MySQL Databases & PHP Integration Using PHP to write data to, and retrieve data from, a MySQL database
Interacting with Databases We used XML pages statically to act as databases Relational Database: Think of an Excel document where each worksheet is a table within the document (database) A table is rows / columns while a database is records / fields Data is stored in database, not RAM as with XML
MySQL Command Line Login: mysql –u username –p (prompt for password) SHOW DATABASES, CREATE, ALTER, DROP, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE Must use commands (in all caps) and semicolons (;) at the end to execute strings
phpMyAdmin Web-based database management system written in PHP Used to manipulate any database item, view items, perform queries, etc… Table Creation: Field Name, Type (usually VARCHAR), Length Values, Collation, Attributes, Null, Default, Extra Login using your username (flastname) and password (password)
Databases and PHP PHP function: “mysqli_connect” / “mysqli_close” Test our connection to our database using PHP MySQL Client Version: “, mysqli_get_client_info(), “ ”; echo “ MySQL Connection: “, mysqli_get_host_info($dbconnect), “ ”; echo “ MySQL Protocol Version: “, mysqli_get_proto_info($dbconnect), “ ”; echo “ MySQL Server Version: “, mysqli_get_server_info($dbconnect), “ ”; mysqli_close($dbconnect); ?>
sample1.html & sample1.php sample1.html – grabs user input in an HTML form and holds it in memory sample1.php – connects to a MySQL database for the insertion of the data to the table Spring2011/Lecture5/ View sample1.html and sample1.php’s code View phpMyAdmin to see the customer database – sample1 table records
dbexample1.html & dbexample1.php dbexample1.html – provides a username/password field for logging into the database dbexample1.php– connects to a MySQL database for the selection and viewing of table data in an organized table Spring2011/Lecture5/ View dbexample1.html and dbexample1.php’s code View phpMyAdmin to see the customer database – sample1 table records
order.html & order.php order.html gathers data and sends it to order.php for verification Nothing is written to the database…data is just reprinted on the screen Spring2011/Lecture5/orders/
orderdb.html & orderdb.php orderdb.html gathers data and sends it to orderdb.php for verification orderdb.php inputs that data into a database for storage using fields corresponding to the form variables Spring2011/Lecture5/orders/
orderdboutput.html & orderdboutput.php orderdboutput.html provides a login form for a user to log in and view the contents of the database table orderdboutput.php grabs the entered username/password, checks it against the databse, then displays the table records in an organized HTML table Spring2011/Lecture5/orders/