Lesson 30: Nephi Receives Great Power
Purpose To teach the children that through the power and authority of the priesthood Jesus Christ guides and blesses his followers and his church.
The Priesthood Is Restored The priesthood is restored, The truth made known to man, That God has spoken to the earth, His pow’r is here again. Words: Joan D. Campbell, b © 1969 IRI Music: Hal K. Campbell, b © 1969 IRI. Arr. © 1989 IRI
Our Opening Prayer today will be by (Enter Name Here)
When you came into class today, did you notice anything unusual about the room? When you came into class today, did you notice anything unusual about the room? Did you notice the Lights are out? Did you notice the Lights are out? When the lights are supplied with electricity, they have the power to light of the room. When the lights are supplied with electricity, they have the power to light of the room.
There are many things in your house that work in a similar manner when they are supplied with electricity. There are many things in your house that work in a similar manner when they are supplied with electricity. Can you name some of them? Can you name some of them?
Let’s talk about a different kind of power. Let’s talk about a different kind of power. I’m going to describe a type of power. I’m going to describe a type of power. If you know the power I’m describing, raise your hand. (Please do not call it out) If you know the power I’m describing, raise your hand. (Please do not call it out) It is the power of God. It is the power of God. Through this power the Lord blesses his children and his church. Through this power the Lord blesses his children and his church. Those who hold this power represent the Lord Jesus Christ. Those who hold this power represent the Lord Jesus Christ. Those who hold this power are appointed to do the things the Savior wants done. Those who hold this power are appointed to do the things the Savior wants done.
What is the name of this power? What is the name of this power? (The priesthood.) (The priesthood.)
Todays lesson is about Nephi receiving the sealing power and protection of the priesthood to do Heavenly father’s work.
Lesson 30: Nephi Receives Great Power
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Nephi walked toward his home, thinking about what the Lord had shown him and about the wickedness of the Nephites. Nephi walked toward his home, thinking about what the Lord had shown him and about the wickedness of the Nephites. He was sad because of their wickedness. He was sad because of their wickedness.
The Lord spoke to Nephi and praised him for being obedient and working so hard to teach the gospel. The Lord spoke to Nephi and praised him for being obedient and working so hard to teach the gospel.
Nephi was given the power to do anything. The Lord knew he would use this power righteously. Nephi was given the power to do anything. The Lord knew he would use this power righteously.
The Lord told Nephi to warn the Nephites that if they did not repent, they would be destroyed. The Lord told Nephi to warn the Nephites that if they did not repent, they would be destroyed. Nephi went immediately to warn the people. Nephi went immediately to warn the people.
The Nephites did not believe Nephi. The Nephites did not believe Nephi. They tried to throw him into prison, but the power of God protected him. They tried to throw him into prison, but the power of God protected him.
Nephi declared the word of God to all the Nephites. Nephi declared the word of God to all the Nephites.
But the people became even more wicked and began fighting each other. But the people became even more wicked and began fighting each other.
Nephi prayed for a famine, hoping that a lack of food would humble the Nephites and help them repent. Nephi prayed for a famine, hoping that a lack of food would humble the Nephites and help them repent.
The famine came. There was no rain, so the ground dried up and crops could not grow. The famine came. There was no rain, so the ground dried up and crops could not grow. The people stopped fighting. The people stopped fighting.
The Nephites were hungry, and many of them died. The Nephites were hungry, and many of them died. Those who lived began to remember the Lord and what Nephi had taught them. Those who lived began to remember the Lord and what Nephi had taught them.
The people repented of their sins and then begged their judges to ask Nephi to end the famine. The people repented of their sins and then begged their judges to ask Nephi to end the famine. The judges went to Nephi. The judges went to Nephi.
When Nephi saw that the people had become humble and had repented, he asked the Lord to end the famine. When Nephi saw that the people had become humble and had repented, he asked the Lord to end the famine.
The Lord answered Nephi’s prayer, and it began to rain. The Lord answered Nephi’s prayer, and it began to rain. Soon the crops were growing again. Soon the crops were growing again. The people glorified God and knew that Nephi was a great prophet. The people glorified God and knew that Nephi was a great prophet.
Most of the Nephites joined the Church. Most of the Nephites joined the Church. They became rich, and their cities grew. They became rich, and their cities grew. There was peace in the land. There was peace in the land.
Then some Nephites who had earlier joined the Lamanites attacked the Nephites. Then some Nephites who had earlier joined the Lamanites attacked the Nephites.
The Nephites tried to defeat their enemies, who had become Gadianton robbers, but could not because they themselves had become wicked again. The Nephites tried to defeat their enemies, who had become Gadianton robbers, but could not because they themselves had become wicked again.
When the Nephites were righteous, the Lord blessed them. When the Nephites were righteous, the Lord blessed them. When they were proud and forgot the Lord, he gave them problems to help them remember him. When they were proud and forgot the Lord, he gave them problems to help them remember him.
Discussion Time
As Nephi went his way toward his own house, what was he doing? (Helaman 10:2–3.) As Nephi went his way toward his own house, what was he doing? (Helaman 10:2–3.)Helaman 10:2–3Helaman 10:2–3 What does it mean to ponder? What does it mean to ponder? (To think about or consider deeply.) (To think about or consider deeply.) What should we ponder or think about? What should we ponder or think about?
Why had Nephi become discouraged as he labored to proclaim the gospel to the Nephites? (Helaman 10:3.) Why had Nephi become discouraged as he labored to proclaim the gospel to the Nephites? (Helaman 10:3.)Helaman 10:3Helaman 10:3
What was there about Nephi that pleased Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ? (Helaman 10:4.) What was there about Nephi that pleased Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ? (Helaman 10:4.)Helaman 10:4Helaman 10:4 How can we please them? How can we please them?
What blessings did Jesus Christ promise Nephi? (Helaman 10:5.) What blessings did Jesus Christ promise Nephi? (Helaman 10:5.)Helaman 10:5Helaman 10:5 What does it mean that Nephi would not pray for anything that was “contrary to [Christ’s] will”? What does it mean that Nephi would not pray for anything that was “contrary to [Christ’s] will”? How can we learn to follow Jesus Christ’s will? How can we learn to follow Jesus Christ’s will?
What was Nephi given power to do? (Helaman 10:6–10.) What was Nephi given power to do? (Helaman 10:6–10.)Helaman 10:6–10Helaman 10:6–10
What is the sealing power Nephi was given? (Helaman 10:7; see also D&C 132:7.) What is the sealing power Nephi was given? (Helaman 10:7; see also D&C 132:7.)Helaman 10:7D&C 132:7Helaman 10:7D&C 132:7 How can this sealing power of the priesthood bless us today? How can this sealing power of the priesthood bless us today? (In the temple our families can be sealed together forever.) (In the temple our families can be sealed together forever.) How does it make you feel to know your family can live together forever? How does it make you feel to know your family can live together forever? (If any of the children have gone to the temple to be sealed, you might ask them to share how they felt when they were sealed to their families.) (If any of the children have gone to the temple to be sealed, you might ask them to share how they felt when they were sealed to their families.)
What did the Lord command Nephi to say to the people? (Helaman 10:11.) What did the Lord command Nephi to say to the people? (Helaman 10:11.)Helaman 10:11Helaman 10:11 How did Nephi show his obedience when the Lord finished speaking to him? (Helaman 10:12.) How did Nephi show his obedience when the Lord finished speaking to him? (Helaman 10:12.)Helaman 10:12Helaman 10:12 In what ways does the Lord speak to us? In what ways does the Lord speak to us? How can we show obedience? How can we show obedience?
Why didn’t Nephi’s revelation of the murder of the chief judge change the lives of the Nephites? (Helaman 10:13.) Why didn’t Nephi’s revelation of the murder of the chief judge change the lives of the Nephites? (Helaman 10:13.)Helaman 10:13Helaman 10:13
How was Nephi protected as he declared the word of God to these people? (Helaman 10:15– 17.) How was Nephi protected as he declared the word of God to these people? (Helaman 10:15– 17.)Helaman 10:15– 17Helaman 10:15– 17 What do you think it means that “the power of God was with” Nephi? What do you think it means that “the power of God was with” Nephi? How can the priesthood bless and protect us today? How can the priesthood bless and protect us today?
What effect did Nephi’s teachings have on these people? (Helaman 10:18.) What effect did Nephi’s teachings have on these people? (Helaman 10:18.)Helaman 10:18Helaman 10:18
How have you and your family been blessed by the power of the priesthood? How have you and your family been blessed by the power of the priesthood?
We have a few descriptions about the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood. We have a few descriptions about the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood. There are two answers that will fit the description. There are two answers that will fit the description. When you think you have the correct answer, raise your hand (please do not yell out) When you think you have the correct answer, raise your hand (please do not yell out)
Deacon Deacon Teacher Teacher Priest Priest Elder Elder Twelve Twelve Fourteen Fourteen Sixteen Sixteen Eighteen Eighteen I have had the Aaronic Priesthood conferred on me. I have had the Aaronic Priesthood conferred on me. I pass the sacrament. I pass the sacrament. I may serve as a messenger for priesthood leaders. I may serve as a messenger for priesthood leaders. I collect fast offerings. I collect fast offerings. I help care for Church buildings and grounds. I help care for Church buildings and grounds. What am I? What am I? How old am I when I can be ordained? How old am I when I can be ordained? (“Deacon,” “Twelve”) (“Deacon,” “Twelve”)
Deacon Deacon Teacher Teacher Priest Priest Elder Elder Twelve Twelve Fourteen Fourteen Sixteen Sixteen Eighteen Eighteen I hold the Aaronic Priesthood. I hold the Aaronic Priesthood. I have all the duties and powers of a deacon, and I prepare the bread and water for the sacrament. I have all the duties and powers of a deacon, and I prepare the bread and water for the sacrament. I may be assigned to be a home teacher. I may be assigned to be a home teacher. What am I? What am I? How old am I when I can be ordained? How old am I when I can be ordained? (“Teacher”,“Fourteen”) (“Teacher”,“Fourteen”)
Deacon Deacon Teacher Teacher Priest Priest Elder Elder Twelve Twelve Fourteen Fourteen Sixteen Sixteen Eighteen Eighteen I hold the Aaronic Priesthood. I hold the Aaronic Priesthood. I have all the duties and powers of a deacon and teacher, and I can administer (bless) the sacrament. I have all the duties and powers of a deacon and teacher, and I can administer (bless) the sacrament. I have the authority to baptize, help with ordinations of other Aaronic Priesthood holders, and take charge of meetings when there are no Melchizedek Priesthood holders present. I have the authority to baptize, help with ordinations of other Aaronic Priesthood holders, and take charge of meetings when there are no Melchizedek Priesthood holders present. I help Church members live the commandments. I help Church members live the commandments. What am I? What am I? How old am I when I can be ordained? How old am I when I can be ordained? (“Priest”, “Sixteen”) (“Priest”, “Sixteen”)
Deacon Deacon Teacher Teacher Priest Priest Elder Elder Twelve Twelve Fourteen Fourteen Sixteen Sixteen Eighteen Eighteen I hold the Melchizedek Priesthood. I hold the Melchizedek Priesthood. I may serve a full-time mission. I may serve a full-time mission. I am called to teach, expound, exhort, baptize, and watch over the Church. I am called to teach, expound, exhort, baptize, and watch over the Church. I may give the gift of the Holy Ghost, conduct meetings, bless little children, administer to the sick, and bless family members. I may give the gift of the Holy Ghost, conduct meetings, bless little children, administer to the sick, and bless family members. What am I? What am I? How old am I when I can be ordained? How old am I when I can be ordained? (“Elder”, “Eighteen”) (“Elder”, “Eighteen”)
Can you name one thing you have learned about the duties of these four priesthood offices. Can you name one thing you have learned about the duties of these four priesthood offices. Deacon Deacon Teacher Teacher Priest Priest Elder Elder
Elder Hugh B. Brown was a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. When Elder Brown was younger, he was an officer in the Canadian army and was sent to England to fight in World War I for the king of England. Elder Hugh B. Brown was a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. When Elder Brown was younger, he was an officer in the Canadian army and was sent to England to fight in World War I for the king of England. Elder Brown liked being an officer for the king, for he had power to do many things for the king. Elder Brown liked being an officer for the king, for he had power to do many things for the king. One morning Elder Brown got a phone call. A soldier who was in the hospital wanted Elder Brown to come and see him. Many soldiers in the hospital had asked Elder Brown to visit them. They knew that as an officer he had power from the king to send them home. As Elder Brown went to the hospital, he thought of the power he had as an officer. He felt pleased that he could speak for the king and decide if soldiers should stay or go home. One morning Elder Brown got a phone call. A soldier who was in the hospital wanted Elder Brown to come and see him. Many soldiers in the hospital had asked Elder Brown to visit them. They knew that as an officer he had power from the king to send them home. As Elder Brown went to the hospital, he thought of the power he had as an officer. He felt pleased that he could speak for the king and decide if soldiers should stay or go home.
When Elder Brown went into the soldier’s room, the soldier did not ask to be sent home. Instead he said, “Brother Brown, will you give me a blessing? I’m afraid I am going to die, and I want you to ask God to let me live.” When Elder Brown went into the soldier’s room, the soldier did not ask to be sent home. Instead he said, “Brother Brown, will you give me a blessing? I’m afraid I am going to die, and I want you to ask God to let me live.” Elder Brown was surprised. The soldier had not sent for him because he was an officer and could do the king’s work. The soldier had sent for him because he had the priesthood and could do Heavenly Father’s work. Elder Brown knew that the power of the king could not save the soldier’s life. It would take the power of Heavenly Father to save the soldier. As he laid his hands on the soldier’s head and gave him a blessing, he felt very humble. Elder Brown was surprised. The soldier had not sent for him because he was an officer and could do the king’s work. The soldier had sent for him because he had the priesthood and could do Heavenly Father’s work. Elder Brown knew that the power of the king could not save the soldier’s life. It would take the power of Heavenly Father to save the soldier. As he laid his hands on the soldier’s head and gave him a blessing, he felt very humble. As Elder Brown left the hospital, he was not thinking about his power as an officer. He was thinking about his priesthood power. He knew that men must have the priesthood to do Heavenly Father’s work on the earth. He was glad he had the priesthood and could do God’s work. (Adapted from Hugh B. Brown, Continuing the Quest, pp. 26–27.) As Elder Brown left the hospital, he was not thinking about his power as an officer. He was thinking about his priesthood power. He knew that men must have the priesthood to do Heavenly Father’s work on the earth. He was glad he had the priesthood and could do God’s work. (Adapted from Hugh B. Brown, Continuing the Quest, pp. 26–27.)
On the following slides there are pictures of priesthood ordinances being performed. On the following slides there are pictures of priesthood ordinances being performed. Can you name the ordiance and the priest hood that the persons hold (Minimum Priesthood because once a deacon, always a deacon) Can you name the ordiance and the priest hood that the persons hold (Minimum Priesthood because once a deacon, always a deacon)
Boy Being Baptized Boy Being Baptized
Girl Being Confirmed Girl Being Confirmed
Passing the Sacrament Passing the Sacrament
Ordination to the Priesthood Ordination to the Priesthood
Administering to the Sick
Blessing the Sacrament Blessing the Sacrament
CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 3 Elders ordain priests and teachers by the laying on of hands. About A.D. 401–421 1 THE manner which the disciples, who were called the a elders of the church, b ordained c priests and teachers— 2 After they had prayed unto the Father in the name of Christ, they a laid their hands upon them, and said: 3 In the name of Jesus Christ I ordain you to be a priest, (or, if he be a a teacher) I ordain you to be a teacher, to preach repentance and b remission of sins through Jesus Christ, by the endurance of faith on his name to the end. Amen. 4 And after this manner did they a ordain priests and teachers, according to the b gifts and callings of God unto men; and they ordained them by the c power of the Holy Ghost, which was in them.
Articles of Faith 5 We believe that a man must be a called of God, by b prophecy, and by the laying on of c hands by those who are in d authority, to e preach the Gospel and administer in the f ordinances thereof. 6 We believe in the same a organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, b prophets, c pastors, d teachers, e evangelists, and so forth.
Our Closing Prayer will be given by Our Closing Prayer will be given by (Enter name here) (Enter name here)
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Helaman 10:2–3 2 And it came to pass that Nephi went his way towards his own house, a pondering upon the things which the Lord had shown unto him. 3 And it came to pass as he was thus pondering— being much cast down because of the wickedness of the people of the Nephites, their secret works of darkness, and their murderings, and their plunderings, and all manner of iniquities—and it came to pass as he was thus pondering in his heart, behold, a a voice came unto him saying: Return
Helaman 10:3 3 And it came to pass as he was thus pondering—being much cast down because of the wickedness of the people of the Nephites, their secret works of darkness, and their murderings, and their plunderings, and all manner of iniquities—and it came to pass as he was thus pondering in his heart, behold, a a voice came unto him saying: Return
Helaman 10:4 4 a Blessed art thou, Nephi, for those things which thou hast done; for I have beheld how thou hast with b unwearyingness declared the word, which I have given unto thee, unto this people. And thou hast not feared them, and hast not sought thine c own life, but hast sought my d will, and to keep my commandments. Return
Helaman 10:5 5 And now, because thou hast done this with such unwearyingness, behold, I will bless thee forever; and I will make thee mighty in word and in deed, in faith and in works; yea, even that a all things shall be b done unto thee according to thy c word, for thou shalt d not ask that which is contrary to my will. Return
Helaman 10:6–10 6 Behold, thou art Nephi, and I am God. Behold, I declare it unto thee in the presence of mine angels, that ye shall have power over this people, and shall smite the earth with a famine, and with pestilence, and destruction, according to the wickedness of this people. 7 Behold, I give unto you a power, that whatsoever ye shall b seal on earth shall be sealed in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven; and thus shall ye have power among this people.
Helaman 10:6–10 8 And thus, if ye shall say unto this temple it shall be rent in twain, it shall be done. 9 And if ye shall say unto this a mountain, Be thou cast down and become smooth, it shall be done. 10 And behold, if ye shall say that God shall smite this people, it shall come to pass. Return
Helaman 10:7 7 Behold, I give unto you a power, that whatsoever ye shall b seal on earth shall be sealed in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven; and thus shall ye have power among this people. Return
D&C 132:7 7 And verily I say unto you, that the a conditions of this law are these: All covenants, contracts, bonds, obligations, b oaths, c vows, performances, connections, associations, or expectations, that are not made and entered into and d sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise, of him who is e anointed, both as well for time and for all eternity, and that too most holy, by f revelation and commandment through the medium of mine anointed, whom I have appointed on the earth to hold this g power (and I have appointed unto my servant Joseph to hold this h power in the last days, and there is never but one on the earth at a time on whom this power and the i keys of this priesthood are conferred), are of no efficacy, virtue, or force in and after the resurrection from the dead; for all contracts that are not made unto this end have an end when men are dead. Return
Helaman 10:11 11 And now behold, I command you, that ye shall go and declare unto this people, that thus saith the Lord God, who is the Almighty: Except ye repent ye shall be smitten, even unto a destruction. Return
Helaman 10:12 12 And behold, now it came to pass that when the Lord had spoken these words unto Nephi, he did stop and did not go unto his own house, but did return unto the multitudes who were scattered about upon the face of the land, and began to declare unto them the word of the Lord which had been spoken unto him, concerning their destruction if they did not repent. Return
Helaman 10:13 13 Now behold, a notwithstanding that great miracle which Nephi had done in telling them concerning the death of the chief judge, they did harden their hearts and did not hearken unto the words of the Lord. Return
Helaman 10:15–17 15 And it came to pass that when Nephi had declared unto them the word, behold, they did still harden their hearts and would not hearken unto his words; therefore they did a revile against him, and did seek to lay their hands upon him that they might cast him into prison. 16 But behold, the power of God was with him, and they could not take him to cast him into prison, for he was taken by the Spirit and a conveyed away out of the midst of them. 17 And it came to pass that thus he did go forth in the Spirit, from multitude to multitude, declaring the word of God, even until he had declared it unto them all, or sent it forth among all the people. Return
Helaman 10:18 18 And it came to pass that they would not hearken unto his words; and there began to be contentions, insomuch that they were divided against themselves and began to slay one another with the sword. Return