“It is the mark of a truly intelligent person to be moved by statistics”- George Bernard Shaw. I have always been interested in data and statistics. I make charts and graphs using the data from different games on my phone. I catalog things and sometimes spend my time analyzing data. I think of the silliest things to spend my time on. My mom wasn’t very serious when she told me that I would be a good statistician, but I took her seriously. I am now seriously considering this job as a career choice. In order to get a better understanding of my chosen career path, I will be researching nature of work, working conditions, training/qualification/advancement, job outlook/employment, earnings, and a related career.
Determine methods for finding or collecting data Collect data or train others to do so Analyze and interpret data Report conclusions from their analyses
Indoor: Work in an office Outdoor: Occasional travel Physical: Traveling to different locations Mental: Collect and analyze data Hours: Full time
Master’s degree required Where I plan to go: University of Michigan Classes to take: 108X Probability and Statistics
Number of jobs rising 27% Find a job at: A private business Competition: More jobs are becoming available Where: Private businesses, government, and pharmaceutical industries
Median Pay:$36.33 per hour/$75,560 per year Lifestyle Goal #1: Drive a Kia Soul:($18,000) Lifestyle Goal #2: Own a two-story house:($175,000) Lifestyle Goal #3: Own a cabin in northern Michigan($80,000) Lifestyle Goal #4: Own a softball field($100,000)
Responsibilities: conduct studies of human diseases and preventative care and treatment of diseases; prepare and analyze medical samples; standardize drug potency, doses, and methods Where to work: universities or hospitals Hours: Full time Why?: I love helping people and discovering new things. Researching is very interesting to me.
Being a statistician would be interesting, challenging, and enjoyable for me. After researching my future career, I can see that I have a great aptitude for becoming a statistician. Although some people may think I am crazy for choosing a career in the field of math, I think that I would actually enjoy going to work as a statistician.