IS 551 Tuesday, September 5, 2006
Foreshadowing - Management Paper ·External link to ALA position statement on site-based management – be sure to read! ·Submit draft (three or four paragraphs) of your philosophy for comments on Black board by Sept. 25 ·Comment on two classmates by Sept. 25 ·Actual Paper due to me by Oct. 17
Foreshadowing – Reflection on Elementary school visit ·Post reflection on Black Board by Sept. 25 ·Comment on one other classmate’s experience by Sept. 25 ·Reflections should be only a few paragraphs focusing on what you learned, feel compelled to share, or will make a part of “who you are” as a librarian ·Question brainstorming - tonight
Classroom Management/Discipline ·NEA web site on classroom management · ource=google&paidkeyword=classroom+managementhttp:// ource=google&paidkeyword=classroom+management ·Learning only takes place when students are on task and doing their work, producing the results a teachers wants. Ineffective teachers discipline their classroom with consequences and punishments, whereas effective teachers manage their classrooms with procedures and routines.
Classroom Management continued ·Education World (sponsored by Walden Univ) Professional Development · htmlhttp:// html ·ESL/ELL; boys as learners; procedures for well run classrooms; safety; and much more
Information Power ·Our role includes ·Learning and teaching ·Information access ·Program Administration Student learning is at the center of what we do!
The Information Literate student ·Recognizes the need for information ·Formulates questions based on information needs ·Identifies a variety of potential sources ·Develops and uses strategies for locating information ·Determines the accuracy, relevance, and comprehensiveness of found information
·Distinguishes among fact, point of view, and opinion ·Identifies inaccurate or misleading information ·Selects information appropriate to the problem or question at hand ·Organizes information for practical application
·Integrates new information into previous knowledge ·Applies information in critical thinking and problem solving ·Produces and communicates information and ideas in appropriate formats OH MY!!! We have to get them to do all that!!
Collaboration ·We are not alone – and neither are the classroom teachers ·It takes time, listening (sometimes “spying”), motivation, and trust ·Know the curriculum – do your own research ·Common purpose – student learning ·Loertscher’s 7 levels of involvement in curriculum instruction (Donham, p. 105) ·Action Strategies (Donham, p. 116)
See also 3 levels of involvement in Helping Teachers Teach : a School Library Media Specialist's Role By Turner, Philip Information Literacy: a Review of the Research By David Loertscher “The entire framework of information literacy is connected to the constructivist notion of learning theory.” ·Revisit Donham, p Information processing is a constructive task
Promote the Library ·Bang your drum!! ·Make sure the principal knows when great things are happening – , photos in mailbox, invite him/her to observe ·Woolls chapter 10 ·101 ways to be Proactive ·Tell others about successful projects – take pictures and post on bulletin boards or Web ·“Now is not the time to hide!”
Sharing time ·Positive collaborative experiences ·Popcorn ·Fried Worms
Scheduling ·We will revisit scheduling issues in October ·Donham ch. 7 is primarily background for your elementary library visit ·Scheduling is a MAJOR issue in elementary schools!
Brainstorm Elementary questions ·Break out groups ·Appoint a scribe ·Save your whiteboard ·Consider: budget, discipline, scheduling, staff, philosophy, leadership role, demographics of school, collection development plan, collaborative teaching…where is her/his heart?
·Final version of questions will be ed on Wed ·No class Sept.12 – field visits ·No synchronous meeting Sept. 19 – black board discussion ·Questions?