Undergraduate Science Journal (USJ) Orientation Meeting 2007-2008 Faculty Advisor: Dr. Tama Hasson Co-editors-in Chief: Neda Asem and Anjali Tapadia
What is USJ? An excellent opportunity for undergraduates to present and publish personal research findings Exposes undergraduates to the intricate UCLA research community Provides a new venue for interaction between faculty and students
How can you contribute to USJ? Writers: submit articles for publication Staff: Managing Editors: Oversee the decisions and follow up on the layout of one major subdivision in the journal. Layout Research Review Interviews Editorial Board: Review submitted articles. Webmaster
What benefits will I get? Interaction with fellow undergraduates passionate about science and research. Learning about the research community at UCLA Knowledge about the scientific writing and publishing processes. A great addition to resumes and applications.
How is USJ structured? Faculty interviews (7-10 articles) USJ articles are categorized into three sections: Faculty interviews (7-10 articles) Review articles (10-12 articles) Research articles (14-16 articles)
Faculty Interviews Interview subjects are UCLA science or medical faculty members Choose from Q&A format or integrated paper Choose an interviewee who has made a significant contribution to research on campus (at times receiving national media attention) i.e. Dr. Jorge Lazareff, Guatemalan conjoined twins Prepare a wide range of questions by reviewing interviewee background and career (teaching style, research interests, articles written, etc.) Tape-record your interview and show up to the scheduled session on time
Review Articles South Campus-oriented student group (e.g. UCLA Ocean Discovery Center, CityLab, Stroke Study) Issues impacting UCLA research arena (i.e. Nanotechnology, Hurricane Katrina, etc. )
Research Articles Original research conducted by you, an undergraduate, and supported by a faculty advisor Article MUST be in scientific paper format— adhere strictly to our submission guidelines (can be found online: www.studentgroups.ucla.edu/usj) Workshop on Submission Guidelines (ALL Writers*) E-mail us, usjUCLA@gmail.com, with questions, comments, and scheduling conflicts Deadline: JAN 7, 2008
Want to publish? October 30, 2007 from 5:00-6:30 pm in Boyer 159 Workshop on Submission Guidelines (ALL Writers) October 30, 2007 from 5:00-6:30 pm in Boyer 159 Submission Guidelines can be found on our website: www.studentgroups.ucla.edu/usj Submission Guidelines must be STRICTLY FOLLOWED (failure to do so will cause everyone trouble and trips back to the office…) E-mail us at usjUCLA@gmail.com with questions, comments, and schedule conflicts
Course Credit Honors Collegium 101B 2 units, P/NP, Honors credit for working on USJ Winter and Spring Quarters InDesign, Photoshop, and Dreamweaver workshops H.C. 101B is NOT mandatory for USJ involvement; however, all staff members are welcome to enroll
Important things to note: Research writers should attend the workshop especially if unclear about research article formats Review and interview article writers can choose from a pool of topics and faculty members Please note: submission deadline is Jan. 7, 2008 USJ cannot guarantee that all research articles submitted will be published
Timeline Now to Jan. 7, 2008: Jan. 7, 2008: Due date for ALL articles Conduct and submit faculty interviews, research and submit review articles, submit research articles Jan. 7, 2008: Due date for ALL articles Jan. 7, 2008 to March 2008: Editorial Board and Review Board, Writers revise article (everything in by Spring Break) End of March 2008 – May 1 2008: Managing Editor layout/design, final revision by faculty and editors May 1, 2008: Send to Print (4-6 Weeks) June release date for Vol. 21
Contact USJ Website: www.studentgroups.ucla.edu/usj E-mail: usjUCLA@gmail.com Instructor &Advisor: Audrey Cramer, Ph.D., acramer@lifesci.ucla.edu Tama Hasson, Ph.D., tama@lifesci.ucla.edu Co-Editors-in-Chief: Neda Asem, neda.asem@gmail.com Anjali Tapadia, atap@ucla.edu
From USJ…to you Thanks for attending this meeting. We look forward to working with you this year.