MySQL and PHP 3 March 2006 Adina Crainiceanu IT420: Database Management and Organization.


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Presentation transcript:

MySQL and PHP 3 March 2006 Adina Crainiceanu IT420: Database Management and Organization

Web Database Architecture Client browser Web server with PHP enabled Database Management System HTTPAPI

Why Use DBMS?  Fast access to data  Queries to easily extract data  Built-in concurrency control  Built-in security control

Learned So Far… Client browser Web server with PHP enabled Database Management System HTTPAPI

Goals Today  MySQL  Connect from PHP to MySQL

MySQL  Relational Database Management System  Free  Open source  Portable  High performance  Support available

Working with MySQL  SQL Monitor  Always available  Write SQL statements  ; after each statement!  PHPMyAdmin

Current Settings  Each machine is a server – web, db  Web server: localhost:80  MySQL server: localhost:3306  MySQL user: root, no password  ALL privileges  Disk location D:/sokkit  site/  mysql/

Lab Demo  Start MySQL server  Use MySQL – local machine

Lab Exercise  Start MySQL server  Sokkit Control Panel  Start database  Start MySQL monitor  D:/sokkit/mysql/bin/mysql –u root  Create a database called vp5fund  create database vp5fund;  Check database was created  show databases;

SQL for MySQL  Surrogate keys variant:  AUTO_INCREMENT  If column value left blank, generated value = max+1  show  databases  tables  describe tableName

VP-5 MVR Fund Raiser Application

Lab Exercise  To use the database just created:  use vp5fund;  Create table (use SQL)  Items(ItemName, Price)  Orders(OrderID, ShippingAddress)  ItemsOrdered(OrderID, ItemName, Quantity)  Insert few rows in tables  List all rows in Orders table (use SQL)

Example Application Database: dbmusic Table: songs(ISBN, Title, SingerID, Length)

Use DBMS from PHP  Connect to the database server  Specify database to use  Send queries and retrieve results  Process results  Close connection  All PHP functions return ‘false‘ if operation unsuccessful!

Example: $searchterm = $_POST['searchterm']; $db = mysql_connect('localhost','root'); if (!$db){ echo('connect failed'); exit; } $dbselected= mysql_select_db('dbmusic') or exit('could not select db'); //query $query = "select * from songs where Title like '%$searchterm%'"; //process results $results = mysql_query($query) or die("could not retrieve rows"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($results)){ echo 'Title: '.$row[1].' '; } //close connection mysql_free_result($results); mysql_close($db);

Connect to MySQL  dbconnection mysql_connect(servername, username, [password])  Always test and handle errors!  Example: $dbconn = mysql_connect(‘localhost’,’root’); if (!$dbconn){ echo ‘Could not connect to db. Exit’; exit; }

Select Database to Use  bool mysql_db_select(dbname, [dbconnection])  Always test and handle errors!  Example: $dbs = mysql_db_select(‘dbmusic’) or die(‘Could not select db’);

Query the Database  qresult mysql_query(query)  Example: $query = “select * from songs where Title like ‘%home%’ ”; $results = mysql_query($query);

Process Results  nbrows = mysql_num_rows(qresult)  row = mysql_fetch_row(qresult)  row = mysql_fetch_array(qresult)  Example: while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($results)){ foreach($row as $column) echo “$column ”; echo “ ”; }

Disconnect from Database  Free query results  mysql_free_result(qresult);  Close connection  mysql_close(connection)

Lab Exercise  Save order data from VP-5 Fund Raiser application into vp5fund database. Display appropriate message in order confirmation screen.  Display all orders from VP-5 Fund Raiser application.  Display all orders from VP-5 Fund Raiser application with shipping address in Maryland.

Save Your Work!  Copy the D:\sokkit\mysql\data\yourdatabase directory to your X drive