate simulating algorithms with fixed-point numbers
A. Milenkovic 39 SystemC’s Fixed-Point Types sc_fixed fpn; 8 is the total number of bits in the type 1 is the number of bits to the left of the decimal point SC_RND defines rounding behavior SC_SAT defines saturation behavior
A. Milenkovic 40 Rounding What happens when your result doesn’t land exactly on a representable number? Rounding mode makes the choice
A. Milenkovic 41 SC_RND Round up at 0.5 What you expect?
A. Milenkovic 42 SC_RND_ZERO Round toward zero Less error accumulation
A. Milenkovic 43 SC_TRN Truncate Easiest to implement
A. Milenkovic 44 Overflow What happens if the result is too positive or too negative to fit in the result? Saturation? Wrap-around? Different behavior appropriate for different applications
A. Milenkovic 45 SC_SAT Saturate Sometimes desired
A. Milenkovic 46 SC_SAT_ZERO Set to zero Odd behavior
A. Milenkovic 47 SC_WRAP Wraparound Easiest to implement
A. Milenkovic 48 SystemC Semantics Cycle-based simulation semantics Resembles Verilog, but does not allow the modeling of delays Designed to simulate quickly and resemble most synchronous digital logic
A. Milenkovic 49 Clocks The only thing in SystemC that has a notion of real time Only interesting part is relative sequencing among multiple clocks Triggers SC_CTHREAD processes or others if they decided to become sensitive to clocks
A. Milenkovic 50 Clocks sc_clock clock1(“myclock”, 20, 0.5, 2, false); of 20 Initial value is false Time Zero
A. Milenkovic 51 SystemC 1.0 Scheduler Assign clocks new values Repeat until stable Update the outputs of triggered SC_CTHREAD processes Run all SC_METHOD and SC_THREAD processes whose inputs have changed Execute all triggered SC_CTHREAD methods. Their outputs are saved until next time
A. Milenkovic 52 Scheduling Clock updates outputs of SC_CTHREADs SC_METHODs and SC_THREADs respond to this change and settle down Bodies of SC_CTHREADs compute the next state Sync. Async. Clock
A. Milenkovic 53 Why Clock Outputs? Why not allow Mealy-machine-like behavior in FSMs? Difficult to build large, fast systems predictably Easier when timing worries are per-FSM Synthesis tool assumes all inputs arrive at the beginning of the clock period and do not have to be ready Alternative would require knowledge of inter-FSM timing
A. Milenkovic 54 Implementing SystemC Main trick is implementing SC_THREAD and SC_CTHREAD’s ability to call wait() Implementations use a lightweight threads package /* … */ wait(); /* … */ Instructs thread package to save current processor state (register, stack, PC, etc.) so this method can be resumed later
A. Milenkovic 55 Implementing SystemC Other trick is wait_until() wait_until(continue.delayed() == true); Expression builds an object that can check the condition Instead of context switching back to the process, scheduler calls this object and only runs the process if the condition holds
A. Milenkovic 56 Determinism in SystemC Easy to write deterministic programs in SystemC Don’t share variables among processes Communicate through signals Don’t try to store state in SC_METHODs Possible to introduce nondeterminism Share variables among SC_CTHREADs oThey are executed in nondeterministic order Hide state in SC_METHODs oNo control over how many times they are invoked Use nondeterministic features of C/C++
A. Milenkovic 57 Synthesis Subset of SystemC At least two “Behavioral” Subset Implicit state machines permitted Resource sharing, binding, and allocation done automatically System determines how many adders you have Register-transfer-level Subset More like Verilog You write a “+”, you get an adder State machines must be listed explicitly
A. Milenkovic 58 Do People Use SystemC? Not as many as use Verilog or VHDL Growing in popularity People recognize advantage of being able to share models Most companies were doing something like it already Use someone else’s free libraries? Why not?
A. Milenkovic 59 Conclusions C++ dialect for modeling digital systems Provides a simple form of concurrency Cooperative multitasking Modules Instances of other modules Processes
A. Milenkovic 60 Conclusions SC_METHOD Designed for modeling purely functional behavior Sensitive to changes on inputs Does not save state between invocations SC_THREAD Designed to model anything Sensitive to changes May save variable, control state between invocations SC_CTHREAD Models clocked digital logic Sensitive to clock edges May save variable, control state between invocations
A. Milenkovic 61 Conclusions Perhaps even more flawed than Verilog Verilog was a hardware modeling language forced into specifying hardware SystemC forces C++, a software specification language, into modeling and specifying hardware Will it work? Time will tell.
A. Milenkovic 62 An Example Process // dff.h #include "systemc.h" SC_MODULE(dff) { sc_in din;// data input sc_in clock;// clock input sc_out dout;// data output void doit();// method in the module SC_CTOR(dff) { // constructor SC_METHOD(doit); // doit type is SC_METHOD // method will be called whenever a // positive edge occurs on port clock sensitive_pos << clock; } }; // dff.cc #include "dff.h" void dff::doit() { dout = din; } Determines how the process is called and executed