Hamlet – ACT 3 1.R&G: 1st report to Claudius about Hamlet (crazy+play) 2.Claudius + Polonius: spy on Hamlet + Ophelia 3.Polonius gives Ophelia to read the Bible (irony: he did not do it himself) (symbol: purity, honesty, religion) 4.Hamlet: ‘to be or not to be' (commiting suicide); it is better to live 5.Ophelia + Hamlet: returns letters (shock for Hamlet) + Hamlet understands she is not honest (just like her father) and she is manipulated by him 6.Hamlet tries to confuse Ophelia (giving her mixed messages) – his intention: make her think, reflect, ask herself questions, clarify things, listen with her heart (example: I did not love you;) 7.Men lie. Believe none of us. Secret messages: I love you, but it is over for us (…go to church) 8.He hears a noise: confirmation that Ophelia is part of Polonius’ plan (he becomes angry and dissapointed)
9. Marry a stupid man. – meaning: I know what kind of woman you are (superficial, weak, pretty but not honest) 10. Ophelia does not understand Hamlet (she believes Polonius and does not try to listen to what Hamlet tells her) 11. Claudius does not believe Hamlet is crazy (rejected love). He suspects that Hamlet is hiding ‘a dangerous secret’ in his heart, and that he protects it very well from all spies (Ophelia, R&G, Polonius) 12. Claudius plans to send Hamlet to England – maybe he will return ‘a happy man’ (therapy) (???) 13. Polonius has a plan: Gertrude should speak to Hamlet (he will spy on them) and discover his secret (note: nobody asked him to do it). 14. The play (The Mousetrap): Horatio will watch Claudius and confirm to Hamlet his reaction (witness) 15. I am eating the promise-filled air (I try to swallow your lies).
16. During the play: Hamlet accuses Gertrude directly of being disloyal to his father (look at my mother, she is happy; lady how do you like the play? – wedding promises) 17. Claudius’ reaction: angry, pale, shaking + he needs light (fainting) = he is guilty 18. Polonius stops the play 19. R&G: playing pipes – as easy as lying; message: you do not know anything and I will not let you discover my secret. 20. Hamlet: while the grass grows, the hungry horse dies (Hamlet will die before becoming king) 21. Hamlet ready to kill Claudius – but he prays (Hamlet does not do it because he wants Claudius to go to hell, not to heaven)
22. Claudius: secret letter to the king of England (to kill Hamlet). R&G will go with Hamlet 23. Discussion with Gertrude:message: Mom, I am ashamed of you; 24. Hamlet kills Polonius (mistake: he thinks it is Claudius behind the curtains), but he is not sorry for that (accident) 25. Hamlet tells Gertrude the truth about Claudius: murderer (compare necklaces); she is innocent about the murder 26. Ghost comes – dressed in normal clothes (Hamlet will punish Claudius) 27. Gertrude cannot see the ghost – she believes Hamlet is mad 28. Hamlet tells Gertrude he is not mad (3rd time in the story) 29. Advice to his mom: change, so I can be proud of you (be religious, do the right thing)